Rob and Kristen - It's That Simple...

Another day, another dollar. Another attempt at being stupid, idiotic, drama exceeded, hypocritically off their rocker, foaming at the mouth jealous, screaming with moronic tendencies and clutching (yes clutching) the latest tabloid/webloid fan fiction to their hefty bosoms - harpy filled fandom.

Lets face it, it's never a dull moment in this fandom; if you are not happily sane and going about your business, you are one of those unfortunates, trembling and shaking in the corner with every single celeb trash site opened on your desk top. Believing the world is about to end and Rob and Kristen were actually beamed down from another galaxy!

That or you are just green with hate and believe YOUR words and YOUR version of the truth gets read and agreed. Because being a bitch is far better than actually getting on with life and finding a 'man' of your own to obsess and follow around.
Those who invest WAY too much time dissecting and discussing the status of Rob and Kristen. Those that believe that they have separated as Rob has rode off into the sunset, on a Qantas airline bound for Melbourne. Whistling a happy tune as he strolls through the airport with a guitar in his hand (according to E! they don't know the status of why Rob is in Australia...erm shooting a movie dumbasses!)

Those who believe Rob and Kristen had a huge bust up during the after parties at the GG, because she dressed down for the occasion and Rob was 'embarrassed' at the state of her wardrobe. (jeans and sweater) In accordance to the fandom/shipper law, YOU must dress up even if it's just to pick your partner up and maybe stay for a little while. YOU must not embarrass him (their view of the situation) by turning up as if you just rolled out of your house to get a packet of dog biscuits. YOU must at all times not embarrass him further by even attending such auspicious events IF YOU WERE NOT INVITED! (And they know this because?)

Because in his 'super fans' law - Kristen was not scheduled to make an appearance, she wasn't invited as a guest (he went on his own) and handed a flower over to Tina Fey (another shipping couple about to commence) therefore WTF was she doing there afterwards?
Of course the spate of denial began with dismissing tweets from entertainment reporters when Kristen appeared - they're night had been going so well. They refused to acknowledge such twaddle (pics or it didn't happen) until it became obvious she was there and was there for...wait for it...Rob.
Then it was deny, deny, deny my name is delusional 'what a fame-whore!'
The stupidity just keeps coming, the more ludicrous the more laughable.
Fans, social media, gossip media, it all boils down to one thing - stupid.

Even going so far as to dismissing the very notion that Rob and John Stewart 'hugged' on the Red Carpet, before the event as John was working that night.

Heckle and cry at Kristen turning up at the GG's after parties - jealous and pathetic.
Read and dissect stupid 'untrue' reports of Rob and Kristen moving to Paris, London, Milan, Outer Mongolia - too much time on your hands worrying about someone else's life!
BELIEVE reports of Rob and Kristen visiting a sex shop - investing way too heavily in someone else's sex life, when yours is most likely needing fixing up with a sex aid or two!
(Personally speaking, most people including celebs shop online for that kind of product - anonymity and all that!)
Chomp your nails worrying over Rob flying to Australia to shoot a movie, while Kristen is not with him - shock therapy isn't a strong enough deterrent to prevent your mind going crazy and leaving no forwarding address.
Rob giving 'no fucks' to the crazies...
If you are going to get hysterical over Rob working in Oz...
Worry over every shitty tab that's printed about their private life, to then sit back with fingers crossed and hope Gossip Cop (rolls eyes) debunks yet another crazy fan fiction theory...
Rob watch; stalk where he lives, where he is based. Where his movie is going to be shot. If there are any female leads in the movie. IF he gets seen sitting eating near a female...
Kristen stalk; worry about where she is, who she is with. Hope she is not seen with a strange male and therefore set off rumours of hook ups while Rob is working. Panic and consume yourself of a countdown until she appears in Oz to be with Rob...

Then you are all of these things. Kristen and Rob don't need a gaggle of worrying aunties and mother hens; pecking away and clucking nervously at every piece of stupid media evidence. Online celeb sites making up stories and hate filled crazies filling heads of the not so bright with their pathetic dogma.
Rob is with Kristen - Kristen is with Rob - it's that simple.
It doesn't matter what tab article you believe, or entertainment site of gossip hack say to make you think differently. It doesn't matter what some hate filled idiotic fan from either side post up and reblog all over the fucking place...

simple is simple.
Tempest x
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