Rob and Kristen - Love Is...

When i stumbled across this fandom; it was a quirky fun loving place to be. Everyone read the books and loved them and everyone wanted to see the books turned into a movie. Everyone loved the girl cast as the forever hopeful and compassionate teenager - Bella Swan, but where a bit apprehensive when it came to the actor cast as the immortally trapped teenage vampire - Edward Cullen (it's amazing what a shave, a box of hair dye and gold contact lenses can do for the fandom to do a complete 360?)

Several years later and this fandom is not the fandom it used to be, it's worse. Gone are the happy go lucky fun loving fans and in it's place, we have the twi-hard fanatics; those brought up on drama and assumptions. Then we have the fair weathered souls; those who are in the 'sometimes' brigade - only there when there is a bit of drama and excitement, but leave when the going gets tough. But then there are the Rob and Kristen militia; they are the extreme fanatics, who drum up the worst of the drama. One side is the dark side, the other, the bitchy and twitchy side. They would like you to believe they are the greatest supporters; defenders of the faith, when really they are the loudest, most obnoxious and the most hateful. If they are not slamming Rob, they are defending Kristen and if they are not bitching about Kristen, they are taking apart Rob.
I came into this fandom and watched as two people fell in love. Yes they fell in love on the big screen and that was wonderful, but i saw a genuine appreciation, admiration and deep love developing between the two young, talented actors, that still in my opinion, lasts still to this day.
Oh we have this ongoing debate which is driving me to drink; the entire trash-toids speculation of what did or did not happen and one girl's fall to ruin...

Illicit affair?
Ongoing hook-up?
cheating speculation?

You name it and the afternoon's camera watching by ONE man, sitting at the side of the road - equates to all of the above. Every media outlet has put a spin on it. Every available piece of cyberspace has talked about it, every angle of every person in this fandom, have put their opinion on it. YET no one knows exactly what went on...funny that? This so called 'scandal' has torn this already decidedly quaky fandom apart. Those that have hated; the militia side still do so - they've just got louder than before. Those fair-weathered fans; are still flapping about, fleeting from one side to the other. Then there is the twi-hard fanatics; still fanatical and still as frenzied. As they try and defy logic and understanding, grabbing up every available medium and running with it.

STOP, for heaven's sake JUST STOP!!

Take a deep breath...
There are two human beings in the centre of all of this - remember that!
Two people whose lives have been greatly affected not only by a ravenous fandom, but the media's persistent need to stick their noses in where it's not concerned.
Two people who are in control of their destiny and not by the naysayers, frequent flyers and mama bears. Never mind the all in black, kill or be killed militia.

People want to make something out of nothing; they want to be made feel they are important and are part of all of this, when what they really are - is the problem. And the problem with this fandom is that they can't leave something alone and while they are talking about it; the media stay on it's tail until the bitter end. This all needs to stop, because it has become a tireless form of bullying and victimisation.

This cycle of one against the other has gone on far enough. Media outlets are looking to find answers they will never get. Even going so far as to putting it to fellow actors in sympathetic form, does nothing but create more tension. Why on earth do they believe a veteran and well liked British actor like Ray Winstone, will give them a sound-bite, i will never know? All it does is add more frenzied need to this game and that's what it's become now, a game. A game to the media and a game to the haters, who keep this running.
When i see photographs of Rob and Kristen; i see two people who literally 'fought against everything' to be together. Conventional problems wanted them to stay out of the 'happily ever after' of Edward and Bella. But love is not like that. Love happens whether you choose to fight it or not. In Kristen's case, she tried to fight it and lost. Not so much as lost, but gained not only a friend but a lover too. Do you think that can be snuffed out like a light. Why because the demonstration from above, the media's list of what did or did not happen?

It's like beating a dead horse, the need for the next fix, the don't look at the last page, because you will spoil the rest of the book - it has become a laughing stock now. Where is the real life behind the 'nerdy bloggers' computers? Where is the 'heart is the home' where people actually step away from this fandom and get on with their lives?

Everyone wants to know what is going on in Rob's life; is he okay, is he eating alright, does he get any sleep, where is he staying now that he supposedly has put his house up for sale? GET A LIFE!
Everyone wants to know what is going on in Kristen's life; is she okay, is she sleeping, is she on any kind of medication, where is she living now her parents are getting a divorce? GIVE IT UP ALREADY!
Count with me - 2 people in 1 relationship.
Their love, their relationship, their problems have nothing, zilch, nada, zero, nowt to do with anyone else, except them. THIS has been the problem all along; everyone wants a piece of the action. It's like the movie 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' the family all wanted a piece of the action. All wanted to be involved, all wanted their say in the matter and the two people in the centre of it all, just wanted to be together. Because it was their life, their love and their happiness.

Please for the love of all things holy, take a step back!
Rob is not a child to be mothered - he is a 26 yr old man. And as a man; he can make up his own mind, his own decisions and his own destiny, without the help of his frenzied, worried, motherly fandom. He fell in love with Kristen 'without your help' he is happy in the knowledge that he did the right thing. No matter what spin and put up about the events of July - YOU KNOW NOTHING! And if you are going to believe the tabloid spin - more fool you!
I know you care about the young actor, but enough as i said, is enough!

IF you want to be respectful to Rob, then stop bitching and slamming Kristen. Because trust me, that is not being respectful at all!
IF you want to be respectful to Kristen, then stop slamming and feeling sorry for Rob. Because trust me, that is not being respectful at all!
Kristen Stewart has gone through enough bullying from the fans and haters of Rob Pattinson. She did wrong, she got herself into a compromising position and what? I always like to say in situations such as this 'if the shoe was on the other foot?'
Indeed, would everyone be so quick to jump, but that's not the point. The point and what it stands for.
I don't care for those still dragging this out, a month from when it happened. For gods sake move the hell along. I bet any money Rob and Kristen have. Oh, but that's not the point is it - YOU simply have to get YOUR point across!

Love is about, over coming all obstacles. It's about compromise, it's about hard work and effort and it's about two people working things out, their way and no one else's. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, their advice and their support. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter what your opinion and what your advice and what your support means to them - they will work things out - their way.
I know they love each other, that kind of love never dies. When the truth is revealed and the pain has been stripped bare, all you are left with is the human in the centre of it all. When you take away the labels, take away the fame, take away the noise of the outside, you are left with the person who you met at the very beginning; young, enthusiastic, giving, caring and looking for love. The answer to the wonders of the universe - love is...

Leave them be. Get on with your life, love the person you are with and leave Rob and Kristen to do what they need to do.
I am certain they are together - why? Because i am eternally optimistic, guided by forgiveness and not looking for any adulation.

It is, what it is.
Tempest x
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