Rob and Kristen - 'Put Your Arms Around Me'

Remember this?
Freedom of expression - what does that really mean?
The right to be able to express how you feel, the political right to communicate one's opinions. The act of seeking and receiving information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

Ahuh, does that also cover slander, defamation of character?
You see in this merry old game of Gossip v's Truth - slander seems to slip on in there every single time.
The atrocities of man and those who have broken every conceivable law known to man, woman still holds the media and haters at ransom.
Don't believe me? Look at every gossip site, blog and tab-trash and right there along with the usual mundane mix of 'who, what and where' Kristen's name is still be dragged kicking and screaming through the mire.

Notice the photo from above, yeah kind of nice isn't it? Of course some are looking at it as past tense; it happened several months ago, therefore nothing but a happy memory...

I don't see it that way, and i am not delusional and clinging onto the vestiges of yester-year. I see a woman and i see a man. 
I see a very proud and emotional woman and i see a very secure and hopeful man.
I don't see the beginnings of a scandalous affair to happen a month or so later. I don't see a shocked and bewildered man trying to find out what went wrong...
people need to remember that.
Remember when this happened?
It all started in 2008; when a young actor and actress met on the set of a movie called Twilight. Back then the sexual tension between them crackled and sizzled and everyone was affected. They played the whole 'friends game' but that was short lived, why? Because the male wanted so much more. His interviews rang very loud and clear - 'this girl was the only thing he needed in his life'
Despite the split fandom of 'no they are not' against 'oh yes they are' these two people did what they wanted to do. They didn't side with the media and they didn't side with the fans or haters - they sided with each other. Two against the world.

A couple of years down the line and things haven't really improved, have they? The hate and arguments still ringing loud and clear. The nasty little bloggers with their spewing hate, see it as a global need to put their 'freedom of expression' to the test. Followed closely by the media's poor excuse of journalists; who would like you to believe they have the finger on the pulse of all that is happening. Providing you don't expire before they can get a comment from you? And when they do get any kind of comment, they look at it and dismiss it for a more 'colourful' statement. Or better still, just invent the whole thing, who is going to ask them to verify it anyway?
So many have forgotten the kind of obstacles this young couple overcame to be together; the vitriol of so many who did not want them to fall in love; 'keep it strictly to the characters, thank you very much!'
The opinions of so many, who believed they had the right to 'express their opinion' the very same people who today, would like you to think they were right all along...
Oh i know the snobbery of so many is shocking to say the least.

Gossip feeds the frenzy,
the frenzy feeds the gossip.
The gossip makes everyone crazy.

Kristen and Rob need neither of this. 
If his comments while he was in NYC for Cosmopolis tell you anything, it's that 'gossip makes you stupid' Rob is fully aware of the media shark infested waters and their hunger for Kristen's blood. He is fully aware they will put a spin on anything and are still doing it now. 

'Poor dejected Rob on the rebound and looking for anyone to have dinner with him' - Katy Perry, Shannon Woodward...anyone?

Followed closely behind the various tweets in various locations and then confirmed by gossip sites, who literally don't know 'jack-shit'. Don't you know he's the brother of 'bull-Shit' and cousin to 'no-shit?'
One thing that is plain as the nose on everyone's face, is that the two people in the centre of all this media speculation...are saying nothing. No drama, no storming off, no fighting and no crying. People are 'assuming' they are NOT talking, but read my bit about the hierarchy called 'jack-shit. 
Gossip sites are full of speculation, full of assumption and full of double standards, 'let's check my source and get back to you on that one?'
So many want them to go their separate ways and for what exactly?

*rumours, rumours, rumours*

Kristen and her scandalous fall from grace...
Let's get one thing straight, my little blogger followers,
define 'that' handful of photos as an affair and i will send you my next pay check. Prove to me that this was an ongoing tryst between two 'lovers' emphasis on 'lovers'. Yep, that's how confident i am!

Too many want to drag this out as much as they can; drag Rob's and Kristen's name through so much mud slinging and name calling...time to pick the toys up and move onto another game shall we?
If you are going to make assumptions on the status quo of a couple's relationship - make sure you check all your facts first. Expressing your opinion is not the same as quoting fact. And if you are going to quote a comment from a 'gossip' site, emphasis on the 'gossip' then you are no better off than the "nerdy little bloggers who sit behind their computers all day" posting hate and crap (that's Rob's words, not mine)

From 2008; Rob has been 'very protective' of the young girl in his life. Even when they were not dating, he was 'protective' of her and i don't personally see that changing and it hasn't - judging by his 'opinions and suggestions' while he sat in front of the worlds press in New York.
You believe he should hate her, banish her from his life and for what exactly? Oh that's right, that is your opinion as in Freedom of speech/expression and you are entitled to it. Yep, well so is Rob and he ain't speaking so what makes you think other people are?

*sources, sources, sources*

i.e in other words; comments and assumptions, speculation and hearsay, but not actual 'concrete proof'
So the lesson is very simple...a mindless meaning of sappiness from me to you.

There was this man a very hopeful young man - who fell in love with a girl who was the brightest, strongest and most compassionate person he had ever met in his life. She fell in love with him too, despite all the warnings, all the signals that suggested otherwise. She put up with those that adored him from afar; the fandom of jealous women who wanted her away from him. She sacrificed her heart and believed in happy endings...and still believes in that to this day. 

She got swept up in something one day; someone who believed he was a potential suitor, a wolf in sheep's clothing, who wanted her to bestow her love on him - a Jacob, for he believed he could give her what the young man couldn't. She pleaded her part, her mistake in this mess and begged forgiveness from the young man...for she loved him and him only.
She was always so proud of him, always felt so cherished by him, always respected him and she believes she let him down.

She loves him...
Forgiveness is a strength, hate is a weakness.

When you love someone;
you don't just walk away when the going gets tough. 
You don't just give up when things go wrong.
You don't throw the towel in, when problems become too much.
You straighten your shoulders, wipe away the pain spilled.
Decide whether it's worth fighting for,
and charge headlong into it, because a love like that is worth it.

Song choice; Texas - Put Your Arms Around Me

So put your arms around me,
you let me believe, that you were someone else.
'Cause only time can take you,
so let me believe, that i am someone else.
Tempest x

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