Rob and Kristen - So they didn't win 'Best Kiss' TCA_2012

Do Rob and Kristen look as if they care?
I sense a disturbance in the force...
Sad little people whining because an award was not rightly given to two people, who could melt the polar caps with their sizzling 'on screen/off screen chemistry'
Then there are the hateful loonies who gather around in delight 'Yes my precious, they did not win it, because they did not deserve it - we voted for another couple, yes - we voted well...'

Really...shits and giggles.
I am talking about the Teen Choice Awards (there in lies the reason why) or better known as the TCA's *shrugs* and the lucky winners of the night...
anything teen related, with the Taylor Swift Multiple Award, because she sings of broken hearts and cheating boyfriends (right up a teens alley as the saying goes) 
and Justin Bieber winning...
well enough said about him the better (sorry to all Bieberettes reading this, but honestly, no words decent enough can escape down my fingertips and onto my keyboard... 
Double Whammy Kristen...
The night belonged to Princess Kristen as she not only picked up for Twilight, but also for Snow White and the Huntsman - an award rightly deserved for her fantastic portrayal of the fierce Princess.
Rob and Taylor came on stage for the Twilight movie award and all hearts filled with unicorns and rainbows as the loving couple held hands (albeit briefly) before Rob grabbed Taylor Lautner's as they stepped on stage to collect the overly large surfboards (geez more?)

A couple of snide, bitchy moments from the 'We-Have-No-Life-Brigade'
Why did they have to come on stage together and what the f*ck is that with the hand-holding?
He gave away WHAT, SHE of course had to follow, how random?
They only stayed for the awards, why didn't Rob win ANYTHING, why was it all about HER?

Yeah i know, pathetic but in the grand scheme of things and the TCA's being as sweet as having a toothache and not a pain killer or hammer or anything to numb the pain at hand...Twilight once more walked away successful...
with the little disappointment of Rob and Kristen not winning Best Kiss for Breaking Dawn - practically handing it away to whathisname and whatsherface from the Hunger Games.
Aww even at a crazy teen filled awards show...
Sorry, never saw the movie and wasn't really into the books, so you can forgive me for not giving a shit about THG and everything that goes with it. So to not win the 'Best Kiss' award doesn't really worry me too much when you have a long standing romance with a vampire and have a baby to him. What intrigues me is why it has annoyed so many - it's just an award, it doesn't mean anything, does it?
Personally speaking, i don't think Rob or Kristen were worrying too much about it as they stepped on stage to a cheering crowd, stood beside their dear friend who has been through this journey with them and picked up their 'temporary' surfboards and thanked the fans.

Oh yeah, there was this...
Followed by this...
and eager fans practically passed out with excitement.
But the thing is, they are not the actual awards that Kristen, Taylor and Rob get - NO, get out of here!
Did people think they were?
How strange...
They are dummy boards, not the award they get, they're much smaller and fit on the mantel so much neater with their names on them - D'oh!
Now the only downside to Rob and Kristen handing their boards to the screaming and clutching crowd at the front, was the security removing them after wards (down with the security) i suppose they have to get them back, so they can paint spray them in another selection of gaudy colours, just in time for next years tween awards LOL
But in the mean time we can enjoy the pretty until Breaking Dawn - Pt 2 comes around for promotion.
Until then we have the not so happy response to Rob heading off to Iraq to begin his shoot on 'Mission Blacklist'
I know some fans are a little concerned over his safety and seem to be voicing it pretty loud and clear. From my view point as much as his safety is an issue, there is no way a studio would bring an actor into a zone that is potentially dangerous. Iraq as most will know, went through many years of dreadful and saddening times, which is why Rob is going there to do this movie. It is not an excuse for fanatical fans to get all 'antsy and worried'

It will be a relatively short shoot, with security tight and most likely media blackouts because of the 'sensitive' nature of the movie. It is not an excuse to fill the void worrying unnecessarily or indeed filling other people's heads with undue concern...he will be safe. As safe as any actor having to go to a country for a film shoot, that may or may not have been at one time a stronghold for a dictator or a war zone that saw so many killed or in this case - both.
He is not the first actor to go to such places to make a movie and he won't be the last. Okay so Kristen groaned about it, but that is because she is duly concerned as any self respecting girlfriend would be, but his fans are not his girlfriend...really they aren't!
Kristen sending all her love with Rob...
Kristen will be going off to do 'Cali' soon as will Rob to do 'Mission Blacklist' they are a solid couple doing solid things and getting on with their lives - SOLIDLY and very much in love and together. They have gone through so much and are stronger because of this.
Fans should appreciate their relationship and try and understand that undue worry does nothing. There is no way Rob would agree to do a movie that would potentially put him in danger, he is not stupid you know.

Sit back and chill, good things will come to those who wait. It's going to be a long summer for some (winter for me right now); those who live their lives on the 'Rob and Kristen Watch' i would suggest a hobby, but you will find those who need the necessary 'seeing them together' look upon this as a hobby...a very addictive one.

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