Rob and Kristen - Perception is Everything?

"People have decided how they are going to perceive her. No matter how many times she smiles, they'll put in the one picture where she is not smiling." - Robert Pattinson 
By the wonderful and boy i have missed her Fiorels xx

So soon and I'm already in bitch mode, i guess that means the holiday is over?
It takes her own boyfriend to voice what many of us have been feeling for some time, that bitches and haters just like to put up ridiculous theories and make assumptions, based on a handful of photos that Kristen Stewart never smiles!

Yeah i know, I'm a bit exasperated myself to be perfectly honest. So many times i have looked on with bewilderment at the stupidity of some, including some very unsavoury media hypes, who tend to put up images of Kristen and then flame her to shit over 'Oh look Kristen doesn't smile at all, look how grumpy and sullen she is, you would think given the hefty bank balance and gorgeous man by her side, she could at the very least crack a smile?'
So damn sexy in Red!
Look she's not a fucking puppet to smile on demand! There are no rules that suggest it's written in some imaginary contract that Kristen if not smiling is so fucking unhappy with her lot; hey if i had a fantastic career taking me all over the world, a cast of thousands you would die to meet. A good strong family and a loving boyfriend to boot, i would be bloody ecstatic - BUT to put it bluntly, i don't have my head that far up my arse to make a stupid statement, or bitch to my looser friends that Kristen is so damned miserable with everything and ungrateful to boot!

Like i said, it takes her boyfriend, a man most get off thinking about. Those who cry, whinge and fucking moan all the time, to make such a bold statement. Yeah he gets it, he sees what people are doing, he knows her haters very personally - knows their hidden agenda 'look at her, you could do so much better Rob, why be with someone so miserable and ungrateful?' Like you are going to do so much better - get over yourselves for once in your sad, little lives!!
A secret smile...
I get the impression that behind closed doors, when she doesn't have the media chomping at her ass. When the photogs are not sticking their intrusive cameras in her face - Kristen grins all the fucking time, in fact i can guarantee that. She doesn't have to share her absolute joy with the world, the moments when she can be herself and not have to answer to anyone but herself. When it's just Rob and Kristen - us against the world kind of feeling.

Yeah, with confidence i can happy say that, that moment happens more often than not. But you see, there has been a lot for Kristen to feel happy about. In fact, a lot for her to be ecstatic about both career wise and personal. She has just done a gruelling promotional tour in Europe for Snow White and the Huntsman (still to do Australia yay me i am here!!) Has successfully promoted 'On The Road' in Cannes, where her boyfriend (that's Rob) watched it with her and supported her movie while promoting his own.

She then returned the favour like the good girlfriend by walking the red carpet for Cosmopolis with Tom Sturridge and sat and watched, supported and then praised Rob's performance, exuding love and pride while continuing on the promotion of SWATH - you could not have got a bigger grin than the one that was on her face when mentioning him.

I never got a chance to talk about this photo yesterday; time escaped me and i ran out of it - simple as that. But isn't it yet another nail in the coffin of denial that Rob or Kristen don't get along with each others families?
Seems to me a photograph such as this, where Rob is standing alongside Jules (Kristen's mother) and her director for K-11, which also happened to receive really good reviews while at Cannes - send the fandom into hysteria in more ways than one. One little photograph and we have the delusional Llamas making excuses as to why it was taken 'oh Rob is networking' a healthy promotion of Cosmopolis meant he had to schmooze with others, including Mrs Stewart and her movie. Sure that's why he was at Kristen's screening - networking.

Yeah and Santa Claus rides a Harley and has pink hair!
If that's networking then he is doing it wrong. This screams such a personal photo of Kristen's mother and her boyfriend together at the same venue. He was there to support Kristen just as much as Jules was, after all her mum knows all about this side of the business and lent her support as well as her praise to her daughter, who took on a very controversial role and gave it her all.

Kristen has a lot to smile about and still does. She leads a very personal life, she maintains it that way. Sure, the recent interviews and splendid covers for both Rob and Kristen have shown that they're not hiding their praise for each other anymore - and why should they? Whether you choose to believe whatever dateline you have in your mind; of when Kristen and Rob began to date - that's your obsession not mine. But my thoughts are very clear on the need to not put so much emphasis on the past, but simply look towards the future and the future clearly has both of them in it. So Kristen speaking personally about Rob and Rob putting his point across personally about Kristen, is a welcome sight to see and indeed read.
Stunning...there are no other words...
Kristen has come into her own, i mentioned this yesterday. She has developed and matured as nature intended. Grew into her skin and her mind with clear, decisive reasoning. She has never been one to be seen as some flighty girl, but one with a mature head on her shoulders and all the time in the world to grow up. So many young actresses these days have failed where Kristen has succeeded. Too stressed in living the rich and famous life; grow up too quickly, assert their sexuality far too soon, when really another couple of years enjoying what was meant to be a fun and happy life as a teenager - seemed trivial and boring.

As for those who always want to put her down, eat Rob's words because they speak the truth. He knows of the hard time Kristen gets from her critics and half of them believe they are fans of his!
Youthfulness, personified...
I adore when Kristen smiles, her entire face lights up and it shows just how youthful and happy she is. When she smiles it's as if the whole world should smile with her and she does it...a lot. She is both humble and proud to be who she is and where she is today. She is humble for the following she has, the fans who care and the solid group of people behind her, because they believe in her, believe in the genuine person she is. I can stand amongst those who take her for who she is, can see all sides of her and still respect it, even in time when she is under immense pressure and truly shows her fiery spirit. But then again, isn't that why Robert Pattinson loves her?

The 'Cullen' family - Breaking Dawn Pt2
 There is something about this photo that just screams to me Twilight - to now! Something also pretty darn sexy. I was away when the sneak peek photos of Jacob, Bella and Edward where put on line, i only came across them the other day! So this, this is a treat indeed. The photo screams protectiveness, not only of their daughter, but of each other. Bella being all kinds of awesome kick ass vamp mother, while her daughter hides behind her, but you then have Edward as always, as from the first movie - protecting Bella...always...forever.

I kind of like that in a very matriarch kind of way. Bella stepping forward to claim her position beside Edward but at the same time showing that she will put up a fight to protect the ones she loves...
incredibly sexy and a fitting note to end my post for today :D

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