Rob and Kristen - 'Wishin and Hopin'

Loving the busy distraction in my life right now. It's wonderful when you can step away from all the clap-trap that goes on in the fandom of Rob and Kristen and just...chill...relax and take stock of life.

Pity some other people don't do the same. You know the ones that obsessively need to have drama in their lives. They live of it, feed it and nurture it and if all else fails, they go looking for it usually in someone else's life.
The media keep spinning their stupid attempts at comprehensive and accurate reporting, while sites such as Gossip Cop have become the new Awful Truth from E! with their constant need to drag this so called 'scandal' on and on and fucking on!
Okay i can't actually blame the site, but it does seem to have brought over from the dark side, the excessive haters and hyenas who are gathering around their hand made effigies of the one woman in the world they love to hate.
We have had Rob attending charity events with rumours and whispers suggesting that 'Kristen was there' but under the radar. We have had sightings and source confidences suggesting that Rob and Kristen have been seeing 'more and more of each other' no longer fighting over who will get Bear and who will water their house plants!

The media are enjoying their spin while it lasts. No longer is there the need to assume they are fighting and splitting their assets into two piles; Rob giving Kristen ultimatums - its me or Sanders! No contest there then ;-) or it's marriage or else, tattoo or no tattoo (considering Kristen is frightened of needles by her own admission) i think that was one crazy rumour too much.
The hidden agenda's of some of the world's media has always been questionable. It seems quite a few are 'getting off' on the misery and suffering of others. I have seen some eyebrow raising headlines, made up speculation and 'sourced' information, which basically all boils down to the same thing - nothing. Entertainment news has just become laughable, no one knows a thing about what is going on between Rob and Kristen, other than the little crumbs their 'reps' have been feeding them. So they resort to make their reputable job titles a farce - if you can't get the story - invent it.

We are getting increasing worry from the haters, as they shuffle around their dark and dank caves; 'what if it's true, what if they are together, then what?' I know, let's email People, Life & Style, Star, US Weekly - anyone who will post up a rumour without backing it up with a little bit of confirmation and hey presto - every week we are getting more and more shit, crazy assed rumours and absolutely lunatic theories, as to what is happening.
Really, are we that stupid?
If you are going to believe every word printed and every gossip segment spoken, then clearly your head is so full of this crap - you can't separate fact from fiction and trust me, there is a lot of fiction floating around right now!

One week it's this and the next week it's that, the 'reconciliation and reuniting' theory is being peddled at the moment, with some entertainment sites being cautiously optimistic. Whereas others would rather go down that darn PR route, of course. If in doubt play the PR card, because that's all it comes down to in the end doesn't it - Rob and Kristen are doing all of this, have been doing all of this for PR?
If that be the case, then they are doing it bloody wrong!

IF by some strange misfortune you have been living under a rock the last 4 yrs, there is nothing PR about Rob and Kristen. They have never needed to play the PR game when it comes to their very 'discreet' relationship. They don't need to step out at the most exclusive venues or shop at the most prestigious of places. They don't need to have the stalkerazzi on speed dial every time they go out the door. And just because one of them goes to a dinner or a opening on their own, it DOES NOT mean there is trouble! Teenagers and overly dramatic cougars need to stop writing for the entertainment blogs, because really your stories are just a teeny bit over the top. As soon as Rob is seen out on his own or Kristen is seen out on her own (although clearly she is doing far better at hiding herself since July than Liberty 'i don't like the attention on my life right now' Ross) all hell breaks loose and fans run around frantically hitting all the panic alarms.
'When will we see them together, if they have reconciled then why don't they go out and be seen together?'
Well it's like this, why?

