Rob and Kristen - She Treads Softly Upon His Heart...

I love this photo; not only is Kristen gorgeous in red; looking down at the ground pensively, as a million flashing lights hit her from the bank of photographers in Cannes, for the Cosmopolis screening. But just lurking in the background, kind of watching over her is Tom Sturridge - childhood friend of Robert.
I love the simplicity of what this implies - friends who care, friends who don't judge. Friends who remain forever friends, even when you do dumb things. Because a true friend is there - warts and all. Takes the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly of you.

Many have witnessed the media and what it does to some people's brains. The very fact that they peddle this stupid story until it becomes ridiculously funny. No longer shock value, for it has lost all value in the weeks that have passed. It is now just seen as embarrassing - dragging gossip out until it just becomes something to snicker at. Oh i know, some still cling to this idea, that Rob is single and has finally freed himself from the clutches of the wicked witch Kristen. He has seen the light; seen her for what she is, her mask has been taken off and the blind fold removed from his eyes.
They forget so easily that this is not their relationship they are picking apart and analysing to death. It's not their lives they are summing up and categorising as a 'oh well what is done is done, now let's move on!' Those still clinging desperately are doing so, because they believe they have the right to criticise and condemn a man, for taking back what is his. Yes that's right - Kristen is HIS.

"She is amazing, ambitious ready to grasp life. She has an attitude she doesn't kiss people's asses, she is respected. I would die for Kristen. Yesterday i was watching her movie and felt so proud." He mentions he has been writing something so that they can work together again. Something very different."It will be difficult and it will have to be far ahead in the future because many people will not like it. But i do not care. I want her. She is mine".

Powerful words don't you think? 
Some have said, 'Oh that interview was done in Cannes, after what she did to him, he no longer feels that way about her!' Really, and you know this because?
Ah yes the ever loving skeptics and assumption makers. Those that have so much time on their hands, that they resort to story making and then passing it off as fact. When all it really is, is made up fan fiction that is then sold to some stupid can't be arsed gossip site and passed on as 'sourced' information.
I still love this photo...
Drama is the one thing this fandom is good at, making it up and passing it around. No day passes without someone throwing their hands in the air and running screaming into the night 'oh my god, i can't take this anymore!' Half of the time you are left wondering 'what the fuck has happened now?' I have sat back since July when 'the incident that shall not be named' or TITSNBN, which looks actually worse when shortened LOL took place and saw a jaw dropping division amongst those, who one time professed to be long time fans of Rob and Kristen.
Suddenly it was Team Rob V'S Team Kristen - you are not a fan of Rob's if you actually support what Kristen did. You are not a fan of Kristen's if you support Rob's silence in all of this!

I am on Team Who Gives A Fuck!
I don't give a shit about what the gossip sites have to say - they know absolutely nothing. I don't give a rats ass about what Rob's so called fans have to say - some of them need sanctioned under the Mental Health Act and trust me, i say this not as a joke, but as fact! I don't care what so called 'celebrity analysts' have to say either in the state of their union - when they put the word 'celebrity' in front of their title they're as good as attention seeking as the rest of them.

But it is two people's lives that i care about. 'Care' as in about their well-being. 'Care' as in how they are dealing with all this crap and 'care' as in how they are supposed to handle things, when a witch hunt is out for Kristen and mamma bear 'obsessive fans' want to smother Rob with their 'we will take care of you Rob' attitude, which actually borders on obsessive stalking. Sites have dissolved while others have just become more obsessive and it's the obsessive ones that really should be watched - carefully. 
This man does not need you to throw a pity party for him. He doesn't need fans who 'only want what's best for him.' He doesn't need your sympathy or empathy for what he has or has not gone through. He certainly does not need you making decisions for him and then threaten to leave his fan base, if he 'doesn't kick that bitch to the kerb'
What he needs and what he wants is none of your business and if you feel insulted by that - good, because a fan does not get the right to choose what he wants to do in his life.

Let me make this very clear to you; i make no bones in my distaste of obsessive or Robsessive fans. Those blogs/sites/message boards, that literally objectify Rob as some kind of sex toy. Watch his movies only to pause and capture on screen - images of his body, so that they can drool over them and discuss amongst like minded sex-starved idiots, how much they would like to f...k him. That to me is not being a respectful fan, that is just being an incredibly immature, frighteningly dangerous stalker, with the belief that 'no one, especially Kristen Stewart, is allowed anywhere near him - except you!'
And you wonder why he has so much security surrounding him, especially Kristen?
In the four years i have been in this fandom; i have watched this young woman grow and make mistakes. I have watched her pushed onto a pedestal she never wanted to be on in the first place. I have seen fans emulate her style and fashion and at times, copy her just so they can get closer to her, or possibly closer to Rob - who knows? I have seen how vulnerable she can be, how insecure she really is about the wealth of media coverage there is surrounding her life. I have seen her struggle at times when it has become too much for her, but always, always at her side has been one person. She gathers strength from that person and it shows when 'they' are not around, just how much she needs that strength. Too many assume she is a very strong, very tough and very knowledgeable person, who has seen so much in her young career. But very few stop to think about her age and just like any other 22 year old out there, she is emotionally stunted at times and can become frightened about her security being pulled out from under her feet. Of people trying to take over or take away what is hers to keep.

You see; take away the glamour and take away the image. Take away the title and take off all the make up and Kristen is just a girl - well woman now, but a very young woman. She loves, she laughs, she cries, she gets hurt and she has moods. She trusts sometimes too easily and she often sees the best in people, even when there is the worst. This is the person Rob Pattinson fell in love with; not the image, not the name or the wealth of acting ability.
He fell in love with the girl who stole his heart, the innocence mixed with eyes wide open maturity. A person who could hold her own amongst those much older than she, but could be just as vulnerable and shy when they turn the attention back on her. He found a person who was going through the madness that took over his life at the same time, watched through her eyes how she tried to handle it. Took strength from her support and genuine compassion for what he was personally going through.

And therein lies the answer.
You can form as many opinions as you like. Hate Kristen or love her, it doesn't matter. Kristen has made her peace, she is starting over and she is learning.
She knows who she loves and she is showing that in every way possible.
She treads softly upon his heart, because that's where she has always been.

When you find the kind of love that hurts to be apart from - that's the love you hold on tight to and never let go. It will be challenged and it will be tested, but that's a love that is never easy - why? Because a love that is easy, is not love at all.

When a love is worth fighting for, you fight with every breath in your body. Kristen has been a part of Rob's life and Rob has been a part of hers.
They are still together why?
Truth is truth.

Get used to it, understand it and learn to live with it.

Tempest xx

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