Rob and Kristen - Instant Attraction (still in love with you after all these years)

It's that crazy little thing...called love
As you wander through the hallways of life, there is always that undefinable moment when you meet a person you know, is the one.
I'm not talking fireworks or a sudden stop of the world around you. I'm talking physical attraction; the stimulation of all senses.

The problem with physical attraction is what comes next?
It's all well and good feeding off sexual chemistry; how you want to spend every second of the day wrapped in each others arms. But what happens when the physical leaves? That deep need to be with that one person. With just one look, they can weaken your knees. Turn your brain to mush, make you feel all kinds of tingling all over. A smile can captivate your heart and make you feel as if you are as light as a feather, with the maelstrom of emotions flying around inside you. And that's ruling out everything else the person does in between.
With just one look...
From the very beginning; Rob and Kristen's relationship has been purely all physical. And i am not talking smut here, i am referring to how they became 'physically aware of each other'
Meeting Kristen was a 'must' for the 20 year old actor; he did after all brag about seeing the movie 'Into The Wild' and because of that, decided to audition for the lead in Twilight. Now he seems more willing to reveal that actually he has had his eyes on this young actress for quite some time.
This isn't the first time Rob has revealed his fascination in watching Kristen's earlier movies. During the press for Water for Elephants; he sat down with MTV's Josh Horowitz and confessed he watched the movie and 'cried' when Kristen's character became frozen.
Isn't it uncanny that a young actress gets frozen in a movie and they make a wax work dummy out of it? Well, if you consider the time line of when Zathura (A Space Adventure) came out, Kristen was just 14 yrs old. Across the ocean, there was another movie about to embark on its release. A little more high profile than a kids movie in the US - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
In that movie; a fresh faced 18 yr old was trying once again to break into acting. Considering his part in Vanity Fair, was inexcusably cut out from the final movie. Robert Pattinson played ill-fated Cedric Diggory; the handsome Hufflepuff Quidditch Capitan. His charming boyish looks and his sense of right in the world, only led him to be eligible for the Twi-Wizard Tournament. A quest that sealed his fate, as one of Voldemort's henchman 'killed the spare'
Can you imagine what would have happened if they had met all those years ago? Kristen after all, was the same age as Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) of Potter fame. Not to mention she was also apparently a 'Potter' fan, having read all the books. I wonder if she has ever been asked which of the seven books is her favourite? LOL

There was so much controversy surrounding Rob working with Kristen, who was only just 17 when they met. Catherine Hardwicke had to 'warn him off' after the pretty heated audition they shared together on Catherine's bed. So i can't help my imagination wandering at that little tantalizing thought. Physical attraction is so much more than physical; it's everything - emotional, spiritual and all the senses brought into one - taste, sight and touch.
Rob made his decision based on the acting style of the young actress - even going so far as watching Zathura. Kristen is one of the most gifted actresses around and has been constantly praised by Rob because of this. This is not just Rob being biased, even before they became involved romantically he has always pitched in Kristen's corner and the proof as they say is in the movies she has made; the roles and topics she has covered and her passionate nature to commit to something to the very end.
Kristen: (when meeting Robert) "The attraction was instant. When you meet people you want to embark on a creative endeavour with, it's like so intense and exciting." eTalk interview - July 2012 

They have shared 4 yrs together in the spotlight. The crazy fandom of Twilight has kept them on everyone's thoughts. Edward and Bella have become so much more than characters from a young adult/movie franchise, they have almost become a institution of what young teenagers want for themselves - everlasting love. Kristen and Rob have kept a lot of their private life out of the media, so it's always a delight when they do open up a little bit, even if it's to tease and taunt each other during a recorded interview. But what this shows is their comfortability and closeness. They don't hide their joking; instead, give the fans an insight into how are around each other all the time.

What i find delightfully interesting is that their lack of filter when they are  together. They try to out do each other when it comes to messing around and teasing; especially when they're meant to be serious. A far cry from their 2008 eTalk; where it was all undeniable sexual tension between the two, with Nikki Reed and Rachelle Levrere looking on with interest.
Painfully obvious, even then - 2008
Comic Con - 2012, in my opinion has been the best one so far. A Rob and Kristen relaxed, is a very playful combination. They have successes in movies outside the franchise and have grown up and matured considerably, with Rob no longer putting himself down. Instead, feeling for once comfortable in his own skin. Having the success of Cosmopolis, with critics praising his performance as being the best one ever! Has given him that much needed push in the right direction, to prove he is good enough for any role that he tackles. Kristen has grown so much in a year; her confidence just glows with everything she does. Launching a perfume, successful movies in both Snow White and the Huntsman and On the Road - shows just how diverse she can be when it comes to acting. But it's been their personal life that has reflected in everything they have done. Having the security within their lives outside the acting world, has brought much needed acceptance to what they allow to be seen. Their confidence and security of each other shines above everything else. Kristen is so very proud of Rob and he is so very proud of Kristen. Pride, acceptance and love - what more can you ask for?

A comment was made as to why after 4 years are they still in a bubble of happiness? I think i have outlined the reasons why above. Their love, although it changes with each year they are together, stays strong because they don't let anything else get in the way. An ego-less relationship helps in this line of work, they don't feel the other is any better or any less than they are. Even though Rob sincerely admits Kristen is the better actor. A comment she vehemently denies.
I've seen many people have this up on their TL this morning when i logged on, and it immediately made me think of a Savage Garden hit; 'I Knew I Loved You'
It goes back to the comment from Rob about Zathura and how he had seen that movie and was impressed by Kristen. I guess he is truthful in his comment, he did know possibly before he met her - considering his crush he had on the young actress. Call it fate, call it kismet - hey even call it karma, because sometimes it hits you hard. But my belief still stands in chemistry and body language and it's not hard to see when you look back at Rob and Kristen in 2008, and how there was so much undisclosed desire between the two of them. How a young man from the UK; pretty wet behind the ears when he landed on US soil, embarked on a epic journey with a young girl who had the world in her eyes.

4 years later...he still looks at her as if she is the only woman in the world...
A big thank you to all the lovely ladies out there with Tumblrs; who i have borrowed images from - you where a lot of help and i can't thank you enough. Credit goes to each and every one of you :-D x

My parting thought to all of you...

I knew I loved You

Maybe it's intuition,
some things you just don't question.
Like in your eyes, 
I see my future in an instant.
And there it goes,
I think I've found my best friend.
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy,
but i believe...

I knew i loved you before i met you,
I think i dreamed you into life.
I knew i loved you before i met you,
I have been waiting all my life.

There's just no rhyme or reason,
only this sense of completion.
and in your eyes,
I see the missing pieces.
I'm searching for,
I think I've found my way home.

A thousand angels dance around me,
I am complete now that i have found you.


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