Why do they have to go out and be hounded by the very people they are trying to avoid pissing up their lives? Those persistent roaches and speculative tabloids, that stuck their noses in where it was never needed and then decided to make a 'spectacle' of Kristen - a warning to all 'A' list actresses 'Big Brother is watching you!' So make sure you don't go off and meet a man other than the one you have never actually admitted in so many words, but have made it pretty 'obvious' in actions - you are with. Only to put yourself in a position where he kisses you and it then gets misconstrued as an affair, a cheating scandal! When you clearly were having neither, but had the balls to own up to your mistake and plead for forgiveness.

You want to put them through all that again?
For me, the absence of seeing them hounded, is a pleasant form of silence. It means they are getting on with their lives behind closed doors, with friends and family and not having to subject either to a barrage of bullshit shouted at them by the roaches, all clearly looking for that 'money shot' that will get them paid highly. Yes there is currently a bounty on their heads right now for the first one to have the 'back together' shot - the 'post cheating scandal step out!'
Good luck with that one. Rob and Kristen are fully aware of their enemies and thanks to the backlash of craziness that has followed since July, Rob is fully are of the Kristen's haters (the lovely group of women with the piƱata in NYC) and the obviously dedicated soul who gave him a piece of paper and made him angry 'kudos to you my friend, you just made it also onto the enemy black list'

Some people will never learn...others just like to think they are winning, when they are not. Make up stories at your will, choose to send in your long fictional tales of fighting and fallouts, but clearly the winners are not those that have nothing better to do with their time, but the friends who are remaining closer than before as they build up a sturdier wall of protection around their 'mates.'
Two of Kristen's friends pose with a self-made tee-shirt that read 'Sup Haters?' Clearly a message had to be sent out loud and clear. Sam Bradley who is one of Rob's closest friends is in LA right now and obviously hanging with him, began following one of the girls as they followed him, apparently on instagram and they all lived happily ever after LOL.

The truth is rarely as 'dramatic' as some would like you to believe.
Truth is always truth.
While gossip fakes throw around the theory of how long Rob and Kristen have been reconciled or whether they split up in the first place - good luck with that one, i confidently stand on the side and watch with much amusement.
No matter what has happened and what has been said, Rob and Kristen have and will ALWAYS end up together.

A couple of weeks ago i was watching one of my fav feel good chick flick movies - My Best Friends Wedding and i was thinking to myself; this is the kind of feel good story line that Rob and Kristen could do, a little bit of romance and comedy thrown into the mix. Not to mention Dermot Mulroney is not too bad on the eye if you get my meaning?

Little did i know that just a week later, who should be mentioned jamming with Rob at a 'private location' Dermot - it's a small world after all. Not only is he pleasing on the eye, but he also has a lovely deep singing voice and of course he starred alongside Kristen in the movie Undertow, so yeah it's a small world indeed.

So i leave you intrepid followers of my blog with the song from the opening credits of this fine movie - Wishin and Hopin.
We are all wishing and hoping for good things to come - and come they shall.
This one's for you Kristen <3

Wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin',
Planning and dreamin' each night of his charms.
That won't get you into his arms

So if you're looking for love you can share
All you gotta to is hold him, and kiss him, and love him,
And show him that you care.

Show him that you care, just for him.
Do the things that he likes to do.
Wear your hair just for him, 'cause,
You won't get him, thinkin' and a prayin',
Wishin' and hopin'.

'Cause wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin',
Planning and dreamin' his kisses will start.
That won't get you into his heart!

So if you're thinking how great true love is
All you gotta to is hold him, and kiss him, and squeeze him, and love him.
Yeah, just do it!
And after you do, you will be his.

You gotta show him that you care just for him.
Do the things that he likes to do.
Wear your hair just for him, 'cause,
You won't get him, thinkin' and a prayin',
Wishin' and a hopin'.

'Cause wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin',
Planning and dreamin' his kisses will start.
That won't get you into his heart!

So if you're thinking how great true love is!

All you gotta to is hold him, and kiss him, and squeeze him, and love him.
Yeah, just do it!
And after you do, you will be his.

You will be his.
You always have been ;-)
Tempest x

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