Rob and Kristen - Coming Out Of The Darkness...

I love this Kristen...
I love the way she has battled through the storm that has invaded her life...
I love how she has been able to recover and move forward...
I love that it was 'Kristen' who has been hidden from view for several weeks, while the world picked her life, her mental health and her acting career apart.

Because with a little faith, a pocket full of hope and a pinch of compassion, finally the truth will be revealed.
I am not going to comment or speculate on the nonsense that has come out of the mouths of those still looking for their 15mins of fame - because really, the clock is ticking and their time is almost at an end. But i will however speak about how i feel. That finally, after weeks of darkness some people are finally seeing the light. There is some 'proper reporting' and finally piecing things together and realising that, not everything adds up.
Sheesh, really?
Yes, really, really.
And while those are still debating whether Kristen wore Rob's IRIE shirt or did she have an exact copy of that shirt - two sizes too big for her petite frame. Ewaven the media can't decide and they are meant to have the finger on the pulse of checking their sources and facts - i.e in plain and simple English; read people's messages on public social media networks and print it up as fact *rolls eyes*

Because those in the centre of all of this, those who do not need to court the media and earn their 15mins of fame...are saying absolutely nothing and have said absolutely nothing to anyone - especially the media.
And this is a new thing? No, when you consider that right now every news outlet, every network station, every gossip blog is running around, comparing notes - adding more spin to it and putting it up as FACT!

Well i have some news for you, their lies have been caught out countless times and yet people still flock to watch and listen with rapid enthusiasm. If they print it then it must be true - why, because gossip sells more hits than actual news, that's why.

And nothing more than this persistent spot that just won't go away.
FACT 1; this IS the same shirt that Rob has worn previously when out walking Bear last year in LA. Has he worn it since then? LOL that has been the question on all reporters and haters lips 'did she get the shirt in the split?'
WHAT split?

It doesn't matter how much you spin this, how much you wish this not to be true. How much you put 'allegedly' at the beginning of your news items and gossip - it remains still the same. Kristen has always worn Rob's clothing when they are either together or apart for work. She has a collection of clothing from tee-shirts to jackets and yes, why not even his pants? So please put away those claws and think realistically for a second. This IS his shirt and he most likely wore it the previous night before she had to leave for TIFF12. Or better still, just before she left, Kristen might have tore it off his body so she could bask in his 'smell' you know the scent she doesn't like to wash off?
FACT 2; this IS the same ring Kristen has been wearing since she got it 'given' to her on her 20th birthday in Budapest by...Rob.
It doesn't matter what way you want to spin this, what angle you want to shot this from - the ring; the simple elegant gold band, has been on this girls finger since 2010 and has rarely left it. Including when she does photo-shoots or movies. Yes it is not the once shiny new gold when she first got it and despite the whole CSI angle of what is or is not inscribed on the ring inside or out - the ring holds a special meaning to this young woman;

"Everyone wants to know about the ring. Everyone knows already, it's ridiculous." - Kristen SWATH interview 2012

Yeah i know, some people still cling to the idea that it's a different one. That this one looks older, thinner. A token from her parents because she no longer wears Rob's ring. It's a family heirloom from Kristen's side and on and on and on.
Grasping at straws seems to be the only thing some haters and media alike want to do. They can't just accept the fact that this item of jewellery has personal significance to Kristen. That despite everything that has happened; the media shit storm that took place - it's still being worn and sheds some hope.

Hope, now that's a lovely thing isn't it?
Good memories...
A hope that people have used enough common sense to reach a conclusion, that all was NEVER as it seemed. That those too busy burning to become famous; to take down the opposition in one foul swoop. That the very people that marked this moment in time - July, when the world of 'Robsten' fell apart. When fans and haters took sides and the media showed it's true colours, by inventing reports and elaborating on stories (still doing it and dragging it along quite nicely) one thing has always remained very clear in my head - Rob and Kristen weathered the storm the only way they knew saying nothing.
I am not saying they are not battle scared. I am not saying it was easy on them and i am not condoning what took place, but to lay ALL the blame at Kristen's door as most seemed to do, was so very wrong.

I urge everyone to read this post and search on the first page of the comments for a poster called Robin Van Dam, you will find their point of view very well put across and very insightful (read from the bottom up to find their first very lengthy and powerful entry)

The tide most certainly seems to be turning and turning in the right direction finally. You may have your hopes built on the foundation that YOU believe Rob and Kristen are over. Hope that he will come out of this a single man and be there for your adulation; as you fixate on his genitals and jaw and finger porn, like a bunch of sweaty old maids clutching copies of 'Men Only' You may find yourself sitting in the wrong ship, because this particular couple - have not sunk!

Lainey of 'LaineyGossip'; someone who is so full of saccharine, she makes my teeth hurt, but she does have her bitchy ear to the ground and hears things that other people don't. While i don't usually pander to her sarcastic wit and dry humour, on how she sees the world according to her rose coloured 'bitch me' glasses, she did milk Kristen's response when she was at TIFF12 and how she foresees The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn - Part 2 promotion with Rob;

"Stewart was asked at TIFF about whether or not she and Robert Pattinson would be ok promoting Twilight 5 together or something. And her response was:
“We’re going to be fine. We’re totally fine.”

So as you can imagine, all the Twi-Hards are like, HOW DO WE INTERPRET THIS ARE THEY BACK TOGETHER JUST TELL US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. It was communicated to people during TIFF that they are, but they’re worried about how it might affect his career, like whether or not there will be some kind of crazy backlash or something. There’s an anthropological discussion here, you know, if you want to explore it. That for some of his more unhinged following, it would be worse for him to take back a girl who was unfaithful than to be unfaithful himself. Fascinating, isn’t it? And so we’re back to where we’ve always been with these two, and before a movie premiere. Are they? Aren’t they? Are they? Aren’t they? They are."

Now pardon me for my eye roll, because you knew it was coming. As much as Lainey is basically saying what the more 'reasonable' people in this fandom have been saying all along and excuse me but 'tee-shirt, jewellery, cap' and even suggesting they are 'fine' has a more important meaning to everyone, than a gossip journalist will ever hold a candle to - her 'information' is normally spot on. But forgive me for the sanctimonious belief that both are worried about Rob's career being affected, when his 'fans' find out they are back together (they never split, that was just bounced around by every news hack who generalised, assumed and therefore stated) Rob has never taken under his notice what 'his' fans think. 

Regardless of his personal life, he makes very good movies and his acting speaks for itself. If you are going to judge the man, because he wants to be with someone who has been in his life for over 4 yrs and has seen a major movie franchise with him every step of the way...then you were not that important of a fan to begin with.
Coming out of the darkness never felt so good. Seeing the ray of hope filter through the fandom, has filled everyone with renewed spirit. Kristen showed up at a private screening in New York of 'On The Road' with Garrett Hedlund and director Walter Salles. She looked stunning as usual and wore her 'armour' once more, gaining confidence with every step she takes. People stop worrying about her weight, if anything i can see she has grown up. She is not a little girl anymore and is ready to come into her skin and glow...
enough pain has been shed.

Good things are coming, i can feel it.
Love gives us hope and hope is all we have really asked for.
Those who used this as a means to an end; a purpose to take down two people, will eventually get their karma - for it does very much exist. 

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson; will come out of this stronger than before, both professionally and personally. 
And i for one wish them all the very best :)

Tempest xx 
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