Rob and Kristen - Take Back What Is Yours...

"If you feel the world has taken everything away from you. Figure out how to take it back." - Robert Pattinson.
There are so many things i want to say,
so many jumbled words, conflicting emotions.
I have stepped away from this crazy fandom, because it doesn't make sense anymore - nothing makes sense.

The vitriol on one young woman, the objectification of one young man...
it disgusts me, it angers me and it dismays me.
Everyone believes they have been hurt in all of this,
they believe they have the right to be angry,
NO you fucking don't!

They turn to the man and swoon and sigh,
'Oh poor Rob, lets show Rob our support and love.'
Give me a fucking break!
IF you are fans of his, then show your support. 
Don't molly coddle him,
feel sorry for him,
send flowers and chocolates and shit to him,
don't try and put up petitions for him,
and don't, i repeat don't, treat him like some fucking sex object!
Posting photos of your private parts and expect him to want to hook up with you!

There is a part of this fandom that needs medical help. 
Those that have absolutely no life at all, 
except to drool, lust, desire one man, one person.
The same ones who have been more vocal of their 'opinion' of one girl.
Tell me this,
have you forgotten that Kristen Stewart was only 17 years old,
when she met her co-star? 
A person who was 'attracted' to her right from the very beginning. 
That in the 4 yrs since they began working together,
and then dating,
she has had to put up with a lot of shit from 'his fans'
She has been bombarded with the kind of crap from the media;

hook ups, 
drunken nights out. 
break ups,
co-star confessions.

All this from the so called 'source' of all things real.
Yet, she makes one stupid mistake,
one critical error in her young little life (22)
and she is vilified, crucified, ostracised,
ripped apart by the same media, and whats worse
fans, yes those who apparently were 'fans' 
That's a shit load to take for one young girl.
Do those that believe she is the worst Jezebel ever - care?
No, they're too busy posting snaps of their privates,
then telling everyone they are going to be the first in line,
to smile and yell at Rob and let him know,
he can have a good time with them. 
Yeah, isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?
What has disgusted me more is the age group;
those who are doing the most damning,
are people of a certain 'maturer' age.

Yeah i get it, he is the 'toy boy' every cougar wants to own;
the shiny new toy now you think he is single - yeah, you 'think' 
The call for back up, show your support, 
don't you know you are just noise?
You scream and shout and cry out his name,
you shove magazines and posters in his face to sign.
but he doesn't hear any of it.
For that short time period in his life, 
Rob is deafened by the sound of screaming noise.
You don't live in his life,
so stop trying to tell him how to run it.
You are not a part of his life,
so stop telling him who he can or cannot be with.

Like i said, this fandom has become crazy,
or maybe it's always been like this?
They have lived in a gold fish bowl;
afraid to step outside of it.
They have had their relationship analysed to death,
now it's nothing more than a spectator sport,
for the media to entertain themselves with.
Everyone wants to tell Rob what to do,
everyone wants to hug him and tell him it's all going to be alright...
pretentious, obsessive, controlling.
If you want Rob's life to be happy;
watch his movies,
buy the DVDs.
Support his causes,
vote for him at award ceremonies,
He doesn't need your obsessive, compulsive behaviour.
He doesn't need your objectification of him.
He doesn't need your sorrow, or your pity,
you are not an important part of his life.
Respect him,
Respect Kristen.
She is the one person who brought him into this madness,
she was the one who picked him to be her 'perfect Edward'
She has been the one person who has been in his life for 3 yrs,
and like it or not, you don't know a thing about what is going on right now.
Speculation, assumptions, rumours and hearsay...
truth is truth.

I used a quote of Rob's today, to sum up my feelings.
This man knows what he is doing, 
this man knows what he wants.
"The world has been taken away from him,"
the media has used it as 'story' to entertain people with.
This girl doesn't need your condemnation,
she doesn't need your hate.
She made it clear she made a mistake,
she made it clear who she loves.
Now it's time for Rob to figure out - "how to take it back!"

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