Rob and Kristen - 'There's the Girl'

Okay i am going to make a comment before i begin my post...
It seems i ruffled a few feathers amongst some people, because of my opinion regarding Kristen and the whole 'SandersGate' debate. The whole 'everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as it is both respectful and not nasty of hateful.'
If you differ from my opinion then i can't fault you, after all you may think Kristen is some scandalous person who should never be trusted and poor Rob if/when he takes her back!

But it's of a higher acceptance that everyone makes mistakes and i am never going to judge a person based on matter how severe or dreadful they may be - we learn from them and we move on. Let's hope that those who have that 'guilty until proven innocent' opinion, never have a daughter who fails them, or fail for allowing themselves to be 'put in a compromising position' and expect people to forgive their 'mistakes.'

Now onto my post about Rob and Kristen...
There are two types of fans of Robert Pattinson. Those who knew of the actor prior to going to Los Angeles and auditioning for a role that changed his life...and those who only know him from doing so, grabbing as much information about the actor from online blogs and fan sites.

There are those who remember him as a very young and shy actor; starting out on this journey of discovering himself and those who simply see him as a good looking person. Drool over his jawline, slim waist, broad shoulders and always looks good in a suit - in other words those who objectify him as some wet dream and pin-up 'stud muffin.'
You see, this photograph is how i remember him at the Goblet of Fire premiere in London; November 6th 2005 - a very wet day i might add, when you bring two young boys to a premiere. The actors both young and old, stepped out onto the sodden carpet to greet the anxious fans waiting for hours in the rain to see their book heroes. Rob was no exception, as he stood in his claret coloured velvet jacket and black leather trousers  - OY!

Young and impressionable; it was a pretty wild place to find yourself, considering his minor roles to that date, had done absolutely nothing to get him recognition in the UK - and that included 'GOF' director Mike Newell's previous interest in the movie 'Vanity Fair' in which Rob's character got cut out in the final edit. Feeling slightly bad for that atrocious act; Mike decided to audition Rob for the role of Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain and handsome boy-Wizard - Cedric Diggory.
Another Harry Potter movie down, where he appeared briefly in it and then really nothing to speak of.
Oh, he made a few 'indie's' but that still didn't satisfy the young actor, to the point he was considering packing it all in to concentrate on his music...almost that is.

There was this movie he watched; another independent directed by actor Sean Penn, a very moving piece of work called 'Into The Wild'
A story that follows the life of one young man; through the wilderness as he takes stock on all that had previous gone wrong before, both emotionally and physically. On his journey, he stumbles across a community of travellers and it's here where he meets a young, free spirited girl called Tracy.
This movie has a 'certain' kind of special meaning to Rob. It was the movie he spoke about quite prolifically, during most of his interviews for Twilight back in 2008. He spoke of watching the movie and then getting a call from his agent about an audition for a teen book saga called Twilight - the need to find a young male actor to be the 'perfect' Edward Cullen. He was told back then, that a young actress by the name of Kristen Stewart had just signed on for the main female lead - Bella Swan.

Interesting don't you think?
What is a young actor to do? After all, his career had hit a lull and he wasn't getting many auditions back in the UK; which was leaving him pretty jaded about his career choice. He could possibly follow in his sisters footsteps and go into the music industry if he wanted? Instead, his interest in the young actress led him to make a choice; hop on a red eye and crash on his agent's couch for the audition, which was to literally, seal his fate.
Despite the 'original' horror of this young 'Brit' pup being cast as the forever handsome and perfect Edward Cullen; the countless petitions to get rid of the hobo who Summit had announced would play the 'perfect vampire' one person stood amongst all the noise and spoke up.

One young voice made it loud, proud and clear - "It has to be Rob."

Not many want to believe that, or indeed remember it, for that matter. They would rather forget this girl's existence. But the shocking reality is very simple; If Kristen Stewart hadn't gone to Catherine Hardwicke originally (not withstanding Rob's email to the director of the first movie) and told her it had to be Rob, after countless auditions with other male lead potentials - Robert Pattinson, would not be the household name he is today. He would not be adorning people's walls; have fans collecting all his movies - re-released when they did nothing the first time around. Paying extortionate amounts of money for his merchandise, his premières and countless guest appearances - just to catch a glimpse of this 'handsome man'

Despite how some people view this 'situation' - Kristen did so much for this young actor to believe in who he is today. His talents would have been long forgotten and instead in it's place, a possible music career would have been born from all of this. But you see, it's the reality i am talking about here. It's about a young man's dream to act. It's about seeing a young actress in a movie and wanting to work with her so badly. It's about admitting to having a crush on the very actress; who at the time, was with someone else.
But Rob sat back and waited...and waited, until the time was right.
You may not agree with my musings, but i have nothing to gain by lying to you. I don't objectify Robert Pattinson; as handsome as he is, that is not my reason for supporting him or his work. I still see that young 19 year old in him from the Goblet of Fire premiere. I still see the shy and awkward young actor; bewildered and bemused at his first 'Red Carpet' experience back in 2005.
But over the years, i have seen a young man grow with confidence and also fall in love.

