Rob and Kristen - When A PR Contract Doesn't Work!

Allow a moment of silence, as we remember the P.R marriages/committed relation-whatevas, that have failed to hold onto their contracts, before one half of the party decides they have had enough, living a lie...
To all those Tom and ..... relationships out there, you know who you are.
I feel as if my Friday post was a little bit apocalyptic in it's wording 'relationships that won't give it a try' and the announcement over the weekend that yet another marriage has bit the dust (the many wives of Tom Cruise) leaves me feeling decidedly humorous in my musings today.
I know it's not really nice to go over the 'freshly dried signature' that holds the key to making sure you take every last penny of your disgruntled spouse as they argue 'not fair' and 'why are you doing this?'

Of course in the normal 'we regret to announce' of yet another relationship that doesn't go the 'whole nine yards' for Hollywood. The all that glitters doesn't necessarily mean you will be given it all when it comes to negotiating marriage contracts. (pre-nups to the rich and famous)

The PR circle of life; "negotiating a mutually beneficial agreement, between two people, that will not only help in their individual careers, their financial undertakings - movies, merchandise, promotional appearances. Royalties of any voice overs or music their voice is used in etc, etc...If need be, a further clause is added should they agree to have children; those children would stand to inherit a tidy sum of monies of the father/mother, should the mutual beneficial agreement between the two people cited in said document, decide to come to an end."
The P.R relationship, that does it all wrong!
I find comfort in those who see certain 'arrangements' for what they are. I am not by any means tying every single relationship in Hollywood as being the same...well almost. But i do find it a constant source of entertainment, when certain 'fringe elements' believe that one particular party 'obviously' have a well thought out time scale, in which to 'fool and trick' the lesser intelligent with their game of 'self promotion' with a time scale of....5 movies in 4 years?'
When you look at the self-proclaimed reasons why some relationships don't work out 'too much time spent away from one and other. Too interested in their careers, stresses trying to juggle family life and working life' on and on the pitiful excuses circle it goes, is it any wonder celebrities get laughed at so much? Media outlets consider 2 years equates to a lifetime married by Hollywood standard - WTF is wrong with the world?

I do feel sorry for the kids who end up caught in the mess. I know it's not the best thing to do and that is to poke fun at other people's misfortunes, but come on...Tom Cruise jumped on a couch in the middle of the Oprah Winfrey show, proclaiming this was the first time he had ever been in love! Erm okay, so staying married for 10 years to Nicole Kidman was just what...passing time and you couldn't decide whether it was for you or not?
Yet two people who don't really talk about their private life. Don't exactly feel comfortable discussing any element of their relationship. Have always remained hidden when they are not working; spending time with each other rather than courting the media, are nothing but a ruse. A wealthy contract for Summit Entertainment and every person who speaks out about their 'relationship' do so because they are also under contract with the Studio that hold the rights (until the final movie) of the Twilight franchise.

Sure, yeah, okay...(eyes rolling to the back of my head)

As far as i am concerned, A real relationship is not ruled by the PR machine in Hollywood. That both parties stand to loose, when it all comes tumbling down. There is an emotional attachment when you decide you want to be with someone and that doesn't mean the emotional attachment you have to your bankable name or balance in various accounts, that not even your tax man knows about.
Who believes a romance like this ^...lasts forever?
When two people try too hard to convince the world they are happy, in love and want to show any which way they's fake! I don't need the over dramatic pull to the one side and planting a slobbering kiss in public, to let me know that this kind of relationship will be doomed to fail. From what i can gather (and i am not all that heavily invested in knowing why this showmance failed) it was Katie who filed the petition (guess she left Tom feeling about as gob-smacked as Nicole was, when he did the dirty deed on her?)
Together means...together...
I guess some relationships just can't be faked?
I don't need Rob to jump on a chat show couch and announce to the world 'I am in love!' Over and over and get all hysterical and embarrassing, to prove to me he has found the love of his life. I don't need Kristen to turn up to every premiere of Rob's making sure she is in his eye line, so he can go over and grab her out of crowd, twirl her around and plant a slobbery kiss for effect.

You can't fake what is real, and they are very real...indeed.
So for all those who still insist that Pattinson and Stewart are the PR deal; cleverly concocted by a studio, to drum up as much support for the Twilight movies as possible. That as soon as the final movie gets released, they will suddenly go their separate ways; sell the houses they have, cars they have acquired and decide who gets what half of their dog, Bear (heads or tail?) I have a couple of bridges to sell you.

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