Rob and Kristen - Fireworks...

First of all...Happy 4th July to all Americans who celebrate, the birth of a nation - here's to your Independence Day!

Well now, what a few days it has been. I'm talking about my personal life and not the nasty mumblings of the not so bright in this fandom. Finally i can post up a little bit of fluff and sappiness (i know the kind of sappiness that spin Nonstens into a dreadful tail of 'PR conspiracy' and prepping for the PR show of all - Comic Con and the need to look together)
So for this holiday time of the year; the sun is shining, you can practically smell the summer breeze in the air (well it's winter where i am right now but i have an imagination LOL) isn't it nice to get 'private little moments in interviews of Rob or Kristen?'
Rob in Cannes...
In a recent interview; the ever so candid Rob *rolls eyes* spoke to Elle/Brazil. In the magazine he talks about Twilight, Cosmopolis, Cannes and a little bit about Kristen.
Surely not, isn't their relationship strictly PR?

Yes it's true, some people still insist to this day that he is 'ordered' by the studio and his ever busy team to 'pretend' he is in a relationship. I suppose that's why he spends 'every single waking and sleeping moment when he's not working' with the girl in question? LOL

In the interview, he touches briefly of the success that has changed his life for the better. How he left a '500 pound pay-check for the bright lights of Hollywood.' It doesn't amaze me that he is still the same self-depreciating self that he's always been, he admits that Twilight has a lot to do with where he is today and that he didn't have to do much for the character of Edward Cullen, considering he's frozen in time and never changes *wooden* i believe some haters have referred to him as, even though it's been a role he plays and not the person or acting ability that Rob is. For me, the roles Rob has taken after making the twilight movies, have set him apart from the 'type casting' every actor is afraid of happening. He has gone from 'extremely in love' for Twilight to 'angry and resentful' in Remember Me. 'Heroic and love lorn' in Water for Elephants to a 'cad and womaniser' in Bel Ami. With each movie for me, he has shown a depth of acting and the deep need to make each character he has played, believable. But for me, it will be his role in Cosmopolis, that will prove once and for all he is an actor to be reckoned with.
Not just a pretty face...
The interview gives a clear cut insight into how he sees himself and how when he first read the script for Cosmopolis he didn't want to do it, but didn't want to be seen as a coward turning it down. He fear and lack of confidence is something he is slowly overcoming and i for one am very happy that he is doing so. There is always so much talk about actors and egos and very few can actually say Rob has an ego, because he doesn't. You will never find a more ego-less person than in Robert and his view of his fast tracking success, because of a teenage vampire movie. It is so easy to feel 'trapped' when hunted by the media and sometimes the fans, this is something he still feels uncomfortable with;
"I try not to think a lot about that and just do my job. My life is really weird. It's not as strange as my character's in Cosmopolis, but i feel just as claustrophobic as him sometimes."
No one can feel the way Rob feels, when faced with 'do i go out and have a nice evening out with friends.' Making sure his departure from his home is done with military precision; having all exits covered, watching and waiting until the coast is clear before moving out, hoping you don't attract the attention of the paps sitting in a car or van down the street. His lack of self confidence has at times been his downfall. Let's face it, the 6ft actor, who is seen by the female population who follow his every move as almost god-like in the looks department, believes he looks 'weird'
"It's not easy to get around as the heartthrob for a long time. You need to be extremely self-confident, that's not my case. I don't think I'm attractive, I'm weird."
Well, i know one particular woman who will argue that to the death!
ah yes, the woman he is currently co-writing a script for a movie with...
"It's not for now, we're not going to hurry to work together again. We know it has to be a great movie to explain a new partnership on screen. If not, they're going to crush us."
Explaining further that he couldn't have found a 'more perfect' girl than Kristen...
*Cue the wailing and whining from the haters and hyenas as they read this little bit of insightful bluntness*
Young and stunning...
Ah yes, the woman they all love to hate. The same woman they are petitioning Rob's team to get him to 'dump' her, because she's detrimental to his career!
Yes it seems Rob's words are not only wise but also very tender when speaking about the most important person in his life;
"She's understands exactly how i feel. She's an ambitious woman who wants to grow as an actress. She has an excellent radar for what is good and challenges me constantly."
Hmm, gotta love the fact that Rob always shows his admiration for the young actress, who caught his attention at just 17 years old. The 'best in her generation' was only on the screen in brief moments during 'Into the Wild' but it was those moments that intrigued a young twenty-something struggling actor in London, to pick up the phone and call his agent, after initially turning down the script to a teen movie book franchise and beg for an audition.

And isn't he thanking god every single day for that timely intervention?
They have come a long way since then, especially this year when so much, so far has happened to both of them career wise. Kristen has been rocking the fashion red carpets, with such names as Marc Jacobs and Karl Largerfield praising her unique self of style and confidence. She has worn some of the most exclusive couture gowns and is now seen set to launch her own brand of 'be yourself' with Florabotanica by Balenciaga. Not only that but, with Snow White and the Huntsman already hitting all the right notes at the box office and On The Road competing in the Palm D'Or at Cannes.
I absolutely love the graphics for this...
Speaking of Cannes...
Yes it was a coup that both of them just so happened to have their movies competing for the prestigious award, given to the movie that receives the most votes in the sunny French Mecca of all Film Festivals. For Rob and Kristen, it was also a strange, surreal experience for both of them. Continuing on the 'Rob talking about Kristen in Elle/Brazil' he recalls the 'emotion and craziness of having a movie competing in the 'Palm D'Or' he was competing with 'Cosmopolis' and Kristen with 'On the Road'
All dressed up for Cannes...
"Someone made a joke about us being adversaries, which would be insane."
although he does admit that he was "a little jealous" when Kristen told him about being at the French event (On the Road was announced first - Cosmopolis a few days later)
"In the end, it was amazing to have each other's support. Her presence at the gala screening of the movie made me feel really nervous. She was sitting in front of me. I kept looking at the back of her neck, trying to find out if she was liking the movie or not (laughs). I only relaxed when, at the end, Kristen told me she loved it."
Guess all of Kristen's praying paid off?
You have got to admit - Cannes was a very special time for both of them and being there together added to that 'special and unique' occasion. It's not hard to understand just how important the emotional support of your other half means to both Rob and Kristen. They are both so proud of each other and that goes without saying. In a world where their relationship is constantly under scrutiny from the media and the rabid fans, who need to know everything that is going on in it - they stepped out at each other's screening, stood and posed on the red carpet for the world to see. Putting it, it has to be said, a lot of doubt to rest about the nature of their relationship. Although you still have those stuck in the same record of 'it's just for PR, they're not really together!' Yeah i know, i find myself constantly in a state of perpetual eye-rolling.
Of course Rob is no stranger to Cannes, having already been at the festival in 2009; networking with Summit for 'Remember Me' This time however, i believe personally he enjoyed it a lot more knowing Kristen was not only going to be there too, but was also just as nervous and anxious for her own movie. Seeing Rob arrive at Kristen's screening, was for most fans, an absolute delight. Everyone knows they attend each others rough cuts, because they have spoken about it in the past. But this time however it was a important to gauge their reaction from actually sitting and watching the movie from beginning to end, edited and finished.
Adding a little touch of sexy to Cannes...
Having Kristen attend Rob's dressed in, it has to be said a stunning red, neck plunging dress, got a lot of people's blood pumping and not because she literally stole the red carpet. It seems people just want Rob to be seen as single and attainable. I think if anything, the more interviews surface, especially recent ones from both of them, the more inclined i am to believe they are 'staking their claim' on each other for the fans, who are clinging to the hope this is just an act. act that has gone on for 3-4 yrs now?
You can't make everyone believe there is more to Rob and Kristen than merely acting out a relationship with a sole purpose of promoting a franchise for one more movie. You can make up whatever excuses you want to help you sleep at night to prove this point. But when you have two people who are both honest and unmoving when it comes to how they view life. How singularly minded they are in how they want to be seen, how falseness and just 'being in a relationship' just for their careers, is not who they are or who they want to be. How Rob will speak about Kristen in a way that proves this point. How right from the very beginning, he's been inspired by how she has been able to obtain being an actress and still keep a sense of herself intact.
Q: "Out of the actors you have worked with so far, who inspired you the most?"
R: "I loved working with Kristen."

Speaks volumes doesn't it?
Have a lovely day and avoid getting hurt with the fireworks!!

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