Rob and Kristen - She's Sexy and We Know It!

Kristen arriving in LAX
I can't even begin to contemplate my feelings right now...
I am all kinds of back stabby and irritated, at the Loony-Stens and Waste-Stens who seem completely determined to lighten up my weekend approaching with their innate drivel.
I am snort giggling as i type because to be perfectly honest, i thought i had read everything there could be said regarding a 'very solid' relationship between Rob and Kristen, then the Looser-Stens and NutJob-Stens prove me wrong, once again.
I mean seriously!

Okay let's break it down to the comfortable level IHaveNoLife-Stens seemed to be able to comprehend...
Rob in a odd is that?
Evidence number one...
While the cat's away, the mouse will play.
Seems that those struggling to comprehend simple intelligence, believe Rob + bar + strange woman = cheating on Kristen.
I kid you not. this began a flutter of activity from deep within the bowels of lunatic and off the edge ninnies, who started salivating as soon as this photo was leaked; 'Who is she, does she know him, has she been with him before? Oh a strange woman in a bar with Rob when Kristen is out of town *rubs sweaty hands together*'

The slobbering was disgusting as you slid your way through the countless retweets of this photo, I'm amazed they even knew how to retweet? Oh that's right they only do it when they want some attention 'Hello, excuse me, slobbering ninnie down here!!'
So they start the ball rolling, with 'Oh this does not look good at all' even though Rob was not in the bar by No he wasn't. He was with a group of friends and was having up until then a nice, quiet night out with people he KNOWS.

BUT, BUT...who is she?
Who cares, oh that's right the NotQuiteSure-Stens, or Drama Llamas; those that run around biting their nails in panic, because they choose to believe people who are not exactly stable enough to enjoy a life of their own, they have to project their sad tale onto other people's 'happy' lives - like Rob and Kristen.
Rob out after watching the band 'Metric' in LA...
Evidence number two...
Rob out watching the band 'Metric' who had a song on the 'Eclipse soundtrack' with a group of people and once again, a curly haired woman.

'OMG, they're together, that's twice now in a row that they have been seen out. Suck that Robsten fans, Rob and Kristen are over!!'
Dear God, i never knew there were various levels of stupid, maybe i have been away too long, because damn, stupid never looked so good on some people.
So, Rob was out at a club in LA, where he saw a band with some people who he knows...and this woman again, who for all intents and purposes, doesn't seem to fit the mould of the glamour pussies that the NeedToGetLaid-Stens, tend to throw about. Those who are always in the know 'deep insiders' getting super secret information on the life of Robert Pattinson. Come on, they have tried unsuccessfully to pair Kristen with every co-star she has ever worked for, including 'married' Chris Hemsworth.

Anyone but Rob right? Anyone but Kristen...
Because she is naturally beautiful...
ALWAYS smiling, showing her inner beauty...
No matter what the occasion, Kristen just stuns...
Kristen Stewart; the bunion on the side of the NonStens foot. The corn that will just not go away, or the wart, that how many times you apply cream - the sucker just won't die!!

She seems to be the need for all this bullshit and fuckery, which i wouldn't mind, it's just noise that can be tuned out. But these are the sort of NeedAPush-Stens who tend to make out Robert is some kind of prolific man-whore. A man that as soon as his 'woman' goes out the door, he has to go trolling for another female to fill in the void.
WOW, the art of respect has surely died...

For one, if Rob wanted to have an affair, don't you think he would have been a little bit more careful, picked someone who didn't look ordinary (no disrespect to the lady walking beside him) but fucking stunning and drop dead gorgeous? Seems to me he could have anyone with a snap of his fingers - Hollywood is full of glamours women, just eager to get their false nails into some of Pattinson's flesh!
But no, he settled for someone who was with the entourage who all went to the concert and left together. Harmless as far as i am concerned, but we are not dealing with people who understand common sense - because they haven't got a clue.
No, common sense fails people who want Rob to be some kind of love-stud; sleeping his way around Hollywood. Use women for nothing other than a quick roll and then discard them once he had his fill. Lovely description isn't it? We are dealing with those who have no respect for their own lives; they spend most of it on-line bitching and backstabbing anyone who crosses them, analysing photos to death, spinning their own stupid theories, making up their own insider information and of course 'slobbering' over countless photos of Rob, watching his movies just for the 'removes his clothing and dry humps his co-stars' having no interest in the actual storyline.

Cannes means nothing but a PR promotion for both their movies. Oh yeah, they believe Rob and Kristen are a PR relationship, the constant chanting of that bullshit gets old after several hundred repeats of the same excuse - if in doubt claim PR.

Well, they're actors after all - aren't they?
PSST - that's not acting...
That's not acting...
That's not acting...
That's not acting...
I could go on and on - posting up photos just a mad NonSten, but really, i have a life!
They will try and shoot down any theory they can get their hands on, any theory except the right one that is. They have even decided that the house where Rob and Kristen live, is not the same one. Oh no, there are two houses in LA, identical in every shape and form, but Rob lives in one and Kristen lives in the other. NonStens believe in the paparazzi - stalkers of the celebrity world. Those stupid idiots who stalk people's homes and the post up their photos to the highest bidder! Those who will push and shove their way through security, just to shove a camera in an unsuspecting person's face. They have no morals, they don't care how aggressive they can be, as long as they get the 'money shot'

Oh wait, sounds like the NonSten's, maybe the paps are on the NonSten pay roll? Although i serious doubt collectively they could pay the paps to do what they do best  anyway - annoy, intrude, disrespect and invade. 
I won't begin to tell you how deeply disgusted i was, to wake up to photos of Kristen arriving home from her promotional trip to Australia. How unbelievably stupid it was snapping a girl going home and seriously breaching some law about privacy and protection.

It's a sad day people, when a celebrity can't even go home without some low life scum photographing them.
Well...i suppose i should put away my bitching claws for another day. They're still sharp thank God, no amount of blunting mid move has left any lasting effect.
Try not to let the ICanOnlyWriteWithCrayons-Stens ruin your lovely day.
To borrow a phrase from the late and great legend that was and still is - Paul Newman; "Why go out for a hamburger, when you've got steak at home?"

Take care and have a lovely Crazy-Sten free weekend, i know Rob and Kristen will ;)
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