The Pattinson Proposal...

I have been accused of shirking my responsibilities and neglecting Mr. Robert Pattinson in my recent posts. It kind of gives me electric thrills when i sense a disturbance in the fandom force - especially from those who think i exalt one actor over another. Let me clue you in on the title of this blog - do i dazzle you - a ROB and KRISTEN blog, i.e my blog.

I don't need to justify putting up posts about Kristen and how much i admire the strong independent woman, i can equally through various posts show you how many times i have exalted Rob too, but then that raises the hackles of the Kristen community as to why i don't put up enough posts on Kristen and her just as important career...

Potato - potato!
So let's address Rob...shall we?
A Smiling, happy Rob!
Yes he has grown into himself, it's hard to believe he is the same guy as he was last year, maturity looks good on the 26 year old. But then again, time spent away from the spotlight, away from the crazy fans who tend to want to know his every movement, his every whim and indeed his every secondary thought, cried out in unison 'where is Rob, why is there so much Kristen about the place, what has happened to his career?' See what i mean, people are just never happy! 

Was Cannes just as important for him, other than lending a hand to support his other half? Hell yes and i never alluded to it not being just as much of a pivotal moment in his career; his own has been pretty busy from the beginning of the year with 'Bel Ami' and now 'Cosmopolis' but you have to understand i know this already, i don't need to shout at the rooftops my complete and utter respect i have for this man's career, i have after all been mildly interested in it since his 'Potter' days.
Pensive, but still alluring...
 Rob has spent time away with what i can only see as important growing and deciding time. Time in which he has been able to collect his thoughts, recharge his frazzled batteries and come back and more rounded and organised man. I feel that during this time he made a lot of decisions about his life and the whole 'fame game' idea. Settling for assurance that the movies he makes will be seen for just how far he has grown as an actor, and not just as the pretty face of the 'Twilight Saga' I have every confidence now that the 'industry' is now sitting up and taking him seriously as an actor with many faces, many emotions and can bring an audience to complete silence with his portrayal of any character he lends his craft to.

I don't need to kiss his feet to know all of this, i have seen it time and time again as he has gained confidence, reassurance and indeed, deep respect from those who have always believed in him - including directors such as Cronenberg, who have given him a chance to prove the critics wrong.
A dynamic force in Pattinson and Cronenberg...
I have only ever seen one of David's movies - Videodrome and even then i found it a little surreal but in a good way, as really you had to be in that kind of mindset to truly appreciate it. I believe Cosmopolis will live up to it's hype; definitely it has already proved that Rob is just not a pretty face who can willingly show off his butt crack when called for, but at the same time put across a performance, that will leave you impressed with his acting abilities. (no big budget block-busters needed to prove a point)

I don't and never will neglect talking about Rob, but you have to understand that i don't fangirl and fawn over him quite the same way as maybe some other blogs. And i most certainly do not need to defend him from the haters of this world, who see him as no goo; a mediocre actor with minimal abilities. Those kind of people in the fandom can't act their way out of a paper bag, but would still insist they could do it better. Yeah, and you know that old saying 'actions speak louder than words' 
The 'impressive' Mr. Pattinson...
Rob came to Cannes and proved a point; his career is far from over. With movie projects in the pipeline such as 'Mission Blacklist' and lending his hand to some screen writing - Robert Pattinson is far from washed up. Taking time for yourself can never been construed as 'giving up on everything' although judging by some of his very intelligent and thought out interviews, there was a time when he considered taking a step back for a while, and i don't blame him. Too many invest so much of their time worrying over his career choices and indeed his own personal choices, when really they should leave all the worrying down to those involved in it - mainly Rob. If they just accepted that he is doing great, that his working life could not be better, he is being offered roles based on his ability as an actor who does and will take risks, rather than the size of the following he has.
He walks now with confidence, of course it helps to have an even greater personal life that indeed helps boost your confidence and aid in you making all the right decisions. He has recently said that 'Kristen can sniff out a good script, that she's not afraid to take risks' and for me that has possibly aided in Rob deciding to do the same thing, take risks because life is too safe when you don't.

So yes, i do talk about Robert Pattinson, but never do i need to defend him as passionately as i do Kristen. Not many people will try and drag him down as much as they do with his other very important half, and there in lies my defence. 

Pattinson Proposal; live life happily and stop worrying about what other people post. Yeah i think i will thanks, no need to justify my musings, they are just random musings and should not control your life!
Can't imagine Rob's worrying too much about his critics here?

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