Rob and Kristen - Change The Fate's Design...

"Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
what once was mine."
I love the simplicity of these two photographs; two very young actors embarking on such a surreal journey together, i guess a lot of people forgot about that?

I guess a lot have forgotten how bizarre a situation that started all of this; an over enthusiastic fandom exploding from a handful of books, about an eternally youthful young man falling madly in love with a mortal girl. How despite all obstacles that stood in their way, they fought to be together no matter what. How a studio searched to find the 'perfect' male to act alongside their already picked 'perfect' female. How despite not knowing anything about each other, the male and female decided that the only way they could make this movie work, this storyline convincing enough, was if they truly believed...they were in love.
This frenzied fandom; their own worst enemy. Try as you might to see through the countless opinions and general nosiness, that has been born from the interest into two people's lives. How so many sit around and judge other people's relationships, based on what they know or what they would make you think they know. Those that see the young man as a saint and the young girl as a vestal virgin. That neither can ever do anything wrong or to hell with the consequences, for this fandom will come down hard on them, like a ton of bricks.

You think i am joking, well take a look around you. Everyone has an opinion, everyone wants a piece of the action, everyone is willing to spill top class secrets from a friend of a friend, who used to work for a cousin who was very close to Rob and Kristen. The two names forever linked with this mixed up crazy fandom.
I have watched and read people's reactions to what happened 'over a month ago' and still the complete and utter 'opinionated' ones are running around dropping life sized chunks of 'i am entitled to my...' no actually you are not. Fates design is not there for you to give your 'for what it's worth' this is not your life. You are meant to only be a fan, now move the hell along. If you no longer like Kristen, then why the hell is she always in your thoughts? Always you feel the need to 'put your views across' when clearly her presence in Rob's life actually means far more to you than you try to get people to believe.

I laugh at so many who want it to be known 'i am only looking out for Rob!' Why, are you his mother? Does Rob know he has thousands of mothers out there, willing to smother him with their motherly ways? I bet if he did, he would turn and run the other direction. Get the hell away from those crazy, persistent would be hens; sitting around clucking all day long 'i knew she was no good for him' GET OVER YOURSELVES!

If you think for one minute your misplaced 'caring' is going to do you any good, think again. You will be fooled into thinking a relationship, that was forged in the early days; two people who stuck together through thick and thin. Against studio bosses, against fandom disgust, against ulterior motives and childhood designs, is going to simply give up that easily, because hate has filled the empty spaces in between, and a bunch of brainless women think that they have the majority rule on what happens next...
There is this girl who right now, has gone through a personal nightmare that no one would wish upon anyone. She didn't commit a crime, she did not have an affair, she did not have SEX - she allowed a man to kiss her; a much older man, a married man, but oh no - flog her for her sins. She has now a pending divorce of her parents who, have been separated for over 2 years, but that's not the point. The point is ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
Healing has to begin...
My daughter loves this movie; we saw a sneak peek of it a couple of years back when we went to Disneyland Paris. She got the whole fairy tale element of it, well she was only 7 at the time. It's funny that upon seeing it, she remarked how Flynn Rider looked a bit like Robert Pattinson; all furry brow and dashing...a bit like Edward i suppose?
But then again, my daughter believes in 'happy ever after' She believes that when two people fall in love they stay together, because Disney says so.

I hope she finds her Prince when she grows older. A Prince, as in someone who will love her for being who she is and will never want to try and changed her into being something she is not. But then again, all mothers want that of their daughters don't they? They don't ever want them to be put through a public persecution; slammed daily by the media, hounded relentlessly by the paparazzi. Called the most disgusting of names, howled and chanted at about their sex life. Have girls write the most degrading of things about their daughter, because she is dating someone they want.

NO mother would want that for their daughter - they would only want them to be happy, be one with themselves. Find a nice young man and fall in love.
I believe in changing fate's design...

I believe the healing has begun; the two people in the centre of all this do not owe anyone a thing. They don't owe the fans an explanation, they don't owe the fans a reason to do what they do and they don't owe the fans an apology - it's their life and that is how it should have always been.
I believe they are or will take back what once was theirs; the media, the paparazzi, the fans...don't exist in their lives. It is not up to those who have been following Rob and Kristen since Twilight, to stick their noses in where they do not belong.
The media spin the crap for attention and half brained hyenas buy it all up. Soak it all in like sponges and then spit it all out again. That's not being a fan, that's just being an idiot.

If you care at all for Rob and Kristen, then you will leave them alone. Stop buying into the media's perversive need to sell their story; their half-cocked lies and assumptions. They don't know a thing because NO ONE is talking. It doesn't matter how many 'sources' claim this or claim that - a source is just another name for someone who is fictional, as in made up. Every medium is chomping at the bit to get an 'exclusive' and right now, they will sell anything to make it look as if they have something worth reporting when they don't. But hey, the twilight fans will eat up anything they print. Do you like looking like a fool?
If i know anything, then i know that two people came to work together on a movie and they believed in the power of falling in love. They believed in their individual strength to make this fantasy real, to prove that they could tell this story; about a girl and a boy falling deeply in love - and make it sell.

Because they fell in love. They didn't care about the money, they didn't care about the fame, they cared about the acting and they cared about each other. The media made it into something it wasn't, the fans made it into a craziness they had to endure. The haters made it into a vendetta to get the girl removed. The girl had to put up with a lot of crap, the boy had to try and dodge the crap.

If you take away the craziness, take away the hate, take away the need to make it into something that it isn't...

What are you left with?
Yeah, that's what i thought.
What would Rob and Kristen live for?
Tempest x
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