Love Is...

Obi-Wan; "I sense a disturbance in the force..."
Okay...sometimes you just can't fix stupid. I mean, it's not as if there is a need for this constant 'hate filled' barrage of worthless and meaningless 'sound off's' from each rank - "US vs Them"...oh wait there's a nice ring to that little statement, isn't there? ;)

So, let me indulge you with a story. A very, very...long story.
A young, carefree, happy girl...
Here is a girl; a lovely, happy, carefree girl. She has spent a good portion of her life behind the camera, working while pulling herself through school and meeting the demands a young actress has on her life; balancing homework and studies, hormone-raging adolescence and work.

She gets a call about a movie, based on a series of young adult books; about a fairy-tale romance, between a 'perfect' immortal boy and a young 'hopeless romantic' mortal girl.

She's in a relationship, but it's not that serious. More like a 'high school' romance, but he's steady and dependable and well, her family like him. So off she goes to meet the 'new' director of the franchise.  A kind, wild and funky 'new age' woman with so many 'ideas' for the movie, the young girl has just signed on for.

She, along with the 'kooky' director, go through several 'potential' actors resumes; all vying for the coveted role of this 'perfect' male specimen. They are most definitely 'easy on the eye' for the infamous role, but can they win the young actresses attention come the time of the 'auditions' at the directors home?

A young, carefree, happy man...
Here is a young man; a fairly carefree and happy man. Except he is going through the motions of his life. Did some work as an actor; starred in two (one of them very briefly) young children's book/franchise movies, receiving a warm response and recognition for the ill fated role. (mostly in the UK) You could also include in there, a mini series that was mainly remembered as a 'Viking' drama fantasy. Or some independent straight to video or never seen 'minor' roles in mini-movies as well. In other words, the UK held no interest in his desire to act. Hence, he was considering his options of whether to stick with it or turn to his other passion - music.

One fine day, he gets a call about a script based on a series of young adult books, but turns his nose up immediately, because he doesn't want to go down that 'book to movie' road again. Looks at the script and tosses it on the 'no thanks' pile.

His thoughts still turn to working in music...believing the acting boat has sailed and left him behind. (or so he thought!)
Sits with a group of friends one night and decides to watch a small budget, independently made movie. Not what you would call your average male 'action hero' drama, but this little group of intellectuals (actors and musicians) who like deep, meaningful books and thought provoking story-lines, so...
Two worlds are about to collide... 

In this movie drama, there is a young, talented 16 year old actress, who captures the young male's immediate attention. She is only in the movie briefly; her role is halfway through the 'real life' story being told. But you can't help feeling that the character she plays, leaves a lasting impression...on the young male.

While the aforementioned young actress sits through some 'quickly whittled down' resumes cluttering the 'kooky' director's desk, the young 'disillusioned' actor gets a call from his agent as she explains that the script, which is most likely buried underneath Pizza boxes, beer bottles and empty cigarette packets, has finally a female lead signed to it and gives gives him her name.

Hold the phone! Is that not the name of the young actress he had just watched in that 'real life, thought provoking' movie. An actress, whose screen presence and acting had piqued his attention, in more ways than one?

When can he leave?
Flying to Los Angeles and crashing on his agent's couch, was the only thing this young 'jaded' actor could do. That and hope he would be good enough in the audition to be taken seriously for the role.

Popping a (product placement) pill with the hope to calm his nerves; the young man arrives at the 'kooky' directors house and is immediately ushered through to the backyard, where he sits and waits his turn for his audition. Smoking like a train (he should really give them up!) To calm his insecure and irrational 'what the f..k am i doing here?' thoughts.

The young girl sees her next 'audition' candidate. Observes how unsettled he is as she bits her nail and turns to her director, mumbling about getting some drinks as she brings them out to the yard - startling the young man with her kindness and generosity. New age wanderer watches from inside the house, the exchange between them.

Notes that this is the first time the fiery young actress, has opened up to any of the potential candidates. Short of a few shy words and reciting over the dialogue and recognises instantly a powerful connection between them. When it comes to the auditioning...
Well, words could not explain the 'chemistry' that flows between the actress and actor. Let's just say the director was amazed how good they 'worked' the various scenes together. Until it came to the bedroom scene that is...
Under a spell?
There was no denying it, they had explosive 'sexual' chemistry. As noted when the young actor fell off the bed during a passionate clinch, between the ah-hem characters and their dialogue.

A plan was coming together...

The young 17 yr old (as the 21 yr old actor had left the house, following a 'we will be in touch' speech and shaking of hands) immediately persisted, that the last actor who auditioned "had to get the role!"
No second thoughts. No recapping over the 'other' potential suitors for her characters affections, oh no! It had to be him and only him. She had found her (character's) perfect love.

