Rob and Kristen - The Never-Ending Drama!...

Pain and Panic reporting for duty!
Ah yes...
another day and another round of drama, bullshit, hysteria, cringing and whining.
I can sometimes tolerate the noise (sometimes)
I can sometimes tolerate the bullshit (okay, not all the time)
But upon my word, the hysterical, ridiculous assumptions, from people who really need to check out of Fantasy Land and into Reality Road.

Let's start with;
Bullshit hysteria #1
Rob was linked to 'mystery blonde'
please...there are not enough bitch-slappers in the world to put this one to bed. I have already covered my downright snort and giggling, following the haters and hyenas poor and pitiful excuse as to why Rob, as soon as Kristen is out of the country, would snuggle up with a 'mystery blonde' Can i ask, why are they always fucking blonde? Can't the haters link him with any other colour, when it comes to cheating on his girlfriend? Well, no and don't call Kristen his girlfriend in their presence or they will get uglier than they already are (inside and out)

Yes it seems the insane won't quit until they get it debunked. The drama llamas were twisting their fingers into unsightly knots, as they paced the floor waiting...waiting...and waiting for someone, anyone to debunk this latest piece of trash fodder. I mean COME ON people, it was from X-17 Online, you know scumsville for the paparazzi. When all other photog agencies are filled up trying to destroy other celebs lives - X-17 always comes to the rescue with pathetic and nauseating excuses for journalism, with suggestions that 'while Kristen is away Rob will play.'
Does CandyKisses now work for X-17 Online, instead of pretending she's a Legal Eagle and trust me, i am not being libellous in any shape or form when it comes to disgusting behaviour from women like the Queen of Nonstens (and that is not a label to be proud of) It's bad enough addressing the stupid claim, but to have websites debunk it...well it just proves there are not enough brains in the world and common sense to make up your own mind. There was never a doubt in my mind that some people just need to get off on other people's misery and i am talking the insecure people in this crazy fandom, who need that little bit of reassurance!! To help them get through the day.

Bullshit and hysteria #2 
Kristen; dress or no dress?
Then of course there is the wedding that keeps on giving, the 'did she wear a dress, did she wear jeans?' - Why do people need to know? Yes it seems the debate is still rolling on with 'HA I told you so, Kristen wouldn't go to a wedding in just jeans and be very disrespectful, she borrowed a dress because she forgot her own and wore it until the night-time!'
*rubs temples furiously*
I find it mind-boggling that this becomes a topic of conversation, is there not enough to do in the world other than sit around like catty bitches, discussing what a young woman wears on a daily basis? As far as i am concerned, Kristen Stewart can turn up in a sackcloth and barefooted and it still wouldn't change the outlook in my life, or indeed ruin it. People really need to find another reason for living, to actually take stock of their lives other than continue the stupid gossip, filling message boards with 'Well i for one am glad she did wear a dress, it's politically correct to look respectful when attending an important function such as a wedding.' Oh for goodness sake, take out your prude heads from up your asses and get a life!
To dress or not to dress?
I'm more delighted that they were able to attend the lavish event. Spend time with people they know, meet friends who were also in attendance and just chill out and be part of the wedding party. After all, Kristen left to fly to Paris for a dinner in her honour from  Balenciaga and she actually was able to get to France - undetected!!
Well from my point of view, i would assume because of the heinous and disgusting scuffle surrounding Kristen's return to the US from her Australian SWATH promotion, wouldn't you rather travel with a little bit more protection and privacy from the photo snapping roaches? I would not be surprised if Kristen's security team made sure of her 'safe journey' to Europe for this auspicious dinner in her honour. Not to mention her other half worrying about the safety implications of another airport disaster. Rob usually just let's the invasion of his private life not get to him (all the time) he tends to shut a lot of what they say out and knows that it's only a few seconds, maybe minutes out of your life that you have to 'endure' it.

