Rob and Kristen - All The Worlds A Stage...

I saw this on a forum and just had to 'borrow' it and put it up here...

I have to stop myself from laughing out loud sometimes. It gets a bit worrying when you are sitting in your office as in your 'work place' when you suddenly start laughing and snorting for no reason *get my drift?*

But honestly the level of bat shit crazy nonsense you read around this 'frenzied' fandom, makes you wonder are there any sane people out there at all?

There is conspiracy, some people really need to get a life!
There are people talking behind backs and being bitchy, some people really need to find hobbies or interests instead of sitting in the computer talking shit!
There are those who know a friend of a friend who knows a cousin, who is 4 times removed, really and you believe they know anyone other than the teddy bears at the bottom of their beds and the shadow puppets on their walls?
In this crazy mixed up world; people believe they know everyone, and those that know nothing at all, want you to believe they are the 'real'
You see, i am the common sense fairy (yes, yesterday i was the therapy bear, different day, different hat - try to keep up!!) i tend to look for the simple rather than the extraordinary or the ludicrous and trust me right now, everyone is looking for that angle - gossip rags, so called insiders, hacks, haters and delusional-know-it-alls!

Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame as if their life depended on it. They love the feeling of power, the supreme tendency of 'look what i know, don't you wish you were me?'
Ah, actually no, i live in Sanes-ville - away up the hill from Loony-ville and 'never the twain shall meet!'

The fandom is full of gossip and speculation, god i wish it was like the early days, were no one knew anything and just relied on 'common sense' to guide them through the days as they looked at the pretty and smiled at the interviews and press junkets. They didn't care of who was dating who and who was 'together, together' they just kept the happy ever after, locked inside their heads.
Kristen and Rob are like an addiction; a scratch you just can't get rid off. The more you scratch the more it itches...and so on. Everyone wants to give you advice on which ointment you should use to relieve the itch, but none of them work.

Haters and gossip sites are the useless ointment you use to relieve the itch and it only makes it worse. Those that have this obsessive need to be famous, because if you know Rob or Kristen, everyone will become your friend and you become the popular kid in school.
Rob's 'status' is speculation for everyone; you just can't put a label on this situation.
You either believe those who think they have broken up, or members of the 'family' who are insisting they are...
You either buy into the whole angle the tabs and rags are feeding you or just simply believe in two people who can work out their differences, in private.
You either respect them in this fandom, or want to pull them apart by insisting on calling Kristen names and Rob a saint.
Either way this is not your life, you are the audience and all the worlds a stage. A stage on which the players are the actors and each have a story to perform.

The media spin the story and you have the choice to either believe it or take it for what it is - gossip with a huge grain or truck load of salt.
I get this comment, i really do. It sums up a lot of Kristen haters right now. Those so victorious in their condemnation, those that hate her for something she has already apologised for and is now trying to get on with her life, after the wake of such a public and media backlash (i would hate to have any of her so called fans in my corner when i need them!)
They rallied around Rob to protect him from what exactly, i don't know? But what sickened me and i mean, really sickened me was the amount of pathetic reasoning behind such a turnaround. I have already posted my views on women of a certain 'substance' those too quick to judge, too quick to point the finger and too quick to walk away. Those that were really Rob Pattinson fans to begin with and only tolerated Kristen because she was with him...
Bet you really think this is your year don't you?

What happens when they appear again together, what will you be thinking then?
Are you so certain they won't, are you absolutely sure that Rob will just walk away from a relationship; a young woman who has been in his life since...2008?
There is one thing i have learned as a someone who works in Therapy and that is the human mind and heart are two wonderful things. Yes both are functioning organs and one can't live without the other working, but it's the act of forgiveness that often sets us apart from the rest and we should really learn to live by that code. While fans turn into haters and haters turn into...well they just become more cynical and hardened to anything in life really, the young 22 yr old who seems to have destroyed practically everyone as if she took a gun and pointed it to their heads, has paid a high price for one lousy slip up. Not a nice description i might add, but that is exactly how i viewed and still do this 'situation'
It is no longer a 'mistake' it's been broadcast and analysed to death and sorry but i am finding it now incredibly tedious and boring.


Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson do not need nagging nannies in their lives; those hypocritical know-it-alls, who believe they have the right to dictate what they can or should do. Not your lives so go and find some other playground to play in and mind you don't trip over your baggage of hate on the way out. They don't need the sympathetic hug brigade; those who believe a hug around the world will solve every problem, or failing that 'world hunger' they get enough of 'how are you?' comments without this fandom going all sensitive on them. I witnessed enough of that crap last week, while Rob was in NYC promoting Cosmopolis; a movie coincidently Kristen is very proud he did.

The sooner some people realise that those who are bragging that they know things, are only bragging because they have a captive audience and that audience will then tell the world everything they say. Hence spread they hate and feed the masses who will listen with a bended ear - Chinese Whispers anyone?
Then you have the absolute crack-pot loonies; those that are so far up the delusional river, they can't even remember if they packed a paddle or not. They have told that many lies, made up that many stories that they actually believe every single word they say - but hey, at least they are committed!

The only people who know the REAL story behind Rob and Kristen are...Rob and Kristen. Not friends (who don't and haven't bragged) not family (those that don't have an axe to grind that is) and certainly not insider tips and twists of plots, that belong in a script for a movie or a really bad piece of fan fiction.
Gut instinct, common sense and a good nose for smelling out bullshit from as far as - Down Under, works every single time.

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