The 'Dawn' of Vamp-Bella...

From the 'Official' Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn - Part Two - You Tube site...

I'm feeling all kinds of excited in seeing this, this morning on the local television station - Happy 111th Birthday Edward Cullen. And what better way to celebrate the characters birthday, than releasing the first 'official' trailer from the final instalment of the Saga - Breaking Dawn - part 2.

We saw what happened in BD - pt1; the wedding, the honeymoon and the heartbreaking announcement of an impending birth. In the second movie we are going to see the result of several steamy nights in Brazil as Bella ended the first part, opening her blood red eyes, we get to see tiny (but not for too long) Renesmee as she is lowered into her mothers arms.

Can we get an 'aww'
Edward's family...
Edward's life is complete, he not only has a wife who is devastatingly stunning as a new born vampire, he also has an unusual daughter born from the vampire/human union, with unusual gifts. Can he get any luckier? Hold that thought as the Volturi are back, and this time they mean business. 
I enjoyed the last book, and yes i am probably one of the few that actually enjoyed the whole 'Jacob back-story' because it was interesting reading a lot of what he went through emotionally and indeed when he came to realise that Bella was never the real love of his life, but him being in her life was pivotal to what was to come. And no i am not talking about people's aversion or indeed low blow joke about him imprinting on a child. You have to understand the traditional, mythical beliefs of other people's lives to understand that it was never about the child but protection until she is much older.

Now that i have got that off my chest; like i said, i enjoyed the book in it's entirety and now seeing it finally come to the big screen, to the final battle and confrontation between the 'Cullen's' and the oldest vampire royalty sends delightful shivers down my spine. Let's hope Bill Condon does the battle scene justice (even though in the book it's more a war of words than anything else)
Jacob is 'Nessie's' protector... 
because i was so disappointed in the final battle between Voldemort and Harry in the final instalment, even poor Cedric was rolling over in his grave at the dire (could have seen that coming) ending.

We will see more vampires (that's a whole lot of red eyes there) *chuckles at Jacob's line* we will see Bella's talents as she is now much stronger, more beautiful and definitely kiss ass as she makes it her goal to protect her daughter, no matter what. We will also get to see more Edward and Bella now that she has gone through the writhing in pain and come out the other end; flawless make up, flawless glossy hair, pale skin that sparkles and of course, her undead husband by her side. Will we see more intimacy between the young husband and wife? Well as much as the romantic love scenes were tentative and over too quickly for some people (rolls eyes) vampire lust i believe will be a little bit more interesting...
Very dangerous vamps in the snow...
Kristen is successfully promoting 'SWATH' in Australia right now (what do you know they always promote the movies on the east coast!!) and Rob is enjoying the rave reviews of 'Cosmopolis' awaiting the day when Kristen returns home ;) we have seen a more relaxed and happy Kristen and so she should be. And now the richest actress in the world, according to Forbes '100' list. Um...Kristen could you lend me $10 please? This movie will be the icing on the cake for both of them as they close the book on Twilight one last time and look forward to the future and what it holds (possible casting for Rob in SWATH2?) together...
Parental protection?
Have a lovely day :D
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