Take This Heart...

Yet another image i keep staring at over and over, the fragility of such a silly insignificant thing. Oh i know, it's just a muscle that pumps blood around our bodies; but it has always been seen as a symbol of love.

That we are compassionate creatures who yearn for love, pray for love and in some aspects, would even die for love...
Yeah the amount of corny lyrics run around inside my head, just like everyone else.

But you see...
In order to love, you have to know about loss.
You have to know what it's like to feel that very muscle, ripped out of your body and feel a pain so great, it brings you to your knees. 

To know that pain; allows us to feel how deep a hole it can leave, a hole that needs time to heal. But like everything in life, it can be patched up. It can learn to pump again and it can learn to love. For a love so great is worth living for.
So many have overlooked the fact that - Rob loves Kristen...
and despite all the hate that has been spitting fire and brimstone this past week - Kristen loves Rob.

You may judge
You may criticise
You may disagree

But love just doesn't go away, not a love that is all consuming. Not a love that has brought so much happiness to your life, to suddenly be snuffed out like a candle. Love isn't like that, not real love anyway. There are so many versions of what love is;

The love of your family
The love of a friend
The love of a pet
The love of 'being' in love 

But the love for another person; to want that person with every fibre of your being, that you practically become two halves of one and other. You feel the loss when they are not there and only feel complete when they are. A love that makes your turn to that person in times of comfort and need, to know you will always have their strength and support. A love that will always follow you around, lift you up when you feel low and give you added strength to move on when you need it.

A love that makes you stand taller, makes you feel so much joy in everything  you do. A love that is like a shield that protects you, offers you unconditional forgiveness when you fail...

THAT is real love, that is what life is really all about - to love and be loved in return.

We can all feel let down in all of this and turn to each other, or against each other *shrugs* such is the cruel way of life.
But we came together in this fandom, in support of two very wonderful and special people; who have had to face so much criticism and speculation about their private lives. The pressure of fame is a high price to pay, when you sell yourself to the highest bidder. To allow people into your life who have no real purpose being there, other than to sit and gloat at your mistakes and misfortunes. 

It's no longer about who hurt who...
It's no longer about support one and not the other...

It's about being supportive for both of them.

He loves this girl so f**king much. There is not a day has gone by that has made me question that love.
He would do anything for her; protect her and shelter her from the hurt that is being inflicted on her right now. Yes he is hurt, but that hurt can and will eventually go away, why?
Because a love worth living for, is a love worth fighting for! 

And i pray that he goes and does just that.
Speculation about his whereabouts doesn't change a thing for me. Assumptions of what will happen next, is all everyone has to give.
But for me...
When you love someone, you can't just get up and walk away. Even when you have been hurt, that's just not an option.

You have to decide that if you let them go, they will find a way of coming back to you. And if they don't, then the love you had wasn't strong enough to hold onto them.

Fight for your love. Fight for what it means. Fight for the reasons you came together in the first place. Fight for what it can bring you...

closer together.
Since i remembered about 'corny' lyrics having a profound affect on some of us and in light of my post today, let me offer up my own little spell of thoughtful contemplation. Taken from Chris De Burgh's - Head and the Heart;

"Now hear the heart...
I believe that time will show.
She will always be a part of my world, 
I don't want to see her go.
So i plead my case to hear the heart and stay...

'It's time to let her go.'
'I don't want to let her go!'
'It's time to let her go.'
I don't want to let her go!'
It's time to let her go.'
I don't want to let her go!'
It's time to let her go...'

And in this classical dilemma, 
I find for...the heart."

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