Rob and Kristen - Wear Your Love With Pride...

You know you have been waiting for me to comment on this...go on, go on you know you have...
There are so many righteous ones out there right now feeling this...
I dislike intensely papped photographs, so i am not going to indulge the photogs by posting up their photos of Kristen today as she arrived and left LAX airport, heading for TIFF in Toronto. Instead i will simply put this up.
lovely isn't it?
Made by a few wonderful people on twitter and posted up almost everywhere...Kristen proudly wearing an item of clothing belonging to Rob.
The haters as per usual, as expected, where on high alert and already trolling in disgust and i might add, the majority of them where in fact Rob-fanatics. Yes Kristen has her very own right wing militant supporters, but they have relatively been quiet over the past 6 wks. With the odd blurb or two when he went to NYC and of course a bit of a bitch-fest when it was announced that Kristen's parents where getting a divorce, while Rob *rolls eyes* partied in London...

I cannot tell you how good it was to see Kristen looking thin but otherwise okay, as she stood in line at the check in; glasses hiding those gorgeous eyes of hers, her head lowered a little as the speculation and intrigue surrounded her at the airport. The bit i have a problem with is the persistent need to debunk everything and speculate about anything. The nosiest of them all, seems to be those quick to dismiss the article of clothing she is wearing as Kristen; 'desperately clinging onto anything relating to Rob'
Why is this such a problem, why do people obsess so much in a relationship that isn't theirs?
This young woman seems to be the itch that needs scratched, the scab that will not heal. The fly in every haters soup, the mosquito that bites at night. People don't want to acknowledge her existence, yet they feed their fears and appease their hate, by bitching and whining about her constantly.

She's wearing her ring, (clinging)
she's wearing her necklace, (desperate)
she's wearing her bracelet, (holding out)
she wearing Rob's tee-shirt! (PR, PR, PR)

And the media is not much better. A tweet from E! News; suggested that Kristen was walking through LAX wearing one of Rob's 'old' tee-shirts. Why is that so annoying to one particular media outlet. Would they have shit bigger bricks if she had worn one of the more recent ones he's been seen out and about with? Does Rob have to do a PR wardrobe selection every time he needs to go out. Decide which will look good in the trash-toids the next day?

I find it hilarious that so many feel it necessary to look at the downside of this. So what, she left the house - bound for Toronto wearing a shirt Rob wore last year and it's considered an old one? Like he only wears items of clothing once now, instead of recycling like he has always done? The desperation of so many is why this fandom is so fucked up and twisted. Am I the only one looking at the positive in this?
Kristen, beautiful Kristen has gone through enough. She has done her time and paid her price because of it. She has bowed out of projects in order to sort out her personal life (which importantly included her boyfriend)
Loving this old photograph of them in a photo-shoot from 2008
Now it's time for her to get back out there, show her face and do what she does best - act and promote her acting. No matter what you say about Kristen (and boy do some of you like expressing your nasty, hateful opinions) Kristen is an incredibly gifted young woman 'the best actress of her generation' as Rob has often put in interviews. Your comments are irrelevant, when she can step out there and show exactly who she belongs to. You might consider yourself important enough, to slam her for dressing in an article of clothing that is only going to fuel speculation - good her plan worked then didn't it?
Slip on items of jewellery that everyone seems to know who they have come from - you will find she rarely if ever takes those items off. They are after all, keep sakes; treasured items of sentimental value.

You may even consider yourself an expert when it comes to knowing everything that goes on inside Kristen or Rob's head - aka delusional, but that does not give you the right to stick your nose in where it's not wanted.
If anything, seeing Kristen today, reaffirmed and reconnected Rob and Kristen fans together with...hope.
And it's hope that keeps everyone wanting good things to come, and come they shall.
Hope is what build this fandom up, right from the very beginning; the ideology that two people found each other and fell hopelessly in love. Hope is what carried this fandom through some pretty tough times, during the early part of Twilight and into New Moon; with speculation, lies and assumptions from those greedy for attention. Hope is what led so many to stick with a winning side, when the haters of Kristen became voracious for attention; nonstens and hyenas seemed to find solace in ripping into Kristen every way they could and painting Rob as a cheating man-whore.

And Hope has lead many out of these dark times; when the world decided to attack Kristen for a mistake, that was far more lenient than some of the scandals celebrities have got away with (trust me on that one!)
When you love someone, you wear your love with pride. Your smile lights up your face, your body exudes security and serenity. You take to wearing articles of clothing; symbolisation that you are thinking about them all the time. You keep them close to your heart...always.

Rob has to attend the VMAS tomorrow night; haters see this as a good thing, he never wanted to be there if Kristen was going to attend (fucking eye roll)
He is going to be there with some members of the twilight cast, to roll out a 90 second sneak peak of Breaking Dawn - part 2. A movie franchise he is very proud of, a franchise that has helped him forge a successful movie career and one in which he met the woman, who has been an integral part of his life for over 4 yrs. As long as he can go on and introduce the clip without too much hassle and media intrusion, it will be okay.

Wearing your love with pride is what these two young people do...
and they have done this, right from the very beginning...
Tempest xx
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