My Heart In My Hands...

I have sat with this all morning, staring at me from my computer screen. It's a painful reminder that all our hearts are fragile and that sometimes they can indeed be repaired.

I have also sat and wrote a long winded document and allowed my anger to spill out on the page, it was something i needed to do, in order to now come on here and post.
We all believe we have been hurt by this, we all believe we are owed an apology of some nature. When the sad truth in all of this is...we do not.

We can all take upon ourselves the right to 'pull down' one person for their sins and make an example of them. We can all believe that why we are doing this, is because no person should chose to hurt a human being, in the way that they have been hurt. But the sad reality is, it's not our place to do so.

We listen to idle gossip, like hens clucking around a pen; muttering words of condemnation and offering up our view points, i have seen so much of this over the week and a bit since this news broke and it has not only saddened me, but opened my eyes to those who I felt had a small fraction of compassion left within them.
As i have said, i have sat and thought about this, wrote in words my feelings, and then decided it wasn't worth posting.

Instead i have posted this;

We can all sit on our 'high morals' looking down at the failing mortals below us; judge them for their sins and with one finger - destroy them completely. We can all take some relief from what has happened in our own lives, or take the pain we once had witnessed for ourselves, and chose to release it on someone else's, because they deserve our scathing anger.

Does that help?
Does it make us feel any better?
Does it resolve the issue? doesn't.
The people in the centre of this, are the ones hurting right now and we as fans should respect the moments of silence and let them get on with it. Too many are running around trying to find out information to feed their habit, a habit that has made so many jaded by their views and kept the seat of the media warm. 

In Hollywood; all that glitters is not gold. And those that love you, adore you and worship you from a far, will turn on you at a moments notice and destroy you with a fatal blow.

Chillingly ironic isn't it?

My pain is no greater than anyone else's, but with our pain we can choose to walk away. Stop the train and get off. Decide to say goodbye and leave with bitter-sweet memories, because this is not our lives we are dealing with. In our real lives, this has been a form of escapism; a moment for enjoying a franchise. A way of wallowing away hours, sitting in front of our computer screens and chatting to our online friends, who have shared our passion. 

WE can choose to make the pain stop, but for the people it has affected, they can't do that, and that also includes Kristen. Some may believe they have little or no compassion for the young girl right now, your angry views have been witnessed by all who have read them. 'Judge lest you not be judged' isn't that what life is really about - that you would not wish the horrors of the world on anyone else?
Do you think Rob shares in your anger? He who has loved this girl since it all began. Do you think he wishes her greater pain, than she is already putting herself through?

The media; that insipid group of vultures, who greedily soak up every little morsel of information, true or otherwise. Their tempting tales they weave with conjecture and speculation, knowing full well that the simple minds of the fans, will eat it all up and believe every single word it has written.
How many times have people been warned 'do not believe every single thing you read' and yet...they do.

If you believe in anything then believe in this;
Everyone has the power to forgive those who have done them wrong.
I speak this from my own personal experience and the experiences of those who have had to get through moments such as this.
We can all wander around blindly in the dark, searching for the answers when we don't know the questions. We can let anger eat away at us, but it's not going to do us any good.

Rob and Kristen...
If there is one thing you learn, is that love never dies. Not a love that is strong enough to battle intrusion of privacy, four movies and the craziness that has surrounded them. Nor those that have always been willing to take them down.

We all want what's best for Rob, but it's not up to us. What's best for him only he can decide. This is not our relationship, we don't have the solution and those who willingly enjoy making assumptions, based on their own petty beliefs, hold no voice in my court. 

When you believe in love, then you believe in the capacity of a heart to heal. You believe when someone is genuinely sorry for what they have done, for sorry doesn't come in a form of words, but in actions.

Heart's can be mended, it takes time and it takes patience, but they can be mended. Our part in all of this is to sit back, stop trying to fix something that is not ours to fix and for goodness sake - stop reading the media as if it's the newest thing to answering everything you need to know about the world - it's not.

I hope and pray for silence, i hope that in each of us we can decide to let things take their course. I hope that what was once broken, can be mended and that confusion and hurt can be resolved. Not for the franchise or the studio suits, currently running around like headless chickens. Not for the fans and the haters; each willing and waiting to put their views across. Not for the families, currently sitting back and trying to not take part in any of it. But for the two people in the centre of it all... 
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