Analyze This...

Get the brooms and mops kiddies, it's time to do some cleaning...
Oh dear...someone left the door open on the 'crazy fandom' Psychiatric wing, and the unstable ones got out!!

Good job I'm in charge of the 'shock therapy' department and all my patients are still accounted for. Although, there are a few here that i may have gone a little over board with the 'treatment' and are presently making a noise, similar to a duck quaking. Hopefully in time it will wear off *fingers crossed*

Every day, this fandom takes itself to a whole new level of bat-shit-craziness. It's bad enough that there are some who are as 'dumb as a box of matches in a firework factory' and believe every single word the gossip media prints. I mean, it's like their Bible; every gossip site that displays the written word is gospel and therefore must be true. I find myself constantly looking at Twilight and the fans that follow it; slightly off-kilter and bordering on 'stark raving mad' as a case study, and trust me my findings are not pretty. The multiple personality disorders some groups display, would have every single institution in the northern and southern hemisphere, bursting at the seams.


And that's not including those, who range from multiple personality disorders to just simply dysfunctional attention seekers. Because they were told it's the end of the world and they want to fuck everyone with a cactus, before it happens. They want to cause as much craziness as they can; their theories are not worth attacking or indeed discussing, because they do it just for the fun of it. Just to annoy people. Why? Their souls were removed and they now resemble brain eating zombies (because they never had a brain to begin with)

When you think about it; half of the fandom who support the movie franchise (not Scummit) support the directors and producers of the movies. Have a nice affiliation with the author of the books and generally support some of the cast, including supporting the two leads. They are a pretty sane bunch of people, they can separate real life from fantasy - book characters from actors.

But the rest...
They sit on the computer behind fake accounts and fire off their hate at an alarming rate. They range from bitter teens to even bitter grown ups - Oh yeah! The worst part of all of this, is that behind every fake account there is an even faker person. P.R (that's Public Relations to you and me) Management consultant, make-up and wardrobe department on any given movie either Rob and Kristen are working on. Friend of a friend, who works at the bars at the awards circuits (LA or NYC) friend of a friend who knows a friend of either Rob or Kristen who loves to tell it how it is...

Hook ups, trial separations, knowing the full details on what went down between Kristen and HWSNBN. Because lol, they work in P.R and know all about it (they need more than a few sessions with a therapist, to come back from that doozy of a split personality)

Haters, they come in abundance. Little hate filled egg accounts on twitter and some actually sound a bit like smelly cheese. Not so stable twentysomething's; who go around trying to make people believe they 'hook up' with Rob every single time he goes to New York - CK aka CandyKisses, otherwise known to the fandom populous as 'horse' *shrugs*

Oh...and let's not forget Robert Pattinson's super secret 'blonde' girlfriend, who also happens to live in New York and allows her wonderful, dedicated and handsome beau, to live in Los Angeles and share a home with his co-star of 5 movies - Kristen Stewart. A woman who shares his life, shares his dogs, shares his hopes and dreams. A woman who is the butt-scorn of every hater in the fandom. Those who desperately cling to the hope, that he will dump her on her little robust ass and take up with them (pick me, pick me!) Are the screams from his 'super fans'
Multiple personalities and how to spot them.

first of all...

emotionally disinterested; these are the kind of people who claim they don't care about anything to do with Twilight or Rob and Kristen. Yet they can name the movies and believe they know more about their personal lives than say, their managers? They get offended if you don't read or listen to their drivel; they start off disinterested (not really caring, tries to make out they have no invested interest) and the moment they believe you are losing interest, will pull out the big guns, by emotionally proclaiming 'oh i know for a fact that ...... is stepping out on ...... my friend knows someone in the industry who has seen it happen. They will make references to knowing nothing about Rob and Kristen's personal circumstances, but in their 'opinion' which basically means - investing too much in wanting people to hear/read their opinion and nothing else.

Next we have...

possessive hysteria; these people spend most of their time chasing a tail they can never catch (metaphorically speaking) Their group is split into two; apprehensive overload and repugnance distraction.

Those who tend to fly into a blind panic when they see or read something they don't like. Turn to the social network and fill their time reading gossip sites, chewing their fingers down to the knuckle as they hunt down people they believe have some kind of 'insider knowledge' for clarification. They also become increasingly apprehensive, when either actor spends any time away or alone from the other. Spilling their worries and concerns to anyone who will listen.

Gnaw away at comment sections on blogs/sites and can be easily swayed by people 'telling it how it is' when really the person knows about as much as they do...possibly even less. They are the type of people who develop a commitment phobia; overload with anxiety as they swing between being a fan/supporter of Rob and Kristen and not really wanting to commit, just in case they get hurt. As if somehow Rob and Kristen are the pendulum that swings between them having a happy life and living miserably, because they believe 'their' life is not as it seems.

