Rob and Kristen - CC '2012 - Every Second is a Highlight...

*Peeks around the corner and waves*
There really is an excellent excuse as to why i have been very tawdry with my posting - the contents of my home in the UK arrived on Australian soil. And, after it was checked by customs, those lovely people who make sure nothing comes into their country that shouldn't - it arrived at our humble abode, where i unpacked as much as humanly possible, and now here i am :-)

I'm not even half way through the videos, and boy are there many? But i thought i would put up a little of my thoughts regarding this years Comic Con and boy it didn't disappoint!

Of course, we have the gorgeous and sultry Ms Stewart; she simply oozes sex appeal. It's not hard to understand why Rob to this day is still mooning over the green eyed beauty by his side. Gone is the flirtatious looks from 2008, to be replaced with knowing nods of approval. Seeking each others input and joking banter, which you can only ever expect from Rob and Kristen.
Little Miss Sunshine...
Dressed in a sunshine yellow skirt and white top; Kristen looked sexy-comfortable as she arrived at this years Comic Con to an awaiting crowd who apparently had been camping out for a few days, just to catch a glimpse of their Twilight favourites. It was to be seen as the beginning of the end...when Breaking Dawn - Part Two is finally revealed, four years of watching the romance between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan will finally come full circle. Of course for the fans of the Twilight Saga, it will be a bitter-sweet ending, as they say farewell to their much loved characters, that even Kristen shed a tear or two (bless)

It will also mark a mile stone for Rob and Kristen, who started out on this journey together in the fall of 2007; when a female director took them under her wing and created magic. Their magnetism could not be hidden; their chemistry was on fire, and of course - a romance brewed from the flamed ashes, that's still going strong to this day :-D
Secure within themselves...
It's a far cry from their very first Comic Con; when a shy and awkward Rob Pattinson, stepped on stage to a rapturous and thunderous applause and didn't know which way to look. Kristen on the other hand, stood up and offered him her own applause, as he took his seat beside her and spent the entire time on the panel, chatting and giggling with his co-star.

Today of course, it's nice to see them step out publicly together to an event such as this, promoting a movie that they hold very dear to their hearts. They will never forget the characters that brought them together and of course, they owe so much to the fans, who have stood by and supported both actors through this vampire wonderland.
Mum, Dad and Daughter together...
Isn't that such a precious photograph?
Mackenzie Foy is an absolutely adorable little girl. A girl who had two wonderfully gifted actors play her mum and dad in BD2. A girl who took no nonsense and introduced a swear jar on the set, because her poor ears where bleeding. She possibly collected enough to start her own college fund with?
It's no secret that she looks uncannily like her screen parents; it's as if Bill Condon magicked her out of thin air, making sure he had the right components from Rob and Kristen to make Renesmee work.

As i am still trawling through the videos, there are some hilarious moments, and others that you think to yourself; wow four years on and Rob's verbal filter is still on the Fritz? Yes he has an unique way of sending people into hysterical fits when he opens his mouth and things just fall out. Of course, Kristen is used to this, even though she turned to Mackenzie and wanted to smother the little girls ears with embarrassment. You have to admit, a party would never be dull with Rob around.
I salute you one and all...
The tender moments between them could be seen very clearly - Kristen still gets to Rob in a way that just makes your heart flutter - even cold, dead hearts such as mine LOL. In an age when so many celebs are fighting to keep their relationships alive, Rob and Kristen's keep shining through. The mutual respect and pride that is seen on their faces, makes the wait for BD2 that little bit more bearable. Of course Kristen is off in September to do 'Cali' a movie in which she is going to go to the gym and get herself a 'kick ass body' for. I wonder if Rob will be going along for moral support?

It's going to be an interesting couple of months ahead, with Rob's 'Mission Blacklist' also on the cards and the final promotion of the Twilight Saga. But i have a feeling we won't see the last of Rob and Kristen working together; Kristen seems definitely determined they will grace the silver screen again and Rob wholeheartedly agrees. I for one would like them to wait a couple of years; get Edward and Bella out of everyone's system - allow the glittery vampires to run off into the sunset together, before embarking on another movie. That way, critics won't keep referring to their 'Twilight Days' and take them seriously in another movie together.

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