Kristen as tough as she is and that girl is really tough, when it comes to safety and protection, sometimes safe and sound really means what it says on the tin. So for me, if she travelled privately, it was because of what happened when she came home and i bet my last AUS dollar - the photogs in question and the agency they sell their photos to (if they happen to be freelance, which most of them are) are being watched very careful by Kristen and Rob's security. 

Bullshit and hysteria #3
Rob at Katy Perry's premiere...ALONE? 
Moses on a motorbike!!
Yes here it comes again - the big book of bullshit and drama from the Nonsten camp; Rob goes solo at Katy Perry's movie premiere 'Part of Me 3D' and the cackling witches try and brew up another storm.
Bitchy, Twitchy and Mo!
Kristen is in France on work related business (Balenciaga)
Rob is at home, pacing the floors with Bear whimpering at his heels (yes mummy is away again but she will be back soon)
What does he do with his little old self as he is at a loose end?
I know, let's attend a movie premiere of someone i have been linked to constantly by those, who lost the power of their brain cells using too much fake tan, hairspray and botox injections... (can you sense my sarcasm in all of this?)
Trying to become small, not an easy feat for 6ft Rob...
The smell of hysteria was in the air; drama llamas, hysterical hyenas and of course the token haters - all scrambled around to make sense of this. It was funny as it was; having Rob in the same vicinity as Disney darling Selena Gomez and Peter Pan of pop US style Justin Bieber - but alas the whole 'Rob is solo and needs someone to pass the time away, again because Kristen has left him on his own...'
Cue the rumours;
Rob and Shannon Woodward (ex of Andrew Garfield)
Rob and Katy Perry (ah that rumour once again)

There is only so much i can take!
There are a lot of people doing this!
Once again we have Rob 'linked' with any female with a pulse (at least this time she is not blonde? Although...)
Once again the bullshit is thick in this fandom
and once again people with very little brains try and make out something that is 'really' simply NOT THERE.
Clue #1
Katy Perry is good friends with Rob.
Clue #2
Katy Perry is good friends with Kristen.
Clue #3
Not so long ago - Rob AND Kristen were seen on the set of Katy Perry's 'Part of Me' along with...wait for it - Shannon Woodward and Kristen's best friend Scout Compton.

Stop the press, you're kidding me?
Honestly, why would i, when haters and hyenas give me far too much entertainment. The never-ending merry-go-around of nonsense is not only tiresome but god in heaven we have been through this time and time again. I suppose it would be entertaining if it wasn't so unbelievably stupid. And yet, there are those out there and you know who you are, who believe every single thing that is posted up online, without using common sense. You would rather go to cesspools such as the 'really dreadful but i believe in spouting my own bullshit - Awful Truth message board' than laughing off the crud that drums up the drama for nothing. Of course I'm not surprised that Rob attended  Katy's premiere - why wouldn't he? And he attended it with some friends 'wow, gasp and shock' but they were female 'and your point?' But, but, but.
Here's a clue to those who love to drum up drama;
Get off your high horse and stop assuming that two people will do every single thing you believe they should. That they have to somehow be joined at the hip in EVERYTHING that they do and WILL NOT do things separately!
When Rob is working or travelling to events he needs to be in, do you seriously think Kristen sits at home designing knitting patterns and sewing Rob's socks? Do you really believe she pines away waiting for him to come home to her, neglecting her friends, not attending premiere's of friends or just chilling out?
And i won't even entertain the idea that there are some out there (CK) who believe in their own delusion. Who in their stinky, dark recess of the haterdome, decide to create stories of hook ups with Rob and how many people he sleeps with behind Kristen's back (really no padded cell in the world could fit all the personalties they  keep to themselves!)

So there you have it - delusion in a nutshell and boy are there some nuts out there!
The never-ending drama of bullshit and fuckery. From dresses to drama, stresses to premiere after-party showing - including Justin and Selena in his big bus and the opening of an exclusive bar owned by David Arquette - honestly i have it all.
Kristen richly deserved the dinner in her honour in Paris, and Rob deserved a fun night out with friends - end of story. No doubt come tomorrow, i will have to get out the mop and bucket to clean up the slobbery mess, once again.

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