The others, they live in a perpetual state of hate. It's not good enough to simply cause a bit of trouble, post up a bit of drama. These individuals have nothing nice or indeed intelligent to say at all. They have one objective; make fun of people who support the actor and actress from the twilight movies or them as a couple. Their repugnance for either Rob or Kristen, gets hysterically louder with each passing day. They hone in on the apprehensive worriers; distraction gives the 'haters' time to niggle away at the insecurities of the worriers, until they get right under the skin.

Then they attack with brute force; laying down claims that Rob is hooking up with people behind Kristen's back and Kristen...well, she is just one little bit of happiness in their shallow hearts. They claim she cheated on Rob with HWSNBN and no amount of 'official statement' will soothe their bitter minds. This group is lead by those who didn't like the idea that Rob was romantically linked with Kristen and now, along with a handful of this next group see it fit to cause a nuisance, because they believe their theories are not far from the truth.

finally i give you...

annihilation constipation; this group believes in taking no prisoners. They believe justice should be done for 'darling Rob' because he was hoodwinked and destroyed by a person he gave his heart to - oh yeah!

They had once described themselves as Kristen supporters, but deep down inside they were actually Rob fans, who tolerated Kristen because he is with her. BUT following the events that happened last summer - hate reared it's ugly head and they took to the social media in scorn and disgust. They didn't want to hear excuses, they didn't believe in anything either camp had put out as a statement. As far as they were concerned annihilation of Kristen became an obsessive need. Those who had once declared they didn't read the gossip sites, where suddenly all over them like a rash, drinking in every single piece of made up story writing as 'well if it's in ..... then it must be true' *huh since when?*

Their constipated need to push their hate down everyone's throats, claiming they just 'couldn't support her anymore' when in reality, they had possibly never even had a relationship outside the realm of 'teenage magazines' and Y.A (young adult) 'fan fiction' Or they live in a perpetual world of wearing their rose coloured spectacles and putting their hands over their ears. As they sing off tune loudly, when they don't want to communicate with the outside world.
There seems to be a lot of people out there, suffering these symptoms. Sadly, the only cure is to 'grow up' and accept that other people's lives are not controlled or dictated by YOU!

The more fake accounts and fake personalities out there, the crazier and more stupid this fandom of Twilight, Twilight cast or Rob and Kristen, gets. There is this 'obsessive need' to try and either claim that Rob and Kristen (Pattinson and Stewart) are a manufactured couple (made solely to pimp out their carers and images - Public Relations style!)

That basically means someone (that would be the person with the P.R status) sits and invents/promotes a relationship for the sake of publicity. Making sure the names and faces of the 'clients' are always seen together; events, public appearances. That includes, premieres of his movies and her movies - respectfully. Photo shoots and nights out at a very 'up market' and 'publicised' restaurant to give maximum exposure to not only the 'clients' but also the restaurant. Because good publicity is good business.
P.R or not P.R?
Turning up at not so trendy eating places or bars. Wearing masks and slipping into a Halloween party. Throwing off the vultures who call themselves 'photographers' whenever they want to go and listen to some live music. Taking holidays in places like the UK; where they can get lost in a sea of people in London. Instead of sunny themselves openly in the likes of Monaco or St. Tropez on a large expensive yacht. In fact, doing the complete opposite of what is required to live solely for the purpose of what makes that excuse laughable. But hey, the personality disorders; disinterested, possessive and constipated seem to believe it to be true.

If you want to live a happy life - stop worrying about the lives of Rob and Kristen and start investing some time in your own. Lord knows it needs it.

Stop reading the drivel that the gossip media puts up. They need the hits to keep themselves in business and the more hits, the more crap they post. You don't live vicariously through their love life and believe when either is away that spells trouble, because either can't commit. You have no right to suggest or demand that the past should be brought up forever, because your life sucks so bad, that forgiveness is something you can't even spell, never mind do...  

Bottom line; it's not your life - it's theirs and they are more secure in their relationship than you seem to be in yours. Or is that the problem, you don't have one. Because you spend every single day trying through bitter words, to make people believe theirs does not exist?
The more people who feel the need to analyze a couple's relationship, the more they will dig their heels in and not give a damn. Your opinions don't count, they never have. As much as you believe that being a fan or a hater - equates to you being heard by don't. That's why they have teams on either side, who filter through all the bullshit and drop little clues every now and again. And if all else fails...

Rob and Kristen ALWAYS end up together, because they are together - got it?
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