I never sat back and ignored the obvious signs, dismissed it and make jokes about it. Filled my blog and tumblr full of hate, for the girl he fell in love with. I never once spoke ill of the girl, or decide to tolerate her, because Rob wanted to be with her. Then as soon as she makes one mistake - tie her to a stake and burn her alive with my hate.

Robert Pattinson would not be the actor he is today, if Twilight had not happened. If Kristen Stewart had not picked him out of a sea of other worthy actors. He would not have gathered the confidence needed to then put his acting to the test and audition for other movie roles - had he not had the strength and support behind him to do so. You may argue Rob did this on his own; that he is that good an actor to do it all by himself and i am not questioning your beliefs. But i tend to listen to the actor when he speaks and read his words in his interviews, to get Robert's point of view, not the point of view from his fans.
Every female adores him, but they adore the image. None of them know the real person underneath it all, but they want to. They only know the surface; that little bit he gives away. But the real person; the real man underneath it all, has only been known one young woman.
You may want him to get a clean break; find someone willing to love him for the person he is - but that's just objectifying him once more as this 'perfect' person - this 'perfect' Edward. Those that see through rose coloured spectacles and believe 'he needs someone who will really love him for who he really is'

None of you know the real story, yet you judge his life, based on your own beliefs. That and reading gossip sites that know absolutely nothing either.

I support Rob and his decisions and his decisions might end up frightening so many.
I know deep down what a man looks like when he is in love; when he feels secure, when he feels happy and content. When you have that kind of love in your own life, you see it in others and Robert Pattinson has been in love with not only his career, but his personal life for quite some time.
And i still see that today...
He didn't look heartbroken or despondent in NYC, despite what some crazy fans of Rob and haters of Kristen, might have led you to think? He didn't seem nervous or twitchy when Kristen's name was mentioned. He didn't look unhappy or bewildered like he did back in 2008; when he waited patiently for Kristen to make up her mind...the eyes of the world where on him and everyone wanted to talk about the 'elephant in the room' what fucking elephant - was Tai/Rosie there?

Anxious of the media's attention; oh yes, he made it perfectly clear what he thought of the world's press. Those entertainment sites that ripped his personal life and the personal life of Kristen apart. Those 'sympathetic' gossip blogs who made mince meat out of something that is subject to interpretation - oh and EVERYONE has an interpretation of it, don't they? 
So anxious to have Rob on the rebound; having dinner with anyone but Kristen and that includes mistaken one of his own team as being a 'mystery' blonde. Too much of his fandom is tainted by hate and jealousy - victorious in their beliefs that his girlfriend should be cast out - removed from Rob completely...

Ain't Gonna Happen.
No matter what the brainless gossip hacks of Hollywood believe, spread and gain hits from some of his fans as gospel, the only people who know the truth, the real truth...are not speaking.
Love this bitch face when being asked about his personal life...
You see for me, it's fairly simple and it always has been.
You don't walk away from a relationship when there is 'something' left to save. You don't just get up and leave when the going gets tough. You stand and fight, until there is no fight in you left.

Fans need to understand this; need to accept this and need to leave this alone. I gave you my views and support on Kristen yesterday and today it's Rob's turn. I have faith that he will/has made the right decision, for himself and not for others. It is his life and when his fans move on and find someone else to adulate and adore - he will still have his life and his choices.

Kristen was the one who had faith in him; she was the one who supported him, she was the one who helped him. She was the one who fell in love with him
AND is still in love with him today.
You might not see it this way, but that doesn't matter, because no ones opinion in this fandom matters but theirs.
Rob knows there is a girl out there that made a mistake. He knows she hurt him pretty bad, but she also hurt herself. Rob knows there is a girl who is in love with him and still loves him very much. Rob knows that if she could go back a month, she would right the wrong she did. But she can't and that is something she has to live with for the rest of her life.

Rob knows this girl better than anyone else.
His silence is not because he doesn't want to talk about it, it's because it's no one business and that includes his fans.

Song choice; There's the girl by female rock legends - Heart.

"There's the girl you after,
feel your heart beating faster.
There's the girl you were after,
all this time you can't get past her.
There's the girl you were after,
broken glass, complete disaster.
There's the girl you were after,
can you say that you don't want her anymore?"
There's the go and get her!

Tempest x

*Please note; Mike Newell, director of Goblet of Fire met Rob when he was making the movie Vanity Fair. After the cutting of his role in Vanity Fair; Mike Newell sent for Rob to audition for one of the support cast of Goblet of Fire - see BTS of GOF DVD. After Rob auditioned, Mike saw in the young 17 yr old the perfect part as handsome Quidditch Captain of the Hufflepuff team - Cedric Diggory - ergo Robert Pattinson joined the cast of Goblet of Fire in late 2003. if you are going to pick holes in my post, do so with the knowledge you know more about Mr. Pattinson than i do...*
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