An announced via the movie making studio...

Unbeknownst to the actress as she pleaded to the studio suits, that the young 'British' actor simply had to get the role!' The young actor was also putting his carefully worded thoughts across in a letter. Emailing the 'kooky' director, he pleaded earnestly to be 'considered' for the role. Something he had never done before, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

The world; that means all the YA followers. Fans of canon HEA, got to see the 'perfect male' when his face and name was revealed and...well let's just say, there was a revolt.

In their 'forever faithful' bookish minds, they saw something so perfect, so unattainable. So statuesque (we are talking not short of the Roman God-like 'David') to play the role they adored. The role they cherished, the role no other could ever play. Except for 'their' version of a modern day Adonis or Apollo, would suffice! But this young man, this unknown actor (outside the UK)...
This scruffy, unkempt and OMG - he's British! That will not do at all.
His face was posted on the hastily created studio website for the movie and of course, on MTV. (part of little studio's empire) and people flocked to complain of the 'unspeakable crime' the studio was trying to create.

The young actor had dark hair! Dyed black as he had just finished another indie movie. A biopic about a young artist's 'flamboyant life' It would not have been seen in the US, unless you were into eccentric real life dramas. That and to some, he looked as if he has just woken up on a park bench.
This could not be the actor who is playing our darling book character?...Oh, no, no this CANNOT be happening!

Straight away, fans believed they had the power to gain the upper hand, as they 'voiced' their concerns via an online petition to 'get rid of him!'

Meanwhile, the young actress had just finished another 'small movie' of her own and was eager to start on this new one. Eager, because she felt it was going to be special. She hoped for an enjoyable experience; getting underneath another characters skin, with an age status similar to her own. The fans revolt didn't interest her one bit. She had saw beyond the looks and the image, most had dreamt up while reading the books. She had saw right into the heart of the young, intelligence and softly spoken actor, just as he had done the same to her. She knew deep down inside, that everything would be perfect.

Until all hell broke loose...

Hell, as in a torrent of female fans with a few...thousand others, who finally caught a glimpse of the 'perfect male' as he stepped out for the first time during a music awards show. Alongside the young actress -  All coiffured, shaved and tidied up!
The reveal of the 'perfect male' and the 'heroine' of the movie...
As female's fawned and fainted over the sight of the 'young actor' His coveted role got the thumbs up from all who breathed, with oestrogen flowing in their veins - their sights were firmly set on getting to know him.

There was no turning back. A fandom was born, as the females began their campaign of love for the young actor, the young actress became a focal point of their 'scrutinising' attention. Everyone wanted to be her, because she got to kiss and fall in love with the 'perfect male' on screen...


Everyone loves a fairy-tale right? And what better fairy-tale romance, than the romance between the two main leads, who fall in love, on and off screen...

Oh No...

While some of the fans of this soon to be released movie, thought it a lovely idea; "Why, they're perfect for each other, what a lovely thing to happen..." Others thought the complete opposite; 'No, he has to be single, he has to be attainable! He's the main feature of all their wildest dreams! NO, NO, NO!'
Comic Con 2008...
"This can't be true she has a boyfriend! She's in love with her boyfriend...'
The green eye of jealousy swept though 'certain fans' like the flu. Not one of them believed this was possible. The young actress was not dating the young handsome, to die for actor...surely not?'

While his fandom increased ten fold. A young man such as he became the object of desire for many a young, hopelessly-fall-in-love-at-the-drop-of-a-hat - teenager and young adult alike. He also became the cougar town desire of many a bored housewife. Who were sick and tired of picking up after their butt lazy husband/partners and thought he would be a suitable candidate, for their erm...fantasies.

Moving on through a few more movies in the franchise...

Needless to say, my little story has already twists and turns in the plot. We have already established that the young actor and actress met on the set of the 1st of many movies as sparks flew, eyes met and held. Hugs lasted longer than was necessary...and a no holes barred warning from the studio suits, that the young actress who was a fresh faced 17yr old when making the movie (turned 18 half way through it) was 'out of bounds' and he had to 'keep his lustful thoughts and hands to himself!'
closer and closer...
Hmm, that could pose a problem. As with all romance stories, it was simply impossible to stop the train of love, once it had left the station. The young man if you remember, saw the young girl in a movie and thought even then, he wanted to get to know her...a whole lot better.

Angst, forbidden love. Deep rooted crushes and heartfelt thoughts, filled the young man's mind as he tried to fight his feelings or her. The young girl didn't fair much better as she tried to trample the feelings she had for him. Until eventually it was just too impossible to resist.

You just can't stop fate, no matter how much you try.
The young girl knew he had a huge fan-base. Knew there were young girls and women alike out there, who....let's just say disapproved of the 'budding romance' between them. But love has a way of overcoming all obstacles. Such as fan-bases who create blogs, all with one theme in mind 'lustful musings about the young actor, single and for their eyes only!'

A few years go by...and the romance still grows, as does the 'hate level' aimed at this young girl. Silly little people, who would rather invest their time creating lies, stirring trouble for the young man and the girl he chose to be his girlfriend. They refuse to accept that he would settle and fall in love with the first female he sets his eyes on, in the good old US of A. They can't believe he won't set his sights higher on...oh i don't know - blonde models with statuesque bodies. All with hair extensions, acrylic nails. Large chested with no brains, whatsoever!
Perfection captured his heart...
They make up lies about him; entertain the media with their stories of 'hook ups' on the set of his movies. The media in turn, stoke the fires of hate in the fandom by printing these lies, these false allegations. Causing stress, because let's face it. As much as the young girl tries to ignore the hate aimed in her direction, the lies about her boyfriend and his many women, who just so happen to be the complete opposite of her, sometimes become too much to stomach.

Lines of fans eagerly pushing their way to the front of the crowd at his premieres, with hopes of 'getting his attention!' Only to hurl abuse, scream and shout, when he brings 'his girlfriend' to them. As she slips quietly in the back of the theatre to support her 'man's work'

The young man tries to convince the young girl, that she is the only one for him despite the stupid press and stupid fans lying about his commitment...
doubt will always rear it's ugly head. Show-business is full of cheaters and womanisers. Those who simply can't remain faithful to one person, this everyone knows. The lies printed about the young man from spiteful people, who believe that as soon as he goes to shoot a movie, his hotel room and trailer are filled with eager to please fans and some - up-and-coming-but-need-some-attention-actresses. The young girl unfortunately has to put up with this, she knows how hard it is to shoot a movie while missing the one you love the most - she has done it herself.
Distances can be hard on both. Insecurities and jealousy will always niggle at the back of your mind. Stress to work in a cut-throat industry plays havoc with normality; time when you just want to shut the front door, with the hope that all the noise of the outside, will hopefully fade away. With every entertainment news programme, with every glossy, gossip magazine and website - your face, relationship or sexual status is always questioned. You compartmentalise to the point, your life no longer feels or looks like your own. You ignore the hate as much as you can. You ignore the blatant offers from people, who overstep the boundary of being a fan or try to get famous off the back of your success.
You live inside a bubble of protection. But every now and again, the bubble gets stressed and stretched to the point of bursting.

You weaken, you fall, you trust too much. You panic, you stress, you make mistakes...

Real life is not like in the fairy-tales, sometimes there is no Happy Ever After. Sometimes falling in love sucks - big time. It's hard, it's painful, it's time consuming. It's stressful, it's filled with insecurities - 'Why does he want to be with me?' 'Why does she want to be with me?'

People want to interfere, take over and decide what's best for your career. When all you want is the person right in front of you. Not the stress, not the strain. Not the thousands of lust-filled and angry fans, beating a path to your door.
Love can slip through your fingers if you are not careful. If you don't heed the warnings, if you don't see the signs. If you allow fans (strangers) or people who 'want to help you' control what you have. And before you know it, you will loose the greatest thing you have ever wanted in your life...

This young man and this young woman have been through it all. They have acknowledged their successes and became famous names because of their work. They have a steady fan-base of loyal fans and an ever increasing level of hatred, aimed in their direction. There will always be those out there who believe that they have the power to control what they perceive is theirs. (Lusting after the young man)

But when you have faced the possibility of almost losing the one person in your life, who means more to you than your career and the fame that goes with it. Is more important than the fans who admire you for your strengths and weaknesses. People who will one day move on and admire someone else. Or stay loyal, but find more importance in their own lives and less importance in yours...

The love you found, forsaking the warnings and disapprovals, you learn to fight to keep it.

This young girl and young man...who came together for a movie franchise and fell in love.
Theirs is not a fairy-tale - it's real.
The only people who should matter in their romance is not the fans, not the studios. Not the management or teams of suits, who want what's best for them. It's not the thousands of 'hopeful' fans, who hold onto the dream that the young man might suddenly see them as the object of his undying love.

It's them...

No matter what is written, they have survived, they are together. No amount of hate will come between them. Oh it has tried, but it failed and will continue to fail, repeatedly.

The young man (Robert) and the young woman (Kristen) have nothing to prove to anyone. The love they have for each other, is clearly seen on their faces. It's clearly shown in their affection and no matter how many times (hateful) fans or the media try and knock them down, they will just pick themselves right back up again.

Their love DOES have a Happy Ever After. They don't need a fairy godmother to grant them that wish, they're living it.


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