The Magical World Of The Not So Bright...

Okay...*steeple's fingers together*
What did i miss?

The usual fuckery and spiteful meaningless drivel?

The media being dickwad's? (That lovely name some people label others, when it's not nice to curse?)

So called fans who *rolls eyes* make up stories (seen Rob and he has a mark on his neck, because my friend of a friend, who is working in make-up on his latest movie...) but i write and sound like a teenage twat, when i put my thoughts out on a post and it gets tweeted and re-tweeted. Expecting narrow minded loonies to believe a word they type as a given, as actually real and not some not so bright idiot trying to stir up trouble?

Imbeciles who decide to give out the location of Rob's hotel, to numb-skull fans to go and stalk his hotel. Go and pester the people he is working with and the location of the movie, so that they can make Rob an absolute mockery - a joke of an actor. Because no self respecting actor, director, studio want hoards of screaming and immature teenagers and their not so bright mothers (yes mothers) camping outside the location of a movie he's making and causing a disruption to making it?

Did i miss anything, leave anything out?

So, spreading lies is cool (Rob's been in Australia for a week now and already he has hooked up!) And you call yourself a fan?
Isn't it wonderful to know that Rob has the kind of fan-base, who like to tell lies just for shits and giggles? Rob has a hickey; seems to be the theme of this moron, who wants to cause as much attention as they can. By assuming that 'her friend' saw a mark on his neck and all of a sudden 'Rob Pattinson is stepping out?' I suppose in their limited intelligence, this means a one fingered salute to Kristen who 'stepped out on him' right?
Does Rob know how many idiots are supposedly in his following?
Oh and let's not forget the media involvement in all of this? Yes they believe anything that falls into their inbox; scribbled in crayon, scrawled in lipstick and eye liner and with the words 'I know this to be true' stamped all over it. Why that's a headline grabbing story right there!

If they are not writing bullshit (on and off again girlfriend) excuse me, but did the media actually get a memo that stated they 'split up' because as far as most sane people were aware, neither team were talking to the press about the state of their relationship. And all media sites/gossip rags had was a handful of a photos from '1 photographer' and a statement; a claim that Rob had left the house/Kristen had left the house and a staged U-Haul truck was (OMG) parked outside the residence, to spin the story that extra mile of bull...

Yes, ladies and gentleman the media is a sleazy, unreliable, underdog of a thing. But i suppose, emotionally stunted people and hate filled minds will believe anything the media prints, as actual fact (and The National Enquirer Award goes too...) yeah because space aliens do actually exist and horses can get married to humans!
Jealousy is a terrible thing; the obsessive need to control a persons life. It's bad enough that Kristen gets the worst of the press, because OMG she is his girlfriend, the one who shares his life, shares his home. She is his true companion and despite idiotic beliefs, she should not have the right to do so...

ROB CHOOSE Kristen, to be there for him. And there is not a false story, an idiotic rant on some 'hate filled' blog, is going to change that. Not your threats, not your lies, not your 'gossip' NOTHING! But hey - good luck with it anyway.

The media's involvement in all of this, is to report 'gossip' because it sells and selling is all about 'headline grabbing' if they can put the notion 'out there' that Rob and Kristen have 'taken a break, not together right now' because LOL *rolls eyes* he is working in Australia. So that means as soon as he touches down in another country, Kristen and Rob become 'on again/off again' because you can't be together if you are in different countries right? Even though the last time i checked, cell phone services are excellent 'internationally' and Skype as well as face time on iphone/apple (Rob and Kristen's favourite product placement) services work an absolute dream.

But hey, they are there to stir up drama, to cause a trouble amongst fans. Because gossip is good, gossip keeps people in jobs. Bleeding away brain cells, as they create their stories just for entertainment. And then hold their hands up when they get caught out and say 'hey i never quoted it as fact' a source is just a faceless person - more times than not invented, purely for the story.
Bottom line...the main problem we have in this crazy fandom, are those that believe in every single thing, as if it was true. The fanatical worriers, who then take to the social networks in a blind panic; needing to be calmed down and reassured that what they had seen or read is not true. They don't use their own common sense and separate fact from fiction.

If you are going to read every single piece of gossip, whether it be from some nut-job, who says her friend saw a mark on Rob's neck during make-up. Considering as far as most are aware, The Rover hasn't even began to start filming. It's called pre-production for a reason; where you get the entire cast together to go over the script, costume fittings that kind of thing. I mean some members of the cast aren't even in Oz yet (Guy Pearce) who is promoting a movie of his at Sundance, for one.

I believe his role is one of the main characters - so if you believe in this loonies rant, then you look an even bigger tool than the person who posted the idiotic crap up in the first place! (Remember sounded like a teen, acted like a teen most likely a teen or a much older person) who really should not be allowed 'internet time'
Why would Rob give this up for a useless fling?
Haters are gonna hate, they can't help themselves. Their souls after all are dark and empty. Rob no matter what tale of woe you spin, is happy and content with his life. And if he wasn't no amount of lying is going to change that. But following a lovely Christmas and New Year getaway, in which Kristen spent time with him. Working at the GG's prior to hopping on a plane for Australia and spending a few hours at the after parties with...Kristen.

Despite the drivel that is printed by Hollywood Life or Life & Style; who wouldn't know a truth if it jumped up and bit them in the ass...and they have very large bullshit asses. Yes, because nothing spells the end of a relationship than one half of it having to work outside the US - isn't that right gossip hacks?
Further on my rant to the gossip rags, tabloid fails and radio dumb-jocks; the media is the evil in which people believe in. It doesn't matter what part of the world it comes from - it's there to sell a lie and sell them they do.

If you are bright, you will understand this.
If you are not...welcome to the magical world of the not so bright.

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