Rob and Kristen - Hey Mister DJ, Put A Record On...

There is just something about both their names - together on a wedding invite...
Ah yes, another day in the 'OMG they did not' fandom.
Seems i missed some deep down right bullshit and hilarity over the weekend?
First of course was the hullabaloo over Kristen returning home, yes home as in the place of residence she lives in. No, not at her 'Mom and Dad's' she moved out of there a long time ago. Around the time a tall drink of water starting doing more than hang around with her 'just as friends'

I'm talking about the house she shares with that same certain tall, drink of water and their dog - Bear (miss his  cute little face and wonky legs)
Then of course there was a flutter of activity; Rob was seen in Largo (LA) at Jenny Lewis' concert, followed closely behind with 'yes' you guessed it - Kristen Stewart...

OMG, oh no, this can't be good! Let's study the Nonsten hand book, what to do when things don't go according to plan; PANIC, and BULLSHIT your way out!
Now, considering the disgusting behaviour of the 'stalkerazzi' who where in my opinion, bang out of order and don't deserve any respect at all. And anyone who gives them respect, are about as low life and as much a cockroach as they are! You can imagine how a little 'tense' Rob is, when they exited the venue of the concert later that night. Rob has recently shown his displeasure at the amount of cameras shoved in his face. He has little if no time for those, who constantly call out your name or hurl abusive suggestions in your face. Never mind the depraved photogs, almost getting into a hustle with Kristen's security team. So this is just one more reason why this 'solid as they have ever been' couple, tend to keep out of the spotlight. But they are entitled to a life and should be allowed to go out on a 'date night' if they choose to. But alas; in this dawn of age with Twitter and Facebook being so accessible - soon the jungle drums where beating in unison - Rob and Kristen were out TOGETHER!

Yeah, like that's news any more? Of course you had to have the attention seeking scrum of getting it 'out there' as soon as possible. Followed by the stalkerazzi actually paying people (with cigarettes) to get any information on what was going on inside the venue (and i should be shocked at this?) Either way, Kristen just hours of stepping off a plane and getting some rest, was out with her man - and all seemed right in the RobSten world...
Violins where playing, butterflies where frolicking in the meadow and the sun was shinning in the sky.
Until it was rumoured once again that Rob and Kristen were in...Hawaii?

Apparently, Kristen and Rob where together in a hotel in the sunny, tropical, hula dancing, balmy Hawaii - according to someone who tweeted that the 'love birds' where staying in the same place. Wow, from Australia to Hawaii, how did they do that? How did they indeed.
Alas, it was a red herring, because they were not in the Island that is famous for beautiful exotic flowers, warm white sandy beaches, Elvis Presley and Lilo and Stitch...
Nope, they were in New Jersey, at a wedding!
Isn't the little girl in pink, the luckiest girl in the world?
Okay, let's break down the phenomenally epic wedding and guest list.
Rob and Kristen indeed attended a wedding. After a night at a concert in LA, the couple hopped on what can only be presumed to be a private jet (no hounding photos from LAX outbound) to the wedding of Kevin Turen (friend and movie producer) and Evelina Oboza.
Oh you know, the people Rob was seen getting into a car with last December, while Kristen was in London still shooting Snow White and the Huntsman? Kevin was in the front with his friend and Evelina was in the back with Rob. And according to the land of hilariously stupid Nonsten's; she was the latest leggy, blond haired conquest of Lothario Pattinson.
I know, little amuses people, with very little working brain cells and a desire to make up the most ridiculous of rumours. Well, it turns out Rob and Kristen were attendees at Kevin and Evelina's wedding at the weekend, as seen by their 'joint' place-card setting (really, really love that) and of course, their smiling faces as they stood and posed with wedding guests, who were just as star struck as the rest of us. Zac Efron was also invited, so it was close friends of the happy couple - such bliss.

Unfortunately, with every piece of good news, there has to be an equal amount of bullshit following. Namely, idiots slamming Kristen because she attended the jeans.

I kid you not. In an age where women should be comfortable wearing whatever the want...feminism takes a step back into the dark ages, when a group of fashion nannies decide what a 22 year old should, or should not wear! It seems no matter what Kristen does, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. Had she turned up in a dress, the usual length that is neither too short or too long - people would be screaming 'Oh she just did that to show up the Bride. Look how revealing that little piece of fabric is?' Be it long or short, Kristen would have been accused of up-staging the Bride. So instead, she dressed in her usual, comfortable, laid back manner - jeans, tee and flat shoes with jacket - the hyenas hurled abuse 'the little tramp has no respect - jeans at a wedding...disgraceful!'

So when you roll your eyes enough you give yourself a headache, because they take their time rolling back, you decide that some silly people will just groan and gripe over anything. I sincerely doubt the Bride and Groom really gave two fucks, what Kristen Stewart turn up dressed in, just as long as she was wearing something. Okay, so Rob was dressed in a suit - and what? Was that some code for 'she embarrassed Rob by wearing pants' OMG is there no end to stupidity?
DJ Pattinson...
According to those who attended the wedding, Rob lent a hand playing DJ and even introduced a track 'Return of the Mack' aah..a classic song, and one i am sure went down a treat. Is there no end to this man's talents? Apparently not LOL
The weekend belonged to the two of them, doing what they do well, just being themselves. Wedding guests were quick to tweet about the happy couple and how nice it was seeing them there at their 'friends' wedding.
Rob and Kristen's grins say it all...
After a week of intense SWATH promotion with her co-star Chris Hemsworth; Kristen came back home, to her man and spent the weekend, enjoying music and eating wedding cake. Seems a nice way to end a successful movie promotion, on a high with the one you love.
A love that doesn't exactly want or need to be forthcoming with information, pertaining to their private life.
In a recently released interview from the Berlin Press Tour for Cosmopolis; the journalist - Anna Facompre asked;

AF: "One private question; I know fans would love to know, what you got Kristen for her birthday last month?"
RP: "(Laughs) I never talk about personal stuff, sorry. (Winks) looks like you wasted your last question."

Ah Rob, keeping it classy with the right amount of shoot down, to a nosey journo - gotta love it!


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