Rob and Kristen - You Bring Me Closer...

Just the two of us...
Ah, it's that time of the week once again. When the few days of relaxation and recharging spells spending time with your loved ones, doing some work around the house or simply just chilling out with friends - you know, normal stuff.

Of course in this fandom it's usually 'where are Rob and Kristen?'
Well, we know Rob is in LA as far as his night out at a premiere and after party are concerned, and just because Kristen wasn't seen in Paris (intimate dinner held in her honour) doesn't mean she wasn't there (Kristen is after all Queen of Ninjas)
Rob and Kristen are like the Christmas gift that keeps on giving.
Comic Con 2012 is just around the corner. I remember last year; the flutter of excitement because both were going to appear at the event and the activity surrounding their appearance was electric. I was due to go on vacation at the time while Rob was shooting in Canada for 'Cosmopolis' and Kristen was booked for not only the 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' panel, but also 'Snow White and the Huntsman' which of course we were all so excited about, and now look at us?
I look at those two photographs with a huge smile on my face, how so much has changed. Their first Comic Con 2008; was so obvious, the attraction and flirtation was in overload - the pheromones flying around between them would have knocked anyone out! Sexual chemistry had a whole new meaning when you watched the two of them sit out most of the time on the panel - talking and smiling to one and other. Comic Con 2009; was a little more reserved, a little more shy, a little more 'let's not try and make it look obvious'
As much as the panel was good, as much as it was nice to see the gang together, it wasn't the chat or indeed the banter that interested me, it was more the tender looks they gave each other with (Taylor lautner) acting as a Summit buffer between them, the brazen stares Kristen kept giving Rob and the 'no personal questions embargo' placed upon any journalist or fan desperate enough to find out where they together (which of course one stupid journo did)
So when last year rolled around (they didn't appear for the Eclipse because both had commitments) all eyes where on Kristen and Rob and they didn't disappoint and i grinned from my view point on the sunny coast of Devon.

So much has changed...
If one thing has taught us, it is always to expect the unexpected and boy has the fandom had some unexpected happiness happen in the last month alone.

Kristen and Rob both in attendance for the SWATH Red Carpet in London and his birthday...
Kristen and Rob both attending the Cannes Film Festival with Cosmopolis and On The Road both receiving outstanding reviews, with many people coming away shocked and surprisingly stunned at Rob's performance in a pretty dark and edgy David Cronenberg movie.
Tenderness in Cannes...
There is one thing you cannot deny, and that is when Rob and Kristen love, they love completely. It seems the two very private people still find time to make sure they know just where their priorities lie. It seems a shame really for me, when i see so many relationships end and i am not talking just the celebrity ones that fall apart, in my line of work you see it unfortunately more often than not. For me, the saddest has to be (and i will touch on this briefly) the recent relationships that just don't work out.
I know it's easy to make excuses as to why it doesn't work out. Take the recent revelation from Katy Perry (yes the very one) who is promoting her all wholes bared rockumentary 'Part of Me' (and coincidently she is in Australia right now) on why her marriage to British comedian and sometimes actor, Russell Brand; she tried to make it work, but she couldn't hold it together any longer, they both have demons and both had work commitments...yadda, yadda, yadda (sorry the inner Yentel in me)
You see the way i look at it in life, you make time for one and other ALWAYS. It doesn't matter how busy you are, doesn't matter when your deadline is due, it doesn't even matter where you are in the world...the one who is in your life should always be the most singular important person - no matter what. People make commitments so frivolously these days; hooking up and getting married seem as easy as putting down a deposit for some real estate - sign on the dotted line please and congratulations. But when the cracks start to appear, when the lust haze is lifted and suddenly mundane married/committed life...seems so...boring! Too many throw the towel in without giving it a chance. In Katy Perry's admission, she believes the desperate need to push herself with her singing career (which was still very young) didn't help matters, and i can understand that.

Rob and Kristen however, have proved otherwise.
They make time for one and other...always.
It is so easy to get sidetracked with work and put under pressure with the need to get it done - actors are no different as they have a deadline and financiers they have to please. But your personal life should be just as important as your professional life, and this is why it has successfully worked for both of them. Yes there are pressures in both their lives - think of how many air miles Kristen has clocked up since the beginning of this month alone? Rob has moved his work around Kristen and Kristen has done the same - neither seem to want any thing to come between what is important to them and that is - each other. In some ways; Rob would more than likely move mountains for Kristen if he could, she is the singularly the most precious and definitely way more important than his next 'big budget movie'

But this is where some fans simply don't understand the workings of his mind or don't want to. They would prefer him to be single and non-committal. They would rather he led a very open life; surrounded by nameless and faceless people, when really he is a very settled and happy young man.

As for Kristen...
Kristen with Balenciaga Designer; Nicolas Ghesquiere
Isn't she simply gorgeous and finally a photo of Kristen in wonderful Paris.
Kristen loves completely and she has finally come into her own. She is not afraid of who she is, what she does and how she loves, because she does it with such passion and commitment. There is no way in this world she loves less than her boyfriend does and she is 110% proud of everything he has ever done and still does, because she knows he is still growing and still developing in everything he does. With each passing year, they get closer than ever. I am not sad about the ending of Twilight and it's four soon to be five successful movies, because those movies brought two people together.
I will never get bored of this photo...
Two people who started out on this journey together; saw the hysteria of it together, lived through the highs and the lows together. Became very good friends together, helped each other through some really crazy, stressful times together. Shared some heartache and some laughs together. Fell in love...together and with that faced whatever backlash that produced...together. Come what may.

I have a good feeling, this years Comic Con will not disappoint. Both Rob and Kristen know there are people out there happy and very proud of the movies they make together and separately and who are keen for the two of them to work together again. So for me, goodness will come from promoting Breaking Dawn - Part 2 just as long as The Powers That Be - listen to the fans and allow them to be interviewed (just the two of them) and for goodness sake as much as i love seeing separate photo-shoots, but would it kill you to maybe allow them to do a few together?

Have a glorious weekend. Don't get out the bitch-slapper too much, although with the not so sane end of the Rob and Kristen fandom...that sometimes isn't possible. And i will see you next week :D


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