Media Mass Hysteria...

I haven't done one of these weekend posts in a while. But considering the duke-a-doo i had last night with a let's just say 'Gossip Bitch' from a what i would consider a trash-toid of it's highest (paper's name ends with Mail) say no more...

I would like to thank this person for correcting my diction; there was i, on a roll slamming idiots who are tweeting about an actor, who has just sat his ass down in Australia. Those who decided to stupidly retweet the fact that 'they' may not have given out Rob's location (local situated) slyly commenting on twitter, that Rob was at a bar/hotel/were all the crazies had began to creepily hang out and declare 'they' (aptly calling themselves 'hookers') are trying to get into the hotel he is staying at. Not to mention some numb-nut of a DJ purposely giving out Rob's location, because this country is not already suffering the indignation of a hoax call, that was or was not indirectly a result of ending a nurses life...

As you can imagine, i wasn't going to sit back idly and allow stupidity to roll around the masses and allow it's idiocy to make people tweet anything with the name 'Rob Pattinson', 'RPattz' or even Kristen Stewart and then have the audacity to call themselves a 'fan' site.
Or maybe, just maybe i am done with all this hypocrisy 'how dare the media give out the location of Rob, but oh look, someone has just tweeted they are in the same vicinity as he is!!! Let's retweet this to our following'

Stupid, Dumb, Idiotic

Oh and while we are on the subject of stupid and dumb; it's bad enough Rob has people fawning all over him; media sites spewing lies and then trying to cover it up. Gossip hacks making up stories about his life 'To separate or not to separate - HollywoodLife apparently has the answer!' I get called out about my blog with 'leaves a lot to be desired'


I'm sorry, am i spreading lies about either actor?
Drumming up mass hysteria?
Tweet his location? (You may not have given the name of the bar he was at. But hey, all people have to do is troll the bars until they find him!)

Making stories up about separation issues (every gossip site/blog/trash-toid) runs with the same story for mass marketing purposes. Weekends are filled with repetitive indigestion of the same crap; rehashed and re-edited for the purpose of a little bit more column space, adds a little bit more traffic into your blog/site/trash-toid. I may hail from the good ole UK, which let's face it - Murdoch's Empire looks decidedly dodgy there right now. With all the lies, phone tapping, slipping the odd bundle of fiver's behind people's backs to 'look the other way' while printing more damaging lies, more unethical ways to get gossip circulated. Because the newspaper industry is the 'bread and butter of a nation.'

Sorry, almost choked on my own words as i type...letting out a giggle and snort at that piece of journalistic crap right there!

Remember this wonderful and concise description from Rob;
"The tabloid industry does terrible, terrible things for the world. It makes people stupid."
Rob and the woman in his life Kristen, know only too well how stupid it makes people. After the year they have had; having to dodge the most unscrupulous of journalists/photographers, who just have to gain a couple of more inches in being creepy vultures - just so they can get a photo for a story. A story that is then made up on a whim; the more salacious and as far away from the truth as possible. Crayons are mostly used, with some felt-tip moments and of course, the odd eraser shavings, as they work and re-work their story, until they believe it's worth a Pulitzer Prize.

Ah gone are the days of proper investigating - Following leads to get to the truth. You only have to look at the bottom of the bird cage trash to understand what i mean;

UK: Sun, Mirror, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, OK, Closer, Star, Heat, Hello (including their web-loids)
US: US Weekly, Life & Style, Star, (US) OK, (web-loids; HollywoodLife, Splash News, Popsugar, RadarOnline, LaineyGossip)
AU: (anything of the above) including their own stupid supermarket trash - Famous. As with the media; they take from each other, edit or re-work the story and put it out as fact! When really it's more fiction than...well, fiction.
World Press: As above.

Putting news out as 'EXCLUSIVE' only deserves that badge of honour, if it has come from the horses mouth (an actual honest to god interview with a celebrity) With words written down from sound-bites or press junket fact. Not taken away and written by yourself and passed on as an essay, like you did back at journalist school aka Media training, aka back in storytelling in English!
Columns and columns of space needs to be filled. Deadlines need to be met. Newspapers need to hit the stands and stupid people need to buy into their bullshit. The media is filled with inches of lies, all more incredible than the last piece that was written.
Celebrities can't work in countries; make their movies and get out of there, oh no! They have to be followed, stalked, chased, rudely awakened by their handlers, because a hotel's security has been breeched by screaming tweens, who found out where they were

it seems money talks, twitter or Facebook accounts get followed.
Social media and the greed of the colour of money, seems to work pretty well hand in hand for the gossiping media, don't you think?
Journalists simply follow a host of twitter accounts, read fan blogs (yeah good luck trying to read into gossip from mine. I hit at gossip like Kim Kardashian hits on men!) and essentially trawl through the fan fiction emails they get. Circling the name of the celebrity they are writing about and ... let the imagination flow.
my site 'leaves a lot to be desired'
Well it's not a fawning and slobbering Robert Pattinson drool-blog.
It's not a fashion conscious or perfume smelling Kristen Stewart bitch-blog.
It's not one of those 'celebrity-crush' news-blogs.

So yeah, it has some people stumped.
It's a blog i created, to hit back at the idiotic media circus, silly screaming fans with their self-entitled lives. But at the same time, lend support to the fans who admire and adore Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - respectfully.
Those who are fans of both their careers and their lives that are interwoven together.

People who understand the need for respect; dislike those who call attention to themselves by being morons and posting, tweeting or suggesting where either are - because they deserve their privacy. They don't need photos to prove they are together. They don't need people tweeting locations knowing full well, either will get bulldozed by screaming fans to blood-thirsty vultures; shouting abuse at either of them 'just to get the money shot'

Gossip might call itself a bitch, but i am the hairy mole on the bitches face.
You don't like me calling you out for your stupidity; the need to sell column inches just to you can sleep, dreaming of your less than truthful pay-check at night - good for you. I don't get paid for the privilege of bitch-slapping and putting down many of Murdoch's succubus, but at least my conscience is clear. I tell no lies.

I support the right for actors such as Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to be allowed privacy and not have it invaded by idiotic journalists and brain-sapped fans, who believe stupidly everything that is written in the media as fact!
With the embarrassing smudge on the media industry right now; an empire built on a web of lies - celebrity life is the only thing that is holding up the shaky and unsafe web from destruction. Kristen and Rob are just one celebrity couple the gossip craptastic need to sell stories about. Break ups, hook ups, Kristen eyeing up potential suitors. Rob needing a break, because she is becoming too clingy. Separation demands, breaks from each other and their pets - the list is endless. And while they can post edit the 'incident' with every write up they they keep the public on their side, because everyone loves gossip right?


Anyone knows that gossip only works if there is about 5% of it believable. One thing gossip bargains on is if the 'celebrity' in question plays ball. If they don't, if they won't give up a piece of their lives - lives that they owe the media in putting them there and allowing fans to adulate and fall in love with you...
lies will be printed, stories made up. Accusations will fly and careers 'can' be ruined. You don't scratch our backs, pick the nearest spade up and help us bury you!
Rob and Kristen - United they STILL stand...
Support Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's right to have some kind of private life. DO NOT support the gossip and media industry. Don't buy into their web of lies and fill their pockets for that pleasure.

Happy weekend one and all
(was my diction up to par?)

tempest x

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