Dog Days...

I have been seriously considering, how some people actually manage to get up in the mornings?
Calm order and rationality seems to have escaped so many of them.

When you only have to log on to the wonderful social media, to discover - they're still there, they haven't gone home yet? When fan fiction fails, attack other celebrities, because they just so happen to answer a question a journo slipped in during an interview, why?

Media answer - why not?
the drought seems to be finally over; a photo has slipped through security and yes it's been confirmed - Kristen Stewart is alive!
The rumours and fake sightings of her all over the world; including shovelling snow in the east coast, have been greatly exaggerated.

A collective sigh of relief...
OH wait, what - she's not gone all ninja and is with Rob in Australia - OH NO!!
The collective drama llama's are doing this right now. They were sure that Kristen was all loved up with Rob, keeping the super secret blonde girlfriends at bay, because the gossiping media says so.
But now what's going to happen. Have the lunatic fringe been right all along, that Rob and Kristen are cooling off? I mean, he left to go to the land down under and Kristen hid under a rock...

I find it immensely entertaining when i read accounts of little harpies; all with the intention of 'i know more than you do!' That their creative writing skills have improved (a little bit) since the last time they took to posting, poorly thought out fiction. I mean, they have all the time in the world as they sit alone in their rooms, thinking of a million different ways to cyber-bully Kristen.
Jealousy doesn't look good on anyone my dears, no matter the age. I suggest some people should get off the internet and do something more challenging with life, like live it?

Instead of inventing stupid lies to satisfy your point of view. Make of it what you will, but you will never be Kristen and you will most certainly not change her boyfriend's mind - acceptance is the only way. That or a straight jacket and a nice room with a view and colourful meds, to take the pain away. If it was just teenagers, idolising/obsessing over the young actor, who seems to have born the brunt of the crazy brigade and it's followers, i would understand. Teenage minds are fickle and their crushes change from season to season. What worries me is the borderline obsessive stalking and downright bat-shit crazy, older fans (those of 20 and above) who have taken on a whole new meaning to completely 'mentally unstable' as they plot a 22 yr olds downfall.
Gossiping media trolls, little fringe group harpy trolls - they all operate with the same agenda - to make shit up!
Their pained anger is caused by deep rooted jealousy. A jealousy that festers away and makes them ugly, both inside and out.

Their latest person to hate on is British actress Emma Watson (oh my) yeah i know, funny how in this wonderful world we live in, surrounded by self-righteous 'girl power' women, they attack one for defending another.
Seems that Emma can't say anything without it being seen as 'inappropriate' or 'fake shit' because it was published in an Italy's 'Vanity Fair' so it must be lies.

You see the six degrees of separation in this bat-shit fandom we live in...the connection between Emma and Kristen is...well, Rob Pattinson.

The fact that at 14 yrs old; Emma co-starred alongside a young 18 yr old Rob, in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. That she 'knows' a thing or two about being a young actress, growing up surrounded by much older peers and looking up to them for inspiration. Considering her début at the young age of 10, on in the first 'Potter' movie. Also note, that the young woman knows what it's like to be surrounded by media attention; the Potter franchise and the bubble the three young stars found themselves in, while growing up in the business. The young actress has had her fair share of unwarranted attention from the media, including a countdown to her 16th birthday, when 'Hermione finally grows up!' Meaning the roaches were finally able to 'legally' take photos of her, because she was no longer a minor (the first one to get the 'money shot' a photo up her dress as she exited a car, was the sleaze webloid and street trash paper - The Sun)

This fandom is sometimes filled with too many people sitting on high horses, or mules with stilts as i posted in my previous entry. All taking the moralistic high ground and attacking Emma for speaking her mind; for defending Kristen and pointing the finger firmly at the obsessive fans, who make more out of 'their' relationship, leading to the culture of 'needy and desperate' and the media's obsessive need to make something out of a situation, that was personal and didn't need to be dragged out all over the place.

But hey, they build you up, just to knock you back down again and those that turned to the dark side of hate, are no better than the bottom of the food chain feeders - called roaches (they call themselves celebrity freelance photographers, but roaches suit their deplorable behaviour)

So i grace this Sat/Sun post with a little bit of troll desperation. The poor and needy, who feel their life would simply be over, without that little bit of connection to the outside world. Those willing to listen to their drivel as they pour out their hate for Kristen and anything she does. So she attended a concert in LA and is not in AUS with her other half - and what?
The problem with Rob and Kristen is, they do whatever they want and just when you least expect it...

Believe in the needy trolls hypothesis; that they are apart, because of whatever drudgery they can think of that suits their agenda - i love seeing the epic fail that happens, when the lunatic fringe are once more proved wrong.

Rob and Kristen don't need anyone's permission to live their lives, they are comfortable in their own skin and with each other. If you are someone who has to know the answers to everything and need to know 'they're okay' or worse, you stalk their friends, in the hopes of somehow getting information about either - seek help, because you are way beyond being called a troll.
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