On Open Letter to Everyone...

The story of the Head and the Heart...

The Head is the rational thinker; it sees things in black and white.
It only understands logic; communicating with the other organs in the body only when it is necessary.

It is always on, always alert, always ready to learn new things and breathe life into actions that sometimes we use for good and sometimes we for not so good.
It makes us judge too quickly or not quickly enough. It functions in the world where it does so much; inhaling intelligence from everything we touch, smell, hear and see...it catalogues everything - storing it away until it is needed.
It rules over other organs as if it has the royal right to, for without it, are body would not know what to do with itself;

when to eat
when to drink
when to breathe
when to sleep
when to wake
when to move

Robotic, functional, resourceful...
all of these things are head/brain is responsible for.

Now hear the Heart... 
The Heart is the organ in which the blood is pumped through our bodies; running through our veins and flowing through our system. It breathes life through the rest of the organs, allowing them to work in tandem, functioning in unison; each needing the other in order to successfully work together. It is the first organ that grows inside a tiny little life; when a mother finds out she is pregnant, it's little beat, signifies that life has finally begun, and through that journey it will discover many things.

The Heart gets introduced to the Head, already established as the 'thinker' the wise one. The power behind everything a human does. It's rational beliefs, allow it to feel mightier than anything else, for it controls 'everything'
Oh but wait, the Heart pumps the blood, which breathes life into the body that is controlled by the Head...

The classical dilemma of the Head and the Heart.
When Emotions are created, they are done so by both. They can be either rational (Head) or irrational (Heart) for they can sometimes be right or wrong. This confuses the Head, because it has always believed it is the stronger of the two - the superior one. It is after all, the 'intelligent' organ in the body and is needed for practically everything. 'Oh but no, that's not right' will argue the Heart, 'i am the giver of life, i am the one that keeps this body ticking. Without me it would be nothing more than a robot; unemotional, unmoved by life around it, sole purpose to only look at the world clinically, no colours, no feelings, no...love?

Love comes from the Heart. Emotions flow through the Head and connect with the Heart. Every moment, every feeling, every pain, every sadness, every angry word, every whispered endearment..come from the Head and the Heart.

Anger, is an irrational emotion that is created by the Head. It feeds the blood pumping from the Heart and singularly decides for itself, how to deal with what it's feeling. It's sole purpose is to consume itself with hate, deliver itself from what the Heart wants it to feel. Acts out, strikes without thinking...destruction is it's only need. The Head refuses to listen to the Heart's pleas - it doesn't want to feel the pain that is currently running through it's thought process. Doesn't want to know how the Heart is feeling, knowing full well, it has taken the greater impact and is currently hurting with the greatest pain.

But the Heart is not the unforgiving organ; it feeds of the emotions around it. It can't help functioning the way it does, it knows of pain, joy, sorrow and the greatest emotion of all - love. It wants to heal the world but at the same time, hide from it when the world turns out to be an ugly place. It is the compassionate organ, it knows of love and wants to wrap itself up in it and never let go.

The Head, as much as it can annoy the Heart, is needed by it. Without the Head, the Heart could never feel these emotions, could not allow them to come into the body and live within it. 
Because they work together like a ticking clock. They function within each others lives.
The Head believes emotion is silly; it weakens us, makes us fail, makes us loose sight of what we need to do in life. Makes us let people in, breaks down our barriers until eventually, we are consumed by the emotion of love - introduced to the Head by the Heart. 

You can feel so many emotions right now, each and every one of you.
You can feel bitter, angry, sad and disgusted, all those emotions are natural.
The lateral thinker, would set aside such emotions, for they only weaken our resolve and allow us to fail. Our compassion, allows us to feel everything, immerse ourselves in the emotion of love, forsaking all the warning signs that one day, we might get hurt. One day our Hearts might get broken and our Heads will have to deal with the consequences...it's not something our Heads like to do. The emotional state of our Heart weakens our Head and causes us to have to deal with so many feelings at once.

The people in this fandom have felt, every single one of them;
Denial - our worst fears suddenly come to life.
Anger - because what has happened.
Pain - because it hurts us, what has happened.
Depression - because it has questioned our beliefs.
Acceptance - that maybe we need to move on?

There is only one detail in all of this i have left out...
All that has happened, all that has shocked us, angered us, consumed us and destroyed our beliefs...it hasn't happened to US.
We are merely spectators; looking on and watching with anxious gazes and worried faces.

We need to find in ourselves the decision to step back and allow the people who are in all of this, to deal with what they need to deal with.
It is so easy to judge another person by their actions.
It is so easy to pass sentence on someone's sins.
It is so easy to consume ourselves with their lives and in turn, believe that we have the right to do so.

BUT we don't.
I urge each and every one of you that read this blog post today - to think before you chose your actions.

I have seen so much of these emotions over the last few days and it has saddened me with despair - are we that judgemental?

WE all need to take a step back from this, allow ourselves some space to breathe. This is not our fight, our need to put things right.
That lies in the hands of those that have wronged, and those that have been wronged upon. As much as you believe you should be allowed to take sides, protect the one who has been hurt and shame the one who has been doing the hurting, you should consider the very fact that this has not happened in YOUR life. 

People need time to heal and time is a great giver. If our emotions are heightened right now, it's only because we care. But care should never turn to hate and hate should never become a part of who we are.
Give the people in the centre of all of this, some much needed time. Step away from Gossip sites and headline entertainment programmes, including other people's unneeded judgemental views. We can all believe we are whiter than snow, we can all believe we could never do this, but as i have said in my previous post - no one is perfect and the day that someone creates perfection, will be the day that we will finally unlock the key to ever lasting life.

Take care everyone in this fandom,
Look towards those who you love and give them an extra hug
Life is too short to spend it in hate, forgiveness shows that we are human and that the Head and Heart do work together, even though they will forever dominate for supremacy.

Tempest xx
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