Rob and Kristen - A Love that is Universal...

Circle of Love...
I'm in a sappy mood today, so i thought i would post up before it disappears LOL
I love the support this wonderful couple get. Those that see beyond the bullshit and fuckery from haters who just love getting their rocks off annoying others.

Their personal life will most likely be always the talk of the circles of women who either 'praise them for their tenacity and strength' in not selling what is right and what is theirs - or rebuff their relationship as something akin to a PR hoopla, a way of justifying why a young and let's face it, quite handsome man, would want to settle with just one girl when he could have a legion of others?
Well, for me it's pretty simple - love finds you, you don't find it.

You don't believe me?
Why would a guy who is fairly open about most aspects in life, come all this distance; hop on a red-eye to LA to take part in an audition that he may or may not have got? He wasn't exactly the talk of most directors circles, considering his career hadn't really got off the ground, with only a handful of small parts - supporting roles and indie movies that not many had ever seen?
He was however aware of a very young actresses career and automatically believed she was the next greatest actress of her generation and he could see great things happening to her.
Holding close and not letting go...
I'm not exactly waxing poetic here, it is after all how Rob has always seen those transient days; that he took a chance on an audition after seeing Kristen in 'Into the Wild' and as a direct result, wanted to do Twilight just to work with the 'outstanding' young actress. He has always been complimentary when it comes to Kristen's body of work and indeed the actress herself. But i feel there had always been more to it than just working with her - had he in fact fallen in love with her before he met her

I am as always 'ever' the closet romantic, love happens in the most unusual circumstances and despite the fight some people try to stop it from just happens. Rob and Kristen, despite what people think are just the modern day you and me - except for the constant spotlight and under the microscope lives they lead. That is what has always been so endearing of them - the need to never justify why they are together, never having the desperate need to prove their love. They have remained private for their own sanity's sake - not because they had some closet bearding to hide (dream on haters) no amount of PR ordering would make Rob or Kristen act out a relationship just for the fan adulation or ticket sales on a new movie. I believe they would rather their careers take a nose dive, than pretend they are in a relationship - just for the sake of Hollywood.
Happiness is captured...
You want to be with someone who makes you laugh, makes you feel young and carefree, but who makes you feel protected, challenges you and allows you to grow with confidence. You want to feel loved, even when you are not together, you know that they are thinking of you. You want to be with someone you can roll your eyes at when they are being silly, feel proud of when they do something that is important to them, because you feel you fall in love with them a little bit more when they show their insecure side, when they turn to you when they need the right kind of support, only you can give them.

Kristen has only recently opened up a little bit more about her private life, only because she is in a place in her life that has allowed her to grow with confidence and come out behind the shadow of child star to adult star. She has been faced with challenges as a young teen in front of the camera and her personal life put under the spotlight, but refused to slip down the slide of life that tends to send your life in a much darker direction. Instead she has kept her life private, not allowing any outside interference and the direct result is that thanks to a strong family, a willing determination to remain true to herself - Kristen is now the woman most now see - strong, determined, independent and quietly confident, brimming with love and happiness.
Let's not forget - Rob has come into his own now too. He has had a few years to try and shed the self-deprecating image of always being the first to put himself down. He has been able to mature, grow and secure himself in a position in his life where he now understands the way it works. He is no longer (not always) trying to put himself down, he knows he will never please everyone, but right now if he doesn't get that 'million dollar call' it's their loss not his.
Strong for each other...
One phrase has come out from the whirlwind that was Cannes "We are so proud of each other" Speaks volumes doesn't it? It says a lot when you think of those media types who try and pit one actor against the other; boyfriend against girlfriend, families fighting, friends and sources gossipping...on and on it goes, the trash mags are full of it and insecure fans eat it up.
Funny though, the film festival not only showed two movies which in their own right, stole the nights they were screened and for all the right reasons. But it also gave a couple a reason to put things straight. They were not pitting their acting abilities against each other, they both wanted the other half to win, there is not rivalry between them and they are both proud of the movies they have done, and excited that they were there showcasing their movies at the same time. Allowing them to be together while they had to work.

There was an air of romanticism in the South of France; the audience loved them, the media couldn't get enough of them and Rob and Kristen showed just how much they were proud of each other. For such a private couple (when not working) they both stepped out on each others red carpets and stood to a throng of photographers and questions with ease and comfort. No longer dodging the 'age old' questions but actually revelled in being asked about their other half, let's face it, it wasn't so long ago Kristen let slip that it's 'pretty obvious' that they are a couple. They didn't need to announce it or take out a 2 page spread in a glossy magazine to prove that point.
It is what it is...obvious.

Yes he gave her the gold ring she has worn since her 20th Birthday - even as a piece of Bella's jewellery in Breaking Dawn - Part 1.
Yes he gave her the necklace that has recently hung pride in place around her neck (something for her recent birthday - vintage Chanel, her favourite choice of design)
Yes he lives with her (her favourite place in the world to be)
Yes they share a dog which was given to him as a Valentine's present
Do people really need anymore evidence?
So very proud of each other...
I wrap my week of updates still on a high with Cannes. Yes, it has been a few weeks but i have only caught up with everything, so forgive me if some of you have already done the whole 'click and sigh' with all the photos, interviews and you tube dedications...

Their love is deep and special, you only have to look at the happiness and pride in their eyes to see it. BD2 is going to be the beginning of the end for most fans and the feeling is bittersweet. A movie franchise that brought two people together in more ways than one, will show the final instalment this November and once and for all - Edward and Bella will be set free.
Both actors are keen to work together, i have no doubt that anything they decide to partake in will prove just as successful. Yes people will always remember them as Edward and Bella, so it's going to be a hard image to wipe clean, but i have every confidence they will. Kristen doesn't want to ever forget Bella and why should she? It was a character she gained so much insight with; so much youthfulness and inner self confidence she found being in the mind of a girl, pretty much her own age. To fall in love so deeply and so passionately; the conviction of Bella's commitment to Edward, most definitely spilled over into her own personal life.

As for well he got what he wanted. He fell in love with such a powerhouse of an actress; someone who he admits called him out on his  B.S fairly early on in their 'relationship' as actors. He has always been complimentary, always been in the forefront of acknowledging just how much an influence Kristen was in landing the role that has rocketed his face into every teenage girls walls, with the love of all things vampire and eternal need for sparkling boyfriends.
Confidently in love...
His love shown for just one person...

Have a lovely weekend
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