Rob and Kristen - The Long Line of Mystery Blondes...

More R/K - less E/B
I wasn't going to comment on this, but fuck it! I have reached the point where; as the media loves watching the social networks for the insane drama and stupidity to write up their next BS story...get a load of common sense in your pipes and smoke it.

You know there is a special kind of stupid, don't you?
The kind that loves to invent drama, spew drama, feed drama to their little drama sheep and post drama all over the fucking place!
It amazes me there is anyone left in the twilight/Rob and Kristen fandom with any brain cells left, because the daily dose of crap i see - zaps mine.
The crazy people have taken over with the bile spill of 'the mystery blond out with Robert Pattinson at the weekend is...'

Who gives a flying shit and why, oh why, is she always bloody blonde?
Doesn't Rob like any other female hair colour? Oh that's right, any other colour except brown with auburn highlights. Leggy model-esque figure and not small and petite, with legs that run for miles on that impressive package.
In the 4 yrs of this ever-increasing crazy fandom - Rob has had a string of mystery blondes; all super mysterious, all super secret, all super blonde and all super stupid, to let him go home, snuggle up and kiss, hold hands and look lovingly into the eyes of Kristen Stewart.

I guess all the 'blonde jokes' are right?
Rob has an obsession with women with blonde hair it seems, or so says his too crazy to lock up fans, who constantly bombard 'certain' celeb/entertainment blogs and sites with their innate drivel of '100% certain' theories. More like certified if you ask me.

This fandom makes me laugh hysterically, while others around me get annoyed and angry, at the pathetic attempts of the sheep, who believe every single thing that gets posted or printed - as fact. It seems when joining the fandom of Twilight, some where asked to leave common sense at the front door and go and play with sharp objects.
Rob and Kristen are never, ever getting back together!!
Yeah, keep telling yourselves that, as you once more make up an imaginary date with Rob and his latest delusional squeeze, who just so happens to be Tom Sturridge's other half - OH wait, if Kristen can do it...
Or maybe it's Sienna's sister Savannah that you have your sights set on - you know 'keeping it in the family' and all that.
In a week or so's time, it will be back to ever faithful, ever secret, ever patient Jessica - hmm?

*Shits and giggles*
The more i see the craziness, the more i am prone to bouts of insane maniacal laughing, which at times can be worrying for my patients. Especially when i am in my office behind a closed door...reading twitter on my blackberry (a habit i have to break :/)
The crap that people post up, fill my empty void during the day with amusement. I never knew how inventive people could be, when time-lining one person's life.
If you are going to invent drama, at least make is believable. If you are going to invent an imaginary friend for Rob, try a different hair colour at the very least. The craziness i see doesn't bother me, it humours me in the most profound way. People announces Rob and Kristen are 'officially back together' (media and their several weeks too late PR scam) and all hell breaks loose; haters are scampering around like bugs that have just been hit with a shot of Raid.
They are making shit up quicker than they can get rid of it and why?

Scared as fuck!

You see when it was put about that Rob and Kristen had um 'split up' god knows where they got that half-cocked theory from - oh yeah, the stupid drama llamas and their super secret insider knowledge, of made up stories from the media (Gasp, Shock, Horror!!!)

NOW it seems the whispers and mumblings from either team, have put it about that 'oh yeah, they're talking, seen out together bowling and having dinner, hands in pockets at SoHo and hotel bars = haters losing their shit!!
Yup and it gets funnier or sad, depending on what side you are on, because the meek minded, worrying and panicking kind, follow the smell of shit around and actually believe it. They send messages out to the masses with 'Is this true, this can't be true right? Rob loves Kristen, doesn't he right, right?'
This never gets old...
Do yourselves a favour;
Turn off your computer/laptop
Open the blinds and let the light in
Take a shower, no seriously TAKE one!
Open the front door and inhale the fresh air
GET out and have a life!

The only people that are constantly causing this drama, are those that spend their entire day living in Rob and Kristen's life (and boy is it crowded in there!)
They sit behind computer screens and cyber-bully; spread hate and lies. Have US Weekly, Star and OK in speed dial, with another long winded story of Rob and .............. or Kristen seen with ................

Blondes, blondes, the whole world is full of blondes. All models, all to die for, all long legged and empty headed (if you excuse the time they paired Rob up with one of his sisters. Or the time they had him out with a more mature woman aka Stephanie Ritz - his agent!)
He has become Richard Gere's character in 'American Gigolo' - broken hearts are left lying on the floor, because he keeps going back to THAT GIRL!
When something is this right, it's worth fighting for. Mistakes are made and are forgiven, when the person is truthfully sorry. Invent as many mysterious blondes as you want - all are incredibly entertaining, but that right there ^ is what Rob has in his life. You can choose to believe 'official announcements' from some sections of the media, then become insecure ninnies; worrying and panicking, because you are 'not' sure. Or believe in the gutter trash that has Rob dating a different woman every night - either way, you just end up looking stupid.

Choose the simplest course of action - don't feed the drama animals.
(Heading off to dye my hair blonde, hey if you can't beat or invent the drama - join it!)
*insert sarcasm*

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