
I have a very heavy heart today...
the kind of choking feeling when you don't know if breathing will help it go away.

We have all learned by now the devastating news that of course, 
has gone viral all around the world.
I am deeply saddened and dismayed by it all.

I have no hate towards Kristen...
disappointment, yes
hate, no. 
We all have our flaws and our failures, 
it's what makes us human, sets us apart from the rest.

If we didn't have flaws we would be superficial and plastic.
Nobody is perfect.
But this kind of perfection; this need to put people so high up, 
that when they do something really bad, 
it always ends up destroying those,
who invested so much time in them.

'Whoever without sin, be the one to cast the first stone'
kind of ironic isn't it?
Yesterday i saw so much hurt, 
so much anger and so much rage, 
building up from shocked and angry fans,  
and i don't blame anyone for feeling that way.
But you have to remember one thing...
WE are human.

There is so much i want to say, 
so much i feel i need to say, rightly or wrongly.
To admit to your mistakes is the first step in healing yourself.
Whether people choose to believe Kristen did it on her own,
or had to make some kind of apology, 
to save herself from the witch-hunt of the media,
that is not for us to say.
She did it, it sounded heartfelt.
And if it truly is, then it's not up to us to speculate.
it's up to us to understand the need for privacy,
and respect that.

I am not condoning what she did, 
I do not and never will say a cross word about Kristen,
like i have said,
WE are all human and WE all make mistakes.

'To err is human, to forgive divine'
We can all cast assumptions as to why this has happened, 
but the facts remain the same...
it's not our lives to judge, it's not our relationship to question. 
We are all but fans watching this unfold,
and disagree we might, it's hit us all pretty damn hard.

I don't see the sense in attacking Kristen for what has happened.
Try as we might, 
we do not own her or have any impact in her life.
Nor do i see the need to vilify or question her mental state,
that is going way across the line of being a fan.
You may feel justified in airing your views, 
but there comes a time,
 when words once spoken or written down, 
cannot be retracted.
'The Pen is mightier than the Sword'

I have been a fan of both for 4 years;
supported them equally and defended when needed.
Watched as their careers exploded and their relationship unfolded,
so this is just as equally upsetting for me, 
as it is for all of you. 
None of us hold the answers, 
we can only look towards this 'horrible situation'
and with some hope, everything can be worked out.
It's not easy living in the public eye
 and it's never easy when your 'dirty linen' gets aired in it either. 
This is not our fight, 
this is not our corner to defend.

my heart goes out to him, of course it does.
This is never an easy situation to find yourself in.
It's even harder,
 when the 'eyes of the world' are now focused on you;
your movements, 
your decisions and what impact will they bring. 
He loved her from the very beginning.
My only hope, 
is that he will find the strength to forgive,
that momentary lapse in Kristen's judgement.
For this is something, 
only they can sort out together.

Sounds so sweet doesn't it?
But together they have been through so much.
Together they brought all of into their lives,
and it is that, 
which has devastated so many, 
over the past 24 hours.

My heart feels numb...
we all fail sometimes in life.
My thoughts turn to both of them
 and the difficult time that lies ahead.
I wish them strength, compassion and above all, 
'Be true to yourself'
Yes it sounds so cliché now, 
but it's something that Kristen now has to deal with.
She must be true to herself. 

"I'm deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I've caused, 
to those close to me and everyone this has affected.
This momentary indiscretion,
 has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, 
the person I love and respect the most, Rob.
I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry."

They are words spoken by a broken woman,
A woman who is now asking for forgiveness.
Please allow her the privacy she needs,
 to try and reconcile with what she has done, 
and to whom this was addressed to.

I know we can all judge and pass down sentences, 
but in light of what has happened,
allow an ounce of respect for those affected in all of this
and that includes Kristen.

I will remain forever, respectful of both.
I wish them well in their careers and chosen paths.
Each has brought so much to so many.
I wish this can all be sorted out for both their hearts, 
which now lie heavy in all of this.
It is not our call to make.
It is not our decision, 
so please remember that.
I love all, who have come together in this fandom 
and wish your hearts can heal in time.

None of us are perfect.


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