Tempest - The Therapy Bear...

I had a really strange weekend; the kind of weekend that you stop yourself every now and again, think back, shake your head and choke back a shocked but bemused half snort, then carry on again.

I had my daughter's 9th birthday party, which being the first one in Oz - needed some preparation. But that was the craziness in between that really sent the weekend over the edge. See my little friend here; let's call her Tempest the Therapy Bear. Now Tempest can get a bit tetchy at times, even a bit grumpy and moody. But she is always available when someone wants to sit down in front of her and tell her their problems. She doesn't shout, she doesn't question, she just sits and listens to anything you want to tell her. She might get a bit hungry when you are voicing your problems, but if you keep throwing fish at her, it keeps her happy.

But Tempest doesn't like bullshitters; you know the kind who pray on people and their encouraging ways. The kind that like to make things up for shits and giggles and then laugh behind their paws at the stupid ones, who eat it all up like a Mountain Lion - nope Tempest the Therapy Bear does not like that ONE.BIT.

She also doesn't like the stupid hyenas taking her for a fool either. She is happy to give her services when needed, but once she smells that something is off...well, her roar is worse than any 'chase you up the tree and grab you by the ankle' move any day!

Tempest the Therapy Bear has learnt not to look a tasty gift horse in the mouth; she tends to see everything without rose coloured glasses on. The whole 'if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't' phrase, has been put in place all weekend long. But you see, some animals in the forest tend to think 'more is better then less' They tend to think if they sugar coat stories with as much bullshit and downright lunacy, Tempest the Therapy Bear will just smile sweetly. Show her glossy, large teeth and allow them to continue on their merry way past her. With the hope that her roar doesn't mean they need to get on a pair of Usian Bolt running shoes and 'get the fuck out of this place!'

There are some really strange people in this crazy Twilight fandom. Those that appreciate what they see and enjoy it, and those that want to prove to the world they know a tasty secret and they promise to share and share and share with everyone who is willing to listen. There are some really bat shit crazy people in this fandom also, you just find it hard separating the two - bat shit or just love to spin a story - JACK-A-NORY style.

Tempest is usually a fun loving bear, but sometimes she sees things and those things make her really angry. Especially when it involves two people she respects and admires - Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Missed you baby girl...
Kristen has not been seen for a few weeks, so the fandom gets in a bit of a tizzy once photographs (papped horrible invasion of privacy ones) hit online and people scurry around like a flight of the bumble bees - 'oh my god, is it really her? She hasn't changed, no wait she is thinner, look at that toned bod, look at that long glorious hair. Oh look the cap that Rob wears, wait...i see her necklace, i see her ring, i see her bracelet - all is well in the world!!"

"IS that a new car she has?"
*Reports of a burnt out black Mini Cooper found just outside Los Angeles. Eyewitnesses saw a man leaving the burning wreckage, with the description; tall, lean and wearing a baseball cap back to front.*
Police are on the look out for Bart Simpson...

Despite the haters still flocking around like a prey of hungry birds; pecking their way over the decaying carcass of yesterday's news, i feel enough has been done flogging this dead horse. (Tempest the Therapy Bear's favourite snack)
It's time to put away your immature claws, file away all those nasty, bitchy insults. Pull up your big girl panties and move the heck on with life. Stop living in a delusional bubble of story telling and hate. Try living your own life, instead of living it through a 22 yr olds. Trust me, you will find your life will be so much happier for it. Tempest does not need bat shit crazy animals taking up her time. She likes her weekends serene and happy, with the odd splash in the river to retrieve her food. Sniff the air when a hunter is on the prowl and saunter off to find some cave to sleep the day away in.

Don't knock her cave door unless you are looking for genuine help and not just to make a raving hyena fool out of yourself, and stop annoying her neighbouring hibernating bears - a woken bear from slumber is not a very nice bear to deal with.

Be good to each other and be respectful in this fandom or you may find some bears not very nice bears to meet, when crossed.


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