Rob and Kristen - The Poisonous Hatred of one Woman...

Queen Anne Boleyn 
Recognise this woman? 
No, not the actress, the character - still clueless?
Queen Anne Boleyn and now the cogs are turning inside the little mouse's heads.

She was a woman of impressive influence.
A woman with a lot of passionate views.
A woman, other women hated, despised and were very much jealous of.
Because she won the heart of King Henry VIII that's why.

*the penny drops*
History tells of a very powerful woman; who 'poisoned' the mind of King Henry to overthrow his beliefs and turn his back on his religion. But there is the even deeper, darker suggestion that she was hated by women, who believed King Henry could have done so much better than marry a Protestant charlatan. A woman who was not all that people believed her to be; they believed that behind that calm and loving façade, she was cunning and resourceful and had legions of men calling at her bedchamber while her husband was away.
Oh yes, they wanted to find a reason why Queen Anne Boleyn, was not as who she appeared to be. 

I used this history lesson as an example how 'gossip' can bring down a person. Vilification is in it's lowest form, both disgusting and despicable. But then again, we are dealing with today not only the true villains of this world - the media, but it's little following of half wits - haters.
Oh yes, my blog has been subjected to a few of them, who seem to think their vitriol is worth being listened to. Their repeated speeches of near nauseum have graced any social gathering that is eager to listen to their dogma; believing that one woman's portrayal should be displayed for all their little hate filled followers.

Sad, pathetic, childish, foolish...
I must admit, i had fun playing with kids but like any child's playtime, it eventually comes to an end.
The sad thing is, these people believe they have ever right to say the spurned rubbish they believe in (through reading gossip shit of course) when in fact - they don't.
So...this young woman...
Did she kill anyone?
Did she steal a woman's child?
Was she cruel to any animals?
Was she involved in a 'hit and run'?

Well then, why on earth does she deserve the level of hate that she has been given, by a bunch of harpy women and the worst of all - the media? 
Those higher than God journalists/presenters/press gang wannabes; whose own lives are so fucking perfect, so idealistic, that they believe they have the right to condemn and crucify one young actress in a sea of self-righteous hate?

As for the so called women...
you know, as i have travelled through this fandom, i have seen some level of crazy shit. I am talking about those 'i don't have a life' people who drool and dibble all over one man, it's really both disgusting and shameful.
These so called 'fans' who believe the sun shines out of Robert Pattinson's 'Edwardesque' sparkly ass - that he can do no wrong, none whatsoever.

They never liked Kristen Stewart anyway, let's be honest. They only tolerated her while she was dating 'dream god Rob' but as soon as there seemed to be any indication that they 'may not' be together (fingers crossed and hope that the media will drive a wedge between them, failing that, he can never forget that she 'cheated on him' never mind anything else she has fucked up!)
Okay, can i make one tiny little comment in the whole 'cheating and scandal' crap, that has been thrown around like a fucking football.

Yeah i know, everyone has an opinion. Pity they don't have an opinion or an expressed concern over their own lives. They would much rather come on to blogs and message boards and put across their version of the drivel that has been copied and pasted from every trash mag out there. Heaven forbid they actually find the truth in amongst all that sanctimonious crap being fed to them.
Well, one woman has, and i am SO fucking proud of her - Jodie Foster.
Jodie and Kristen...
I have always admired Jodie for her body of work. Having been a child actress herself; she proved that not every young star ends up a complete disaster. But her words proved that in order to survive she had to step out of herself and lock a lot of her emotions away to get by.
Jodie defends Kristen 

I know half of the poisonous simpleton's won't read it. They will be too busy shouting Jodie down with cries of 'how dare she defend that bitch' because let's face it, that's the only expressive vocabulary they know. Others will feel shamed when they read it and decide that maybe they have been too harsh. Too ignorant to understand that life is not as simple and as plain as black and white. Others like myself, feel a sense of pride, a sense of female power. A sense of justification, because the media has gone TOO FAR.
The depraved sense of selfish righteousness has gone TOO FAR.

Rob has had to go out this week in the face of the media's scrutiny, on how he is handling this 'situation' lol no form of media can place a name on what they have right now, because the media have nothing. They can't call it a break up, they can't call it an altercation, they can't even call it a scandal anymore - because Rob is giving them - nothing. And i for one am very proud of that.
He won't sell his relationship or his personal life, and never has. YET, because Kristen came out and admitted her part in the shit-storm that just won't go away, thanks to the 'holier than I press' and the 'we have a right to voice our opinion hateful hags' she apologised and she announced to the world how much she loves Rob...

And yet;
The so called fans, the harpy haters and the monstrous media - want her to walk to her execution.
Have the world look on in disgusted silence, as Kristen takes to the steps and stands in the gallows, looking out towards the hungry crowd.
They want her to place her head on the chopping block, for a sin she did not commit;
she kissed a man. She was caught in an awkward situation. She did not have a 'long running affair - sexual or otherwise' she made a mistake and she said she was sorry...

She is just 22, she is just a young girl, she makes mistakes.
But she is Queen Anne Boleyn; she is paying for the wrongs she has been accused of - even though in her defence, she said she was sorry.
She is being tried and she is being executed for it - and that is very WRONG.

Jodie wrote a beautiful letter; one filled with deep emotion and respect. 
Why could this not have happened sooner - why do people suddenly feel compelled to believe in it all now? To feel modestly embarrassed that they too took part in the public execution?

Their sympathetic reasoning is a little too late, in my opinion.
Kristen will always have her haters - this i can tell, because those haters don't have a life. They would rather drool over their posters, sigh over their DVD's and objectify one young man. They would rather camp outside premieres, make banners filled with hate. Laugh ironically at the fact that Rob deflected every comment made referring to his 'private life' with the sarcastic suggestion that 'he's too embarrassed to answer, he doesn't want to speak about her anymore.'

Yeah, she knows who they all are; the same insipid bunch of wannabes. 
Those who believe Rob will pick them over Kristen any day - and they talk about delusion?

Kristen is like the Phoenix - she will rise from these ashes and she will get stronger as she grows. She will learn to laugh and rejoice in herself once again.
She will be like the little girl was in Jodie's memories - loving, caring, thoughtful and intelligent.
She will overcome the obstacles that have been placed in front of her, and learn a great lesson of life - mistakes are there to grow by.
She will prove to the world that you can only kick a person when they are down so much, before they decide to get up and fight back.

"I would only hope that someone who loved me, really loved me, would put their arm around me and lead me away to safety." - Jodie Foster

That day is coming...better be prepared.
Save your drooling and sympathy for someone else.
I believe Rob is going nowhere.

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