Rob and Kristen - True Love Ways...

Kristen literally 'ROCKED' the On The Road premiere at the TIFF in Toronto, and i have never been more proud of her in my whole life.

The dawn broke along the horizon and finally a new day arrived.
Pensively we waited for the first signs of Kristen and she didn't disappoint, as she was decked out from head to toe in Rob; tee-shirt and jewellery when she arrived at LAX and touched down in Toronto, to the typical roaches and their spewing hate - thank god for iPods with the volume turned up really loud!
Everyone worried that they were reading into things too much; grasping at hopeful straws as the naysayers believed Kristen was 'clinging desperately to a relationship that was over!' So says anyone filled with hate and jealousy, isn't that right Charlie Bewley?

But Kristen proved one thing, she proved she could step out amidst the 'roaches and the entertainment press' and hold her head high. Was she nervous? - Like hell was on fire. Was she worried about how she would be received? - Absolutely. Was she glad she did it? - Nodding my head in agreement.
Kristen was flanked with her co-stars; Garrett Hedlund and Kirsten Dunst (real life couple)
Both seemed incredibly supportive of their co-star; no falseness in their approach to being seen with Kristen as they walked the length of the Red Carpet and signed for the fans, yes fans who came out to not only lend the movie support, but also Kristen on her first public appearance.
Mr. Hedlund; oh yes the studly male that the haters/hyenas and nonstens wanted Kristen paired with, stood beside Kristen and showed her his support. Even going so far as to interrupting the nosey entertainment hags trying to get a question in regarding the 'incident the media will not let die.'
Her co-stars get it, they understand what it's like to have your life forced under a microscope for everyone to judge you on. They didn't seem angry or annoyed that they were having to promote a movie alongside a 'marriage wrecker' - funny that?

Seems that the only people banging on about this are the 'desperate to gain hits' media and the bitter and twisted haters/followers of the 'Poor Rob' community. The pity party has left the building, now move the hell along!!
Kristen looking about as trim as Rob did when he stepped out for his 'Cosmopolis' premiere in New York; dazzled the crowd in a knee length floral dress showing off that killer figure and tiny waist (simmering with jealousy) not to mention adorning such a gorgeous gown with armour - Bracelet, Necklace and Ring.
The object of everyone's fascination that is Kristen's gold band and where it came from?
Even in Kristen's own words "Everyone knows about the ring." Still the speculation mounts.
Why is she still wearing it, it's over and she still struts around wearing that damn ring!

LOL it must really hurt right now to be living along the River Denial?

Seeing her arriving at LAX wearing her jewellery and an item of clothing of Rob's, sent half of the fandom into a complete melt down. For weeks they have been rejoicing the end of a 'perfect cover up for PR' and the end of the insipid followers of 'Robsten' because Kristen did something 'inappropriate' but now she has the audacity to continue with this charade?
Let me give you a wise lesson in life;

When something is over, it's over.
You do not wear items of importance, if your relationship has ended.
You do not carry the torch for a love that has died, by wearing clothing belonging to the one you were once 'intimate' with.
Assumptions of Kristen 'clinging desperately' to Rob by sending him out messages, only sounded poorly thought of and reeked of desperation from the person it came from.
And you do not sit and look down at said ring and toy with it around your finger; smiling at it while being interviewed if the 'relationship' is over. Kristen has been wearing that ring since 2010; her birthday in Budapest when Rob was shooting 'Bel Ami' It even made it to the 'Wedding Rehearsal scene' in Breaking Dawn - Part 1. Not exactly part of Bella's wardrobe, yet there it was in all it's glory. In fact, there have been very few times Kristen has gone without wearing that simple piece of jewellery, you would think judging by that it held some kind of special meaning to her?

But let's not forget the other piece of scandalous entertainment, that has boiled over from the weekend - the publication of Kristen's interview in British Vogue. An interview that was done 3 weeks before 'SandersGate' happened. People were expecting to have revealed some serious clues into Kristen's downward spiral; a chink in the armour they could nod their sheepish heads too 'AH, so that's when it all began stumbling down hill.'

”My God, I’m so in love with my boyfriend. I wish he were here now. I think I want to have his babies.”
”I love the way he smells. And him me. Like, he loves to lick under my armpits. I don’t get this obsession with washing the smell off. That smell of someone you love – don’t you think that’s the whole point?”

Yep this is the erratic behaviour of a woman, that just three weeks after this interview was conducted - in Paris, where she flew there for a Balenciaga promotion after having a romantic break with her boyfriend and attended a wedding with him, was caught with someone else kissing her. 
Smells funny don't you think? But pardon me for thinking that way all along.

All the worlds a stage (i covered that several posts back) and each person plays a part in the act. Kristen's comments from the BV article show a girl, true to her feelings and heightened emotions. Someone that speaks her mind and shows actions rather than words, but when her words come out they have a powerful meaning behind them. OF course a lot of people have seen this as erratic and irresponsible. Bad timing when you consider the events that happened afterwards. Personally speaking, it could not have come at a more positive time.
Rob at the VMAS, looked happy and relaxed as he stepped on stage with a few of the twilight cast members to show an exclusive trailer for Breaking Dawn - Part 2. He was even seen back stage, hugging Rhianna and chatting away while drinking a beer (oh-oh he has a drinking problem now!!) No pensive stares, no drowning his sorrows in a case of beer (drinking problem) nothing to show any kind of strain at all. Coincidently i might add, the timing for Kristen to appear in the R.C in Toronto at the same time as Rob and the cast stepped out on the stage in LA was brilliant, albeit it threw some fans into a fluster as they jumped between R.C TO and R.C LA.

What has happened, has he got over her already?
What has happened, is she that callous a person to stamp all over his heart and look great at doing it?
What is wrong with this picture and WTF is this about him licking her armpits ewww!!!
The irony in that last complaint really made my day.

Rob and Kristen's 'armpits' seemed to be the never ending debate good or bad, depending on everyone else's point of view. Wanting his babies (plural) went right over some people's heads, even so much as the 'missing' him and loving the smell of him 'all over her' did nothing to bat eyelids. But licking her armpits, wow.
I found it all incredibly funny. Yes ladies listen up; one of the most intimate and arousing parts of your body is actually just under the armpit close to the breast area, it is both ticklish and very sexy. Mark that one up for prosperity when your other half wants to get intimate with you - the body is full of erogenous zones but none more 'intimate' than the areas were you secrete the most pheromones in attracting the 'other human species to you'
Rob surprised people when he turned up to lend his support to 'Stand up 2 Cancer - S^2C' along with a host of other celebrities. It was a noble thing and something worth mentioning as it was for a worthy cause. He did good in the eyes of the fans he helped in donating money to the charity, which at the end of the day was the reason why he appeared. Kristen ran her marathon of interviews for the various press associations and handled herself well. She had a job to do and she did it with all the gusto Kristen has always given her interviews. Even with the tab-journalism putting their own spin on it;

"We're going to be fine...we're totally fine."

A statement that seemed to gather speed quicker than it was released online by The Washington Post. Kristen was referring to the comment someone made about the BD2 promotion, not exactly speaking about 'On the Road' then i see? Everyone is fighting for an angle, another spin; using their Yoda mind tricks in wishy washy Psychology to try and work out Kristen's mental stability. Yeah i get it, the need to sell the never ending scandal that never existed.
Kristen just like Rob is not going to give anything away about their status, not when there is so much spotlight that simply will not go away. Those eager to keep this crap going are doing so, because it gives them much needed attention. To drag this out longer than is necessary, only furthers their agenda for those 15 minutes of fame they are so desperately clinging to. The only person Kristen answers to is herself, and the significant other in her life.
Yes i know, there is an even bigger line forming to replace her in Rob's heart, but i don't believe that will be any time soon. How come?

Use basic common sense and you will eventually come up with your answer.
She left Toronto today, bound for...who knows where, although some intrepid CSI fans seem to believe she is heading to NYC for their Fashion Week (wait and see) I won't bring over the papped photos - but needless to say she caused quite a stir at Pearson Airport; clutching her cell phone and smiling as she text a message. I wonder who to?
Yeah, i thought that, seems Kristen was seldom without her phone by her side/in her pocket all through her press junkets. The other image of course was from Rob when he was in Cannes, you know the same place as Kristen was? But it was also reported that his cell phone was constantly near him or in his hand while he was in NYC...makes you wonder now, doesn't it?

True Love Ways, shows it's true colours.
Actions always speak louder than words.
Rob and Kristen have always been about actions...

Tempest xx

P.S; incidentally, if you think Charlie Bewley knows anything about the status of Rob and Kristen's relationship - then you are a bigger fool than those who cling on to every word the gossip rags try to sell. None of the cast will have been told a thing, and minor cast such as Bewley will have been told even less. This is a person who after all would have been witness to their relationship status during the shooting of 'New Moon' and yet still boasted that he would 'willingly be Kristen's boyfriend and that he fancied her' he also made a stupid comment about Rob being 'pussy-whipped' during junkets for 'Eclipse' even in actors, jealousy rears it's ugly head and for my opinion Bewley doesn't seem to like the idea that a fellow 'Brit actor' is getting all the glory - just a FYI.
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