Rob and Kristen - Hold My Hand and I Will Take You There...

So, we wrap up and pretty amazing week, with a trip to a friends concert in entourage of people to look after you (including Kristen's brother) and a wall of leeches, snapping your soul away in their little soulless lenses...

As much as i was filled with giddy excitement (Rob and Kristen out and about) does a lot to warm the cockles of the heart, but the intrusion of annoying paps as they push and pull and get in the way, is really more than my stomach can take.
Happier moments...
We got Comic Con, which filled us with nostalgia and delight. This was to be their last and they made sure all the fans remembered it. We then got the e-Talk interview, so much full of win that one was. With Taylor looking on bemused, hey he has seen them like this for 4 yrs now, so nothing surprises him anymore and we got some lovely insights into how they knew they 'were the one' when it came to the audition.

We had a very unusual string of photos published online of Rob 'apparently' coming out of Paramount Studios after a meeting, but then the fandom FBI decided to do some digging. Whether it was a meeting at a reputable studio or indeed as some suggested; Rob walking down his driveway from his house he shares with Kristen ?!? Who knows. The fact being he looked scruffier than normal, given he had only been to San Diego mere days ago, not even my husband's scruff can grow that fast and he's Scottish!! (Hairy men from the Highlands, because it is so frigging cold)

Either way, it caused a bit of a stir amongst the fandom with some lunatics from the fringe, spouting off bullshit; suggesting it was outside Nikki Reed's house - yeah like Rob really needs to go visiting twilight cast all of a sudden?
The lunatic fringe is full of dead hamsters!
Needless to say, as usual this little corner of the world always never ceases to entertain. It's bad enough some people simply don't have a life and have to spend what little time they have, inventing things just for shits and giggles. But to honestly try and make others believe certain things (marking photos with red circles and comparing them to other key areas of down-town Los Angeles - here the trees and bushes grows this way and the sun always sets that way, giving it a different light at a certain time of day...) 
Please stop, because my head is spinning with all the crazy. People should just be thankful that at times we get little glimpses of either Rob or Kristen - when it's not a stressful walk from a car to a club and back again, that is.
Please, just leave us alone?
I don't like seeing a stressful Rob. We know he can be all kinds of protective and endearing, but it takes it's toll when assholes won't leave them alone. I know they are actors and at times forsake privacy when they are in a public domain, but the paps are like scurrying cockroaches as they clamber and crawl all over the place to get their money shot. Are Rob and Kristen being more open about their relationship - holding hands in public? Personally speaking, he is holding her hand to get passed the shouting, yelling, pushing and shoving. They don't need to prove their relationship is real - isn't being together for near on 4 yrs good enough for some people?
Always checking to make sure Kristen is ok...
It's been a pretty emotional roller coaster ride for them this week. With pre-production on both their projects happening as i type this up - Breaking Dawn II will be closer than they think. A time to thank all the fans for being there for them, a time to reflect on the journey they have both taken, and once and for wall, walk the red carpets; put on the gowns and suits, interviews and press junkets and watch, as fans see the final instalment, one last time. So forgive Rob for always being protective; point is, he has always taken her hand, always watched over her, always tried to protect her. So for me, nothing has changed. They are just as much a couple as they are today, last week, last year and so on...
One Happy Cullen Family...
As it has and as it always will be.
Have a lovely weekend everyone :D

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