Rob and Kristen - Everything...

*Image used from Luna, with special thanks*

Every line - caught,
Every word - recorded.
Every movement - captured,
Every location - memorised.
Every home - stalked,
Every car - followed.
Every friend - bothered,
Every parent - asked.
Every movie - bought,
Every script - downloaded.
Every accessory - coveted,
Every clothing - scrutinised.
Every hairstyle - copied.

The 'Robsten' monster was born out of people, desperate to hold onto something of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Those who wanted to 'own' them, the money making machine. Those who needed to follow them around; give out their location, bother them at dinner, airports, hotels, homes, bars. those who couldn't get enough and when they had got their fix, they wanted, no needed more.

But that wasn't enough, not nearly enough. The photographers followed them night and day, day and night. As soon as a location was discovered, they went in their droves; watching, waiting, harassing and the fans did exactly the same. The need to prove 'Robsten' existed, the need to claim this as theirs and theirs alone. They couldn't go out without someone seeing them; clicking the camera on their cell phones, calling up their friends and spreading it online.

Watching, waiting.

Every argument - gossiped about,
Every disagreement - analysed.
Every touch - theorised,
Every kiss - discussed.
Every smile - judged,
Every look - mocked.

Outings had to be planned with operational skill, to ensure the photographers and fans who stood and waited, would get tricked. They where hounded in locations while working together, he was hounded in locations when they weren't. Every one wanted a piece of the man; the handsome pin up, the sex symbol - adored by many, lusted by even more. She took it on the chin; she knew of her haters, she knew that he was sought after, and yet she had him. Time after time the press made stories, time after time she tried to ignore how it hurt. Time after time she had to put on a face and pretend it didn't bother her, but it did. Careers were important, but so was a normal life, that was the hardest of it all. 

Step outside your door, to be greeted by strangers calling your name. Shouting abuse at you, questioning your sex life, questioning your security. Surrounded by people who worked for you, but didn't get close enough to know you.  Nights sitting at home waiting for the phone call, missing your other half because of work. Demanding studios and demanding management, all looking for their cut of your life.

Every demand - met,
Every contract - signed.
Every project - agreed,
Every part of you...sold.

Too much, two much for two people who just want to be together. Too much demand on them from people who do not run their lives, yet, they expect them to deliver. A young girl who didn't want such a high demand of fame. Had been happier making small movies; getting slight recognition, living a very simple life. A young man who was thrust into the spotlight; became a curiosity, and object of desire and with that fame, sudden exposure.

The demands of living a life only people dream of, is too high a price to pay. One always loses, always messes up, always falls. The price is too high, the expectations too hard, the need to be someone - too harsh.

This 'Robsten' monster has to die, it has to be destroyed. People expected too much from two people who just wanted to be left alone, to live happily together. To work hard on their jobs and benefit from the successes. They didn't want an overly obsessive fandom to try and control their lives. They didn't want the media attention to take over control. They didn't want their names splashed in every news paper...

they just wanted to be together.

If anything is learned, it's that they are so very human, so very fragile and so very lost. One has fallen and that fall is so hard, so painful, so sorrowful. It became too much perhaps? Too hard to keep it together. Too demanding of her energy; always playing to the press, appeasing the fans, working so damn hard.

If you are reading this and you agree with what i have written, then maybe you understand that some people take for granted a celebrity's life. They expect too much from them, demand they always put on a show for them. Order them to never do anything wrong. Whereas in reality; life is not that simple; celebrities are just like you and me. Would you like your family to walk out the door every day to a barrage of rude questioning, scrutinisation of your clothing, footwear, choice of job and sex life. As they snap a hundred photos and push their way onto your front lawn?

You can't go anywhere to have a meal without women running up to you and demand a photo, autograph. Slip their number into your hand and press themselves as close as they can to you? The inside of your home becomes a prison, the outside world like an animal kingdom and the only escape, becomes your work.

Not exactly the kind of life you would want, but it's been the life of Rob and Kristen - the money making machine called 'Robsten' and the demanding love story for the fans.

I hope they will come out of this changed, enlightened and tougher no, stronger than ever.

I hope Kristen is surrounded by the 'real people' in her life. Those that believe in her, love her and want her to feel that she is not alone in all of this.
I want her to get stronger, to see what has happened and try and fix it. I want her to begin loving herself for her and not for what other people demand of her. I want Kristen to see with open eyes the most important things in her life - what she wants, not what other people want her to want.

I want her to look into the eyes of one man; let him know how much he means to her. Forgive herself for what has happened, allow a moment of clarity to be seen. Expect more of herself and less of what other people expect. Love herself truly for the person she is and in turn, her love will show in her eyes and in her actions.

Every lesson - learned,
Every tear - cried.
Every heart - broken,
Every word - spoken.
Every meaning - said,
Every thought - relayed.
Every sorrow - felt,
Every pain - filled with regret.

Too much demand of two people; both caught in this madness of this fandom. Too much has been expected and for what price?
They are human, they have faults, they are not objects to be put in a museum. They have feelings, they make mistakes; except those mistakes are 'publicised to the world'

The fall of one girl....
such a high price.

I want people to take a step back and really look at their part in all of this. For me; the very thought that i was part of this monster making machine. I looked, i laughed, i gave my thoughts. I saw with my eyes and i gifted with my experience. But no more must be placed on two people's heads.

Kristen is one person; simple, beautiful, giving, courageous, insecure, hopeful, romantic, because she believes in love...

Rob is one person; compassionate, giving, intelligent, optimistic, insecure and a hopeless romantic, because he too believes in love...

I believe in love too and i wish, oh how i wish, that true love will fight it's corner in all of this. Will ignore the hate and vitriol that has been spewed out by so many hateful, narrow minded, ignorant people.

Every moment - explained,
Every apology - expressed.
Every scar - will heal,
Every love - will be revealed.

Instead of demanding that justice is done; that one girl should suffer or answer to the world around her - LEAVE her alone!

Love heals all wounds...

and i believe that their love will be healed.


"If you didn't see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears, don't invent it with your small mind & share it with your big mouth." - Robert Downey Jnr.
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