Fringe Benefits...

It's always fun to jump on board the crazy train, when you have been away for a couple of days. To find out 'yeah, they're all still unfortunately breathing and spewing bullshit!!'

When all else fails, make shit up!

Seems everyone is in a tizzy, over some half-assed and cocked up story, a certain idiotic webloid is posting. Following some 'I want my 15mins of fame!!' super muppet; who thought it intelligent or was it just a stupid blonde moment (i say stupid and peroxide blonde go hand in hand...) and decided to brag bullshit just for kicks. Of course, far be it for me to take the media apart...sorry snorting to myself there, who am i kidding? Media and me = oil and water - they don't mix and i don't mince my words.

So we have a situation, a very smelly situation. Rob apparently is having an affair behind Kristen's back, with some blonde super model. In fact, he's been having this 'clandestine affair' since the supposed 'split' last year...
The media is now being run by teenagers and desperate housewives, who feel it's their 'duty' to post up idiotic stories and try to carry them of as fact!

It's not the fact that certain websites have debunked the fan fiction. It's not the fact that this crazy assed celebrity, dredging-from-the-bottom-of-the-stinky-pond webloid, hasn't been caught out on it's lies before. It's the fact that the lunatic fringe, actually believes it and is currently running with it all over the fucking place.

It's like emptying out time at the 'Special fan' clinic; all running around with no purpose, but bumping into each other and freaking out at the same time. It's like unleashing a group of unsuspecting people, who have been hidden in the dark for a very long time into the sunlight...dazzled by the brightness and frighteningly confused.

I mean come on, hasn't anyone been following the trend of the desperate and lonely? Those super fans, who make up their really bad fan fiction, quicker and nail polish drying?
So, really...
Are you telling me, that Rob would rather have an 'affair' with a 'fictitious' blonde super model with no name, because the fantasy writer couldn't come up with a suitable one, other than 'boobs Magee' than remain in love and very much together with Kristen?


I guess the lunatic fringe really do eat that shit up!
It's bad enough that a fan tried to pass off a supposed dinner with Rob, while he is in Australia shooting a movie. Only to then turn around and admit, that she only saw him in passing at a bar he was in with 'friends' Good luck with your future 'blondie' you have just dropped several IQ points for being dumb and blonde. Oh right, they both mean the same thing, in your case. Now we have a fictitious hook up (guess they tried to run the super secret NYC girlfriend and couldn't make the unbelievable story stick?) who gives Rob a high score in the bedroom, how he is attentive and polite but shy...

Oh lord, first off...
If you are doing to try and do the bragging rights, first find two sources (reliable) and then actually get evidence to back it up. You can't run a story and call it an exclusive or a big 'reveal' if you don't have an actual 'girlfriend' in the first place. No times, no dates, no concrete evidence is once more, the crud to all this mockery.
If you want to make shit stick, try and make it sound a lot more believable. There is no point trying to pass off a story that is debunked, before it even leaves the copy room. Or in webloids cases - click to publish. But alas, unfortunately we have a situation, where little tweens and lonely hearts want to believe that Rob is/was desperate enough, to have a short lived passionate affair in fantasy land. Than actually face the reality of 'he is with Kristen, because he loves her and doesn't see meaningless sex as a relationship.' Oh and don't try and attempt the higher ground with 'she did it, so why can't he?' Because i would simply love to wipe the web floor, with your ass!
You want to go a couple of rounds with someone who doesn't give a shit, what the media writes, be my guest. I don't give two shits what cock and bull story is invented, to try and sell off an image of debauchery and fiction. The media made it's career, living on a bed of lies and sleaze and if you lie down with them you are the one who will end up with fleas. You want to believe Rob is having affairs at the drop of the hat - how disrespectful you are, thinking he looks at women in a very de-moralising light. Or maybe it's just the lunatic fringe, who want to believe he is like that. Because they have no morals whatsoever and would love a man to look at them with any kind of attention and use them for the purpose of 'getting his rocks off!'

The fringe brigade is a very unsafe place to be. Filled with hopeless harpies, hate filled hyenas and desperate clingers, who want nothing more than to see Rob single and free from under the clutches of a dark haired witch; who despite what she was blamed for; a simple mistake in such a young life, still has him with her. Oh but remember....he is in Australia right now, having a trail separation. Which means...
If you think this affects Rob and Kristen as a couple; the constant fiction spewed out by sleazy, tabloid journalism - think again. They don't give two fucks, what is written about them. Both have made it very clear, their views on the constant spotlight and story making, that both the media and some unsavoury and obsessive fans, make up every single day.

Others prefer to attack; ink barely dry on a petition for a divorce, means Kristen is sniffing around an ex-husband, while they're both are in LA. Meanwhile, the ex-wife...does a very tasteless and tacky photo shoot. Yeah, continuing on the tacky vibe, that smelt bad right from the word go. The C list couple, will always remain C list, even after a divorce. I guess their 'project' to getting famous, didn't quite work out the way they wanted, eh?
Rest easy little 'fringes'! Don't hurt yourselves, while you think of another hilarious way to try and put a 'wedge' between Rob and Kristen. Separation means work, not a trail 'cooling off' period. If the 'fringe' of this sometimes bat-shit crazy fandom, believe that this is the way a normal relationship works, then God help the world. I might as well notify Marvin the Martian now to go ahead and proceed with the KABOOM!!

Do yourselves a favour and don't indulge the lunacy of celebrity, webloid journalism. Gossip sells and the more SALACIOUS and SLEAZY, the better. It is more than likely written by the bad fan fiction writers of the 'hate Kristen Stewart' group. A sub section of the fringe brigade. Those who sit around in the dark and believe that Kristen is a succubus, because she is slowly sucking the life out of Rob (yeah dream on wonder nuts!')
he really looks as if Kristen is sucking the life out of him, doesn't he?

Have a bullshit free weekend people, from sunny and very hot Western Australia :-D

T x
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