Rob and Kristen - 'Wide Awake'

This is a gorgeous photo of Kristen; watching...waiting...

We have had a month of anger and hurt. A month that was hell on earth for some fans; those who decided to make this their problem, instead of thinking about the two people in the centre of it all - Rob and Kristen.

I think it's high time people just stepped away and got on with their lives; no more drama, no more delusional arguments - fact is fact.
I support Kristen Stewart AND Robert Pattinson, despite what some people think in this crazy fandom. Supporting Rob and hating Kristen doesn't show you are a better fan, it just shows you are a hateful idiot and very shallow.

I have watched in the weeks that have passed, the disagreements and hate, but enough is enough. If Rob hasn't shown you anything from his appearance in NYC for 'Cosmopolis' and closely guarded answers about his 'private life', then those still too blinded by hate will never learn. No matter what you think or how you judge a person, it doesn't matter to him.
All that matters is what is going on in his life and the fans that follow him don't enter into that part of his existence, they don't matter.
Fan's should understand that and respect that. It doesn't matter what you think or your personal point of view. The only thing that matters in Rob's life, is that it's kept away from the media, away from the press. Away from the bat shit crazy ones and away from any hurt that can affect it.
To me the only thing i can see now is a healing process. Fans got to see Rob dressed to impress in New York and now it's time to be respectful and leave him alone. And that includes Kristen.

She has gone through enough; destroyed and hounded by the media and the haters - who have been the loudest. It's time for peace.
Remember one very important factor; they were friends first, and a friendship like that is very hard to walk away from. This is not some teenage romance filled with jealousy and hurt. This is the real world, where grown ups exist and when the dust settles, you are left with the fallout of a great war.
I want people to remember that...
No matter how you feel or your opinion in all of this - your opinion, your judgement is not wanted or needed. We should be respectful of everyone, hurt has been dealt and healing has begun.
Apologies where said...
I adore this young woman for her tenacity and strength. For being herself and admitting to her mistakes. For taking the fall when no one else would. You may find it difficult to understand my support, but then again, you possibly believe you could never do any wrong or ever make a mistake. That's the bitterest pill i have had to swallow, that so many believe they are without guilt.

So here it is, my support post for Kristen Stewart. My need to stand up amongst women of the same compassion. 
It's not you who Kristen apologised to. It's not you who she embarrassed or hurt. It's not you who she said she loved, or you who she felt she had jeopardised a relationship with...
It was Rob.

Therefore Kristen doesn't owe any of those who shouted and yelled, screamed  and cried as loud as they could - anything.
She has been hurt enough and now it's time for her to come out of the darkness that has kept her away from everything. Her decisions to take a step back from her career, was her decisions and she answers to no one but herself. 

Balenciaga did not drop her.
Her family did not drop her.
Her friends did not drop her.
Her's none of your damn business, 
but if i was a betting person, i would hope i did not bet on an unhappy outcome? 
It's so easy to think the worst when your own life is so full of unhappiness.
But i have always leaned towards the idea that two people, who build their relationship on a strong foundation of friendship - can survive anything. 
Love is never easy, love is fucking hard and it's a constant working progress.

I leave my support post with a song that sums up everything i am feeling right now, from both Rob and Kristen's friend, Katy Perry.
A song that essentially speaks of the personal darkness that engulfed her. Only to then decide to pick herself up and start again. If you listen to the words and read the lyrics - for me this song fits Kristen perfectly.

Wide Awake

I'm wide awake,
Yeah, i was in the dark
I was falling hard
with an open heart.
I'm wide awake,
how did i read the stars so wrong?
I'm wide awake,
and now it's clear to me
that everything you see
ain't always what it seems
I'm wide awake,
yeah, i was dreaming for so long.

pre chorus
I wish i knew then,
what i know now.
I wouldn't dive in
wouldn't bow down.
Gravity hurts
you made it so sweet,
Til' i woke up
on, on the concrete.

Falling from cloud 9,
crashing from the high.
I'm letting go tonight,
yeah, I'm falling from cloud 9.

I'm wide awake,
not losing any sleep
I picked up every piece
and landed on my feet.
I'm wide awake,
need nothing to complete myself, no.

I'm wide awake,
yeah, I am born again
out of the lion's den
I don't have to pretend
and it's too late,
the story's over now, the end.

pre chorus...

I'm falling from cloud 9 (it was out of the blue)
I'm crashing from the high.
You know I'm letting go tonight (yeah, I'm letting you go)
I'm falling from cloud 9.

(I'm wide awake)
thunder rumbling
house all crumbling
(I'm wide awake)
I am trying to hold on.
(I'm wide awake)
God knows that I've tried
seeing the bright side
(I'm wide awake)
I'm not blind anymore. 

I'm wide awake...

yeah, I'm falling from cloud 9 (yeah it was out of the blue)
crashing from the high.
(Ya' know) I'm letting go tonight (yeah I'm letting you go)
I'm falling from cloud 9.

Interesting choice of words, with a very powerful meaning.
As far as in am concerned, the person we will see re-emerging from all of this, will not be the Kristen of the past, she is gone. What we will see is someone much stronger - a learned lesson has happened and just as Katy Perry describes in this song, Kristen is now wide awake.
This is for you Kristen;
Get up, dust yourself down. Wipe away those tears away, no more crying.
Lift your head, look to the sky and take a deep breath.
Raise your arms above your head and spin, spin, spin again.
Unlock the child inside you, learn to laugh again.
Reach your hand out and hold on, hold on for all your might.
It will be okay, you will learn from all of this. 
Love is inside you, with that you will find all the answers.
No more darkness, no more pain. 

Tempest x

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