Rob and Kristen - We Belong...

*Credit for photograph by @ingrypattinson*

We Belong

Many times I've tried to tell you,
Many times I've cried alone.
Always I'm surprised how well you cut my feelings to the bone.
I don't want to leave you really,
I've invested too much time.
To give you up that easy,
To the doubts that complicate your mind.

We belong to the light,
we belong to the thunder.
We belong to the sound of the words,
we've both fallen under.
Whatever we deny or embrace,
for worse or for better.
We belong,
we belong, we belong together.

Maybe it's a sign of weakness,
when i don't know what to say.
Maybe i just wouldn't know what to do with my strength anyway?
Have we become a habit,
do we distort the facts?
Now there's no looking forward,
now there's no turning back when you say...

Rt CH.

Close your eyes and try to sleep now,
close your eyes and try to dream.
Clear your mind and try do the best to wash the palette clean.
We can't begin to know it, 
how much we really care.
I hear your voice inside me,
I see your face everywhere, still you say,

We belong to the light,
we belong to the thunder.
We belong to the sound of the words,
we've both fallen under.
Whatever we deny or embrace,
for worse or for better.
We belong,
we belong, we belong together.

 ~Pat Benetar~

My thoughts are very clear,
no longer am i pandering to the conflict of some people in this fandom.
Maybe it's because i never bought into the whole 'media' angle of this situation. My thoughts were always focused on two people -
Rob and Kristen.

In the words of Pat Benetar; a songstress i tend to go to now and again, because her words are so fucking simple - logical. It's been over 2 weeks and the gossip hounds are sitting, panting and waiting - it's so bloody comical if it wasn't so tragic. To wait for a sign, a smidgen of whispers on the horizon - 'who will speak first, who will emerge from the darkness first?'
Theories and speculation and god damn it, i am sick and tired of so many 'sources' claiming they have seen Rob, seen Kristen.
Where is Bear in all of this?

Yeah, pretty pathetic really.
Everyone demands an explanation for all of this silence. Oh the 'media' have spun their own version of the truth and little sheep have lapped it all up, like the thirsty little wanderers that they are - 'but they said this' and 'that one said that' followed by 'did you hear what this one says?' Yeah, you seriously think friends of either Rob or Kristen will be speaking to anyone?
Do you think media sites have a direct line to both of their teams?
They get given what is needed and the rest they say is 'shut up and leave them alone' 

Yet still the speculation goes around and around in circles, with the cries of outrage 'we deserve an explanation why Kristen did this!'
No, you really don't. 
SO, my post is very simple, it's too simple really.
Rob and Kristen - belong to each other.
Why do i believe this?

Because you don't turn your back on a love in this crazy assed world for one stupid mistake. One careless lapse of judgement. 
Announce to the world who you love, condemn the one who thought they had you to a life of fucking misery.
Yeah, like i said - simple.

Kristen chose the man she wants to be with, with a very emotional plea. 
Oh the harpies and the haters describe that as a 'well what do you expect, she got caught out, stupid bitch'

She laid her heart open, her emotions bare for all to see.
She removed all the privacy that has always surrounded her.
She took down the walls she built around her.
She agonised over it, knowing the world would judge her for it.
*and they have*
But that didn't matter, for Kristen was only reaching out for one person.

Did he hear her, did he understand the depth of her apology?
One can only hope.
Love challenges us, strips us bare at times and makes fools of us all.
But it also brings us together, binds us to each others hearts.
A fool is a person who lets something go, even if it has hurt them.
We all make mistakes, life is not meant to be easy...

We can spend our lives playing 'what if's' but it all comes down to the same thing. Don't make your life a 'what if' make you life a 'what's next?' 
A love so strong can over come anything, any challenge, any heartache, any test. I believe that Rob and Kristen have that love.

Wash away the sorrow and the pain,
the man; with love in his eyes
and the girl; with sorrow in her heart. 

May they both realise how much they need each other - to fight for what is right.

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