I Bet...

*Peaks in to see if the batshit, delusional, OH MY GOD I HOPE KRISTEN VISITS ROB FOR VALENTINES DAY crack pots are away yet?*

They are....excellent....
Nothing like riding the bi-polar roller coaster ride with people hanging by the hinge over Kristen having a good time; living it large with her friends and family, while they judge her for not flying down under, to the sweltering heat in the middle of nowhere OUTBACK!! A place so remote that Rob and his fellow actors are at a camp-site (a more posh and well to do) camp-site than the basic grab a 2 man tent and pitch under the stars...

I would say mobile homes, because the critters and slithery things that are out and about right now would be too dangerous, especially as the humidity is ugh right now at night.
So Valentines Day has been and gone, happy VD to all those who celebrated it with their loved ones, those who sent and received cards or those like me who find the whole commercialism of it all a bit dull and dreary. If you are with your significant other and are happy, every day should be celebrated like Valentines Day. Oh but...but...

You are meant to celebrate it with the one you love, and Rob is in Australia and Kristen is in LA, i mean she was able to celebrate her co-stars 21st!!
All the LOLZ...
seriously dudes you all need to take a deep breath and wind your necks in - honestly. Has no body heard of the social medium like Skype, Face time (for apple users) calling people up to actually talk to them, emails, SMS????

Whether you choose to believe it or not, but i can't imagine Rob and Kristen going a day without communicating with each other somehow. I mean in this modern day and age with so many electronic devices you can communicate on...just because he is in the outback, does not mean Rob is removed completely from society and communication with the outside world - Crocodile Dundee he is not!
THIS is so cute, there are not enough words to describe this adorable scene between Edward (Rob), Bella (Kristen) the stand in bubba (Renesmee) and Charlie (Billy) as the baby decides to chew on Kristen's hair...awww.
The time is almost here, the movie saga is coming to it's end, people are already organising Twilight finale parties, pre-ordering their copies of BD2 and getting the boxes of hankies ready.

We are all getting our bodies ready to hold a copy of the final movie in our sweaty paws to play on repeat for the next couple of months...or maybe longer.
Never mind the negativity from the worry camps, or the hate filled camps or the bullshit camps, let them be with their gnashing and growling at the fact that well, what else can they do, they have no life. Look forward to this year filled with movie projects for both Rob and Kristen (i hear he has only a few weeks left to shoot in Oz, possibly why Kristen has stayed in LA, looking after Bear and Bernie)
I bet she can't wait to get her 'man' home and in her arms again?
I bet she can't wait to have him close; breathe in his scent, roll around in his arms and generally be content just 'being'
I bet she can't wait to hear his tails of his shoot; laugh at his silliness and enjoy their time together.
I bet the dogs have missed him; missed stealing his shoes and socks, his voice when they are doing something naughty, his puppy eyes when he wants to spoil them and Kristen says 'no'
I bet she will be able to celebrate Valentines Day privately; just the two of them (and dogs) with a nice bottle of wine and some chocolates...
Better late than never eh?

It doesn't matter that she couldn't be there to celebrate it with him. It doesn't matter how many miles apart you are from your loved one. The most important thing is being able to pick up a telephone and call, even if it's just to say hello and i am sure Rob and Kristen do that all the time.

Rolling my eyes at the doofus of a fan, who got a few photos of Rob and his sister, while filming in Oz. The fact that Rob asked 'nicely' not to post them up on the 'fans' facebook for a couple a few weeks, giving he and his fellow co-stars time to move on from the area...stupid will be stupid!

Snorting hilarity at the webloid of fan fiction and their latest vomit worthy article, trying desperately like stupid horses to connect Kristen and Jim Sturgess romantically. Yep it's that time again where any man with a pulse will be thrown at Kristen, especially given he has is a Brit actor so while her significant other is away the British and American will play? Dream on love boats, stop getting the haters to write your drivel, there is only so much crayon and rainbow colours i can take from that lunatic fringe.

Have a bullshit free weekend and remember, unless Rob or Kristen announce it to be true, it most definitely 1001% isn't.

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