Rob and Kristen - When Fate Just Gives You A Little Push...

"I saw they were so attracted and Kristen was under-age. I said 'Rob, we have a law in this country under 18, don't get into trouble here.' I felt i was in the presence of something strong and powerful." When Pattinson left, Stewart said, "It's him." - Catherine Hardwicke, Vanity Fair 2012
Next To Me - Fiorels xx 

As we are all feeling a bit nostalgic, with the Twilight series coming to an end and Rob and Kristen moving forward with their acting careers (Cosmopolis and SWATH) i thought i would do a little trip down memory lane and look back at the undeniable UST between the two actors, who have become firm household favourites amongst the fans of the lovely couple.
At the beginning...
We all recall the first promo images that came out, how a story, written by a bored housewife threw us all into a tizzy. What is it with vampires and mortal damsels in distress? Except Bella is no damsel in distress; she is tough and determined to see the good in people, even at the risk of her own mortality. We all fell in love with the good looking to be normal 'Cullen' family, particularly the youngest of them all - Edward Cullen. But it was the relationship 'off' camera that piqued so many of us. The knowing glances and 'awkward' distances both Kristen and Rob put between them. Especially given that Kristen Stewart was in a relationship at the time and Robert Pattinson, well he was the enigma; very few outside the Harry Potter world knew anything about him, other than he was the unknown 'British' actor from London - not exactly looking like the Adonis most 'twilight fans' wanted, those hell bent on making sure the person picked to play 'darling' Edward would be...perfect.
An MTV first for Rob and Kristen...
Their very first public appearance promoting the 'Twilight' movie had come at a time when so much hype had already began to happen surrounding the teen Saga. After the first aversion and senseless petitions demanding that Summit sack, remove, replace Rob, with some well known actor who could carry off the handsome blood sucker better than the scruffy, 'hobo' as he had already become nicknamed, Rob soon won people over, cleaning up well and looking tall and dangerous beside petite Kristen, as they stood and smiled on the red carpet - with her boyfriend not too far away watching on with interest, or possibly worry?
Forbidden love, both off and on the camera?
The story of Edward and Bella, forbidden love, the tentative feelings of not being able to live together but could not live apart? Sounds so cliché and incredibly sappy and romantic doesn't it, but then again the belief that love will find a way seemed to spur on the teenagers and soccer moms alike, as they ate the books up like some gilded delight; camped and attended their very first Comic Con to see the twi-cast including Rob, who they screamed and cried over - sitting mere metres away on the stage, paying more attention to his co-star than the throng of women leaning onto every word he could say above their noise.
Kristen and Rob had an attraction, there was no two ways about it. Kristen's first CC proved how flirtatious and shy around his presence but found good company in him, as they sat speaking quietly to each other during the Q & A session where the other members of the twi-cast answered questions. Rob was very attentive with Kristen; smiling, flirting and indeed gaining the attention from observers who looked on with interest at their two way banter. 

Soon after that we all got to see just how much Rob and Kristen got on with each other; their joint interviews were filled with laughter and shameless flirtation. Rob in the early days was more prone to forgetting his verbal filter whereas Kristen was more closed off, diverting any 'personal' questions surrounding her friendship with Rob and rumoured attraction, using the excuse that they worked closely together to give the characters Edward and Bella, believable love. Ah huh, so personal never spilled into professional? Certainly as far as Rob was concerned, it took him several months to get over his 'feelings' for Kristen. i mean Bella, i mean oh forget it - Rob being Rob, made it very clear just how far he went into the psyche of Edward Cullen and how much he had developed a need for 'this girl is the only thing you need in your life.' Sure he saw her in an indie movie called 'into the wild' and how that made his decision to fly to Los Angeles for the audition and how he met Kristen, the last actor to be seen that day, how nervous he was upon meeting the young actress who took one look at him sitting in the directors patio and immediately introduced herself and brought them out each a drink (Directors Handbook - Twilight) Catherine noticed the attraction immediately, was it fate that brought them both together? Certainly after the audition; a day in which she had auditioned with 4 other would be Edward's - Kristen Stewart picked Rob.
Fated attraction?
Summit had their Edward and Bella - fans breathed a sigh of relief and looked forward to the first of potentially 4 movies. They didn't disappoint, while fans enjoyed the tentative first blooms of romance for the star-crossed lovers; the media was more interested in what went on behind the scenes. Rob spoke more often than not how much he admired and respected his co-star, how he believed she was the best of her generation of actresses (he still believes that today) and how he thought she was definitely 'marriage material' not to forget his admittance of having a 'crush' on Kristen.

Who could forget that awkward moment for Kristen on live television and just how much Rob didn't 'hold back' when it came to being honest. But then again, that was one of the qualities Kristen admired about Rob - his inability to lie. Despite the situation Rob Pattinson wore his heart on his sleeve and by early 2009, it seemed the countless professions of love paid off when it was believed that finally 'they were together' although so many of us believe it happened way before that :)

The early days were spent avoiding any media publicity, shying away from any questions in interviews and generally keeping the media and fans on tender hooks with the 'are they or aren't they? questions. Of course many caught onto it fairly quick, they were not selling their relationship, they wanted to keep what was theirs strictly theirs alone. That was until they appeared jointly for a photo shoot and short interview for Harpers Bazaar. 
The interview read of togetherness, the short question and answering section was aptly titled 'The Newly-Wed Game' and countless on-line photos showed a very together Rob and Kristen. This was not a photo-shoot and interview promoting Edward and Bella, this was all about the actors who played them - no New Moon promotion was mentioned, it was personal, it was cute and hell and the photos...well everyone loved them.
Everyone that is, except those who wanted the actor for themselves. Yes it seems that he had a following of women who were very much opposed to Kristen Stewart being rumoured as his girlfriend and that included a pretty personal photo-shoot of the two of them together. The more people took an interest in Rob and Kristen, the more those who hated the idea, made their displeasure known. But that didn't seem to stop the overwhelming love and indeed respect for both actors who never once let the negativity get to them. Kristen has always been aware of those who don't exactly like her because she gets to kiss Edward Cullen, never mind having any interest in him outside the bubble of Twilight. So few realise that she doesn't let that kind of hate enter her personal life at all. It has showed ever since, as both Rob and Kristen have been successful outside the teen franchise with various movies, holidays and time off - always together.

So really to conclude this little trip down memory lane, i have looked back many times and brought a little something to it with how i feel as a fan of both and yes...i very much am a fan of both. Sure, i have known about Rob's career first but only because i have kids who loved Harry Potter and could rhyme of the actors names intimately. 

How Rob has always looked at Kristen and how Kristen has always looked at Rob. How they both have nothing but the deepest respect and admiration for each other. How they both support and care for one and other and how there is not one ounce of ego between them.
The 'kiss' photograph that was released 1yr later after VF came out...
How a young unknown actor from the UK, won the heart of a young actress from the US. How the love story from the pages of a young adult fictional story, spilled over into real life. And how fans still look on with sappy happiness whenever they are together. Cannes proved that just recently. After a few years avoiding speaking about their personal life, only giving little insights like setting up home and getting a dog together - it was Rob turning up to support Kristen for 'On the Road' and Kristen walking the red carpet in scarlet for Rob's 'Cosmopolis' that really sealed the final nail in the coffin for those who still refuted that theirs was a PR relationship purely for Twilight.

Their love for one and other is undeniable. Co stars have mentioned it, photographers and make up artists have mentioned it. Even journalists who have had their doubts before, finally relent and admit it - they are real.
Twilight will be coming to a close but there is no way Rob and Kristen's story is over. They have grown with confidence, can stand up and hold their heads high because they refused to be type cast as just one character. While some actors struggle for years to break out from underneath the shadow of a character they have played for so long - Rob and Kristen have proved that it can be done.

There is no way they will ever forget their first meeting, their first step onto a sound stage and their first face to face role on the silver screen. I sincerely doubt they will ever forget any of that, because that is how they met, how they became friends and way beyond...
Happy Twilight